The Dark Ages - Southern Seas - Act 4 - Skalfier Keep - Fall 4, 56AD

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4 May
The Dark Ages - Southern Seas - Act 4 - Skalfier Keep - Fall 4, 56AD
Dank and dark. That's the impression you're left with as you were unceremoniously deposited into the donjon of the Keep. You were quickly marched away from The Twin Drinks tavern and through the gatehouse, into the inner keep. The Keep itself was quiet, as it was almost mid-night when you were arrested.
Captain Marks escorted you as far as the inner keep. "We'll be talkin' wi' ye tomorrow, boyos. Don't ta sleep in too long!" he chuckles. The guards then led you away, down a set of stairs from the edge of the main hall's outermost wall that twisted a bit as they went down.
You wear leg irons now, but you were left in your clothes. The smell is extremely unpleasant and there isn't a window to tell you what time it is. No torch or light source is in cell you've been left in, although the light from the jail-guard's lantern flickers in, every so often. You can barely make it out through the small window in the iron/wood door, as a faint glimmer can be seen down what appears to be a hallway that leads to your cell.
Dank and dark. Drip, drip, drip, from a crack somewhere in the ceiling. Almost an unearthly, oppressive silence.
What will you do?
4 May
CALLIN: "well that didn't go exactly as planned! Let us hope that the light can shine upon us, even in this dark place." And with that Callin will kneel down and begin to pray, for guidance, perseverance, and hope.
4 May
Callin: Are you also praying to change your spell? or keeping the same one?
5 May
Yes I will pray for Command and Light.
4 May
TAKASHI: "Our intentions were good and honorable, and for now that is enough for me. If our situation changes, we may need to also change our approach - such is life. At least we will sleep with no rain falling on us this night. Sleep well my friends, tomorrow will be here soon."
With that, TAKASHI chuckles and attempts to make himself as comfortable as possible.
6 May
"Too bad I couldn't run faster..." mutters Atacius as he tries to inspect the lock on the cell door.
11 May
CALLIN - As you pray, a warm glow appears in your mind's eye.
"Be at peace, faithful one. You will prevail. Let the Light's word be the command of those you would guide, and let my beacon fill the darkness that you would push back."
ATACIUS - If only you had some sort of tools or lockpicks, you would be able to easily open this door. It's clear this donjon was built long ago, when locks were not sophisticated. At least that is what your fingers and infravision tell you, although it is near cool enough that the lack of heat dampens that sight as well.
Some time later, you hear clanging and grumbling off in the distance. A few moments, you hear voices.
6 May
Graian having got somewhat comfortable and managed some rest is disturbed by the noise. "Even in this hole they do not let you rest" he mutters.
7 May
TAKASHI: "Perhaps those with an eye to justice will be alert this morning. We shall see."
7 May
CALLIN: "Indeed TAKASHI, I pray that justice will be served this day. The Light demands it." At that point CALLIN will do his best to focus on listening to the voices to see if he can make out what they are saying.
"Hmm, someone else is being brought in - sounds like they have been questioning him and don't like his answers", Graian says in a low voice
11 May
Oliphas would also like to attempt to pray in this godforsaken doungeon, changing his prepared spells to faeiry fire and Speak with animals
11 May
The voices come closer now, and the door slams open to your cell. Two men stand, one with a bucket and slop spoon, the other with a crossbow. There is a third guard behind, hulking with a large sword in his hand and a torch.
"So ye are hungry?" the one with the bucket jeers. "Be wantin' some grub, are ye?"
The one with the crossbow laughs. "Give 'em the goods... the Cappin, he says be careful of these'ins."
The first one nods. "Aye." and tosses the bucket into the cell and backs away. The third slams the door shut and they peer at you from the window.
11 May
TAKASH looks at the bucket, and the questionable content therein. "Good thing we were able to eat last night before they put us here. I'm not hungry enough yet to eat that slop."
12 May
Graian looks and comments "Well I guess they intend to starve us into submission, or death by dehydration"
12 May
"Do not Fret Graian. This will not be our demise. We shall give them time to clear our names, and if they fail to see the Light, then the Light shall set us free" A slight smirk comes across Callin's face as he says the words. Seeming to gain a bit of Confidence and Satisfaction simply saying them out loud.
12 May
"There isn't any light coming anytime soon, at least not until they want to question you or worse, give you more of the bucket..." comes a voice floating in the darkness. It's muffled and seems to be coming from beyond the door.
12 May
TAKASHI: "What's in the bucket, friend. And what unfortunate circumstance makes you our neighbor this morning?"
13 May
"Whatever they don't want to eat from the keep's kitchen. What is the date? I've been here since near the end of Summer. Can only kinda tell the days from the guards, although sometimes they'll skip a day or two of our sumptuous dining experiences. As for why I'm here... let's just say I found out something that nobody wants known."
13 May
ATACIUS: "Maybe you'd like to share it with us, just in case you don't see the light. We also might have found something that someone wants to keep unknown."
13 May
The voice chuckles "Aye, and I might give ye my key to my box at the bank as well, right? Let's just say that I didn't make the right friends or follow the right directions. And for that, I'm treated to the best that the Captain has to offer. And you've not answered my question... what is the date?"
13 May
ATACIUS: "Ha! Haven't lost your sense of humor despite the conditions. It's the fourth day of Fall I think. We've answered your question, answer this for us. What can you tell us about Delmonte?
13 May
"That's about the only thing I have left worth having in this hell hole, my friend." the voice replies. "Ah, it has been almost two fortnights that I've been here. Not a fun time, not at all."
The voice pauses. "That's... an interesting question. Delmonte is a feared brigand, a man who seems to have his boot near the throat of Skalfier. Many are figuring him to be the new strong man of the area. Others see him as a common criminal. To oppose him is to invite a knife to the throat in the dark of night. To join him... who knows what happens. Why do ye ask?"
13 May
TAKASHI: "I hope you don't mind a fairly lengthy story, but I guess none of us are going anywhere soon...
All of us in this cell were new to the area as of a few days ago. We signed up for caravan guard duty, going from the Keep to Skalfier. There's not too much going on around here, and Skalfier seemed as good a place as any, so why not travel in a group and receive some coin at the same time?
Unfortunately, a local, Greenweeve, set up an ambush and warned us to stay out of it if we wished to survive. All of us stayed alert during our shift, hoping to thwart the ambush, but nothing happened. The cretin struck shortly before dawn, and came armed with a sorcerer that bewitched us into a deep sleep.
We awoke blindfolded and bound, to the screams of the wounded and dieing all about us. I managed to free myself and then my cellmates, but it was all for naught. The merchant died shortly after speaking his last words, and we found incriminating papers planted in our belongings.
We surprised a lon guard who was in on the ambush, and was not prepared for us to be free and anxious to defend ourselves. He didn't survive long enough to spill any information, unfortunately - only his blood.
So we then decided to trek back here and let the officials know what is going on. And so far, this is our only reward."
13 May
The voice is silent while Takashi speaks and for a few moments after.
"That's quite a yarn ye've woven there, my friend. And ye are brave to be speakin' so honestly to a voice in the dark. Especially when we've only just met. Er... heard each other." the voice chuckles.
"Still, if what ye say is true, and I have no doubt of that, because only the extremely brave or the extremely foolish would speak so plainly as ye in the dark dungeon here... it being true, then we are on the same docket. For I too am here because our host and his minions did not like me pokin' around. 'Specially when I figgered out that Delmonte was workin' from the inside. I just didn't know the Captain was in on it."
The voice sighs.
13 May
Graian ponders for a moment over the news that the stranger had found out that Delmonte had accomplices on the inside, "Interesting point my friend, how did you figure that Delmonte has the Captain in his pocket? Another question, how is it known that Delmonte is behind all of the attacks? Something does not add up, everyone in our caravan is killed but us and we are left with incriminating evidence in our belongings to look as though we belong to Delmonte. Why would Delmonte do that?"
13 May
"Hm. To answer that question, let me ask you this. Are you in service to any of the Marshalls, Lords, the Emperor, Skalfier Town Council or Merchant's Guild?"
14 May
"Other than being hired as a guard for the caravan, no" replies Graian
14 May
"Is that true for all of you?" the voice asks.
14 May
TAKASHI: "Aye. I am newly arrived from the East, and know none here better than those in this cell with me."
14 May
CALLIN: "Indeed we are all new to the area. And have no ties. It seems the perfect scapegoats...." Callin trails off.
14 May
There's a long pause.
"I work for ... some people who are affected by Delmonte. He's been a small concern before, but recently, he's become... more organized than usual. Stepping up his robberies and attacks. The losses in materials and monies is not trivial."
"It was easy enough to figure out that the caravans were obviously set up. Especially with the guard presence, but we didn't know who was organizing this. To have guards go off, disappear for awhile, then return at a later time. To know what goods are in what caravan. It took awhile, but the clues were there. I just didn't know how far up it went. I fell under the gaze of Grenweeve and found meself enjoying the hospitality of the Keep. The fact that you've found out it was the Captain who organizes this now fills in the final pieces."
"If I were to hazard a guess, I think the fact that Grenweeve found me poking around may have made him nervous. What he wanted with ye, though... "
14 May
"I think it is about time to show them that the Light has not yet left this land. I think it is time for us to go." Callin says quietly so only his friends can hear him, his voice hardening a bit. "ATACIUS, can you remove the leg irons that hold us?"
14 May
TAKASHI whispers so that those in the cell can hear him, but not the stranger. "I think we may want to take our new friend with us as well. He may know people who could help with this situation. What do you all think?"
14 May
Oliphas emerges from his prayers and looks at Takashi: "While I'm reluctant to include anyone else in our little band, especially one whom we know little about and is so vague in regards to his employer and therefore his potential motives, I do believe we need all the help we can get. It's my opinion that we take him along, but we do not trust him. It may be worth devising some way, magical or otherwise, to ensure his cooperation and trustworthiness before truly accepting him or his aid.
14 May
(This is also said in a lowered voice so as to not allow our neighbor to listen in)
15 May
ATACIUS sighs at Callin's request. "If only I have some tool to work with boss, we'd be out of here just like this." *snaps fingers*
15 May
ATACIUS "So, Mr. Voice in the dark, do you have a name?"
15 May
"I am called Marceau [DM NOTE: it sounds like Mar-sew, but I can't bring myself to type it that badly...] and I am originally from the Middle Kingdoms before I ended up in this gods-forsaken back-end of the known lands. And you all are... ?"
15 May
TAKASHI: "I am Takashi, from the eastern lands. I leave one part of the kingdom in a lawless state, only to find that this part seems almost as bad."
16 May
"I am the Elf Graian, I was hoping to meet more of my kind in Skalfier, unfortunately I find myself in this somewhat vexing predicament".
18 May
"Indeed, a vexing predicament as the Elf has to accurately put it. Fortunately, there might be a solution, but it requires some law breaking. If any of you are able to somehow "persuade" the guards to give up their keys, we might be able to make an escape. The good news is that as long as we can avoid the guards and the Captain, officially, we're probably not going to be outlaws. The bad news is the guards and the Captain will probably just want to make us dead."
18 May
"Marceau, I was indeed traveling along this same trail of thought. I am Callin, and I think I might have a way to make that happen". Callin pauses for dramatic effect, then continues. "I could flood this darkness with light when the guards approch for rounds, and make a ruckess to get them to enter to see what is going on. When they enter I am certain that I can convince the guard to see the Light, and give us the keys to our escape." Callin looks around the room at his companions, attempting to judge their feelings based on their faces..."What do you think Gentlemen.....Are we ready to leave this place?"
18 May
"Ah. Now, see, that is unfortunately what I didn't have... the ability to make magic. However, I do have something you might need... knowledge of which turns to take and which doors to use to get our quickest way out of here. If you're interested in also freeing me, that is..."
18 May
" I am certainly ready to leave this place, there is also a matter of collecting our belongings on the way out, I am somewhat lost without them. Marceau, do you know where they might be kept and can we get to them?" Graian asks
18 May
"Hmm.... I have an idea, but they may also have been ... "liberated" ... by now, unfortunately. We'll see, as the place I think they would be kept are on the way out... but the bad news for that is that it will be the Captain's office."
18 May
TAKASHI: "Yes, without the knowledge of this place that you have, I think we would be quite lost. You also seem to have a better grasp on the local politics, which would benefit us as well. I'll await Callin's ruckus and be ready to lend my weight to the effort."
18 May
CALLIN will try and time his casting of Light with when the guards seems to make a sweep of the jail cells. As the Light floods the room Callin will say in a Loud but hushed sounding tone. "Yes quckly pull that brick free and we will be on our way out of this cursed place"
Ruckus started!
19 May
ATACIUS will grab the bucket of grub and stand next to the door, ready to use it against any guard not willing to see the Light.
19 May
TAKASHI will try and position himself to the other side of the door, opposite ATACIUS. He looks to ATACIUS and says, "I'll go high, you go low." With a wicked grin, he readies himself for action.
19 May
GRAIAN will place himself opposite the door to add to the distraction and be in a position to aid in the fight
19 May
Callin will have his back to the door across the room; to attempt to lure the guard closer into the room. Although he will be keeping an eye on the door.
19 May
A mischievous grin illuminates the face of the littleling as he nods to Takashi.
19 May
The waiting... it seems forever until you all hear sounds of what seems to be doors opening. You hear the sounds of footsteps and now, because you all are no doubt straining to hear, you hear the conversation with what probably are the guards and Marceau.
"Ah, ye won' hae much longer, boyo... Cappin', he be dealin' wi' ye and the new wunz all da same time." a voice leers.
"Joy." Marceau replies. "Just when I was getting used to the lavish surroundings."
"Ye won' be so smart soon." another voice chuckles. "Fact, we 'cided not ta feed ye, why waste good slop on the condemned?"
Marceau doesn't respond, and after a few more choice phrases, the footsteps come closer to your door. The glow of a torch can be seen through the small window in the door and the key rattles as it unlocks your cell...
19 May
Callin, makes the above ruckus, and says what he said above, now that he knows the guards are within earshot/sight of the light!:
CALLIN will try and time his casting of Light with when the guards seems to make a sweep of the jail cells. As the Light floods the room Callin will say in a Loud but hushed sounding tone. "Yes quckly pull that brick free and we will be on our way out of this cursed place"
Ruckus started!
20 May
The guards yell out in alarm and charge into the room, pulling out clubs, or balling up fists. There are three of them.
Atacius and Takashi, poised by the door, rush their opponents and slam them into each other, causing both to slump to the floor. Whether it was timing or just good luck, however, the last guard sees Graian out the corner of his eye and pushes Graian away from him and backs up, swinging his club out. He sees his other two companions slumped to the ground and ...
"Well, boyos... ye seem to be takin' the upper hand 'ere... what say we haz a bit o' chatsie 'ere 'n we don't get 'urt more..."
20 May
// Which of the guards has the keys? one of them slumped on the floor? And the one that is still up, is he out of reach of us if he went down where he is?
20 May
You'll have to search them to see who has the key. Or ask the one that is still (for now) awake and talking. No, not really, he's at the door of the cell, appearing ready to back up.
20 May
TAKASHI: "Drop your weapon now and we talk. Or, the second option is that you keep your weapon and then suffer far worse than your two associates here. I have not been treated well since arriving here, despite my honest nature, and am looking for a bit of payback right about now."
20 May
CALLIN: Sick of the darkness poisoning this area and the people in it decides it is best to smash the darkness with the light. Once again he calls upon the power of the Light to shatter the darkness. Looking at the remaining guard and willing the power of Light through his voice. "SLEEP!" //Casting Command
20 May
GRAIAN: Rising back to his feet Graian starts to search the unconscious guards.
21 May
ATACIUS will help Graian.
21 May
The guard's eyes widen as Callin's eyes and hands glow an unearthly white, then he falls face forward and lands with a *thud.*
Graian finds a huge set of keys and after some fumbling, the right key is found for your leg chains.
"Well... it sounds like you are having fun over there." you hear Marceau say. "I hope that you will consider putting them in the same predicament that you were in."
21 May
TAKASHI will remove his leg irons, then attach them to the closest guard's legs.
TAKASHI: "Let's give them a taste of their own medicine, eh Marceau. I like how you think..."
Once all of them have been secured, he will urge his comrades to hurry, and free Marceau as well.
21 May
CALLIN will remove his leg Irons as well.
CALLIN: "Should we gag them to give us more time to make an esacpe unnoticed?" Callin says as he picks up the guards club and twirls it a bit.. "It's no Hammer, but then again not every problem is a nail!"
22 May
After the group is free Graian takes the keys and goes to release Marceau "Yes, gag them, make sure they cannot make any noise".
22 May
Once free ATACIUS will make sure the guards are all in chains and gagged. He'll also search them for any valuables and take their clubs. One for Takashi, one for Callin and the other for Graian or Marceau. He'll take the guard's belts and the bucket. Maybe they'll come handy later.
22 May
The best way to gag them is with what passes for belts, so we'll go with that. You however, are the proud owner of one slop bucket. :)
26 May
When Graian opens the cell door for Marceau, a very thin, pale man stands up. In the torchlight, he seems unsteady but he has a big smile.
"Ye are almost a beautiful enough sight to kiss, but I'll be kind ta ye and not do so." Marceau says. Once unlocked from his leg irons, he unsteadily crouches and stands a few times. He follows you out of the cell and back to your cell.
"Well done, me friends, well done. And the belts in the mouth, nice touch." he chuckles.
"So.. these boyos will be the main guards to the donjon and their storeroom, where I hope yer items are kept. If not, we will hae a harder time of it. As the Captains office will be nearer to the barracks. We would need to somehow look like we belonged there. Then it's just a matter of making our way out o' the barracks and out o' the Keep. And for that, I am hoping a little bird will be still around."
26 May
CALLIN: Noods to the man after he gets his bearings. "Well then Marceau, by all means guide us, so we might leave this place."
26 May
TAKASHI: "Should we borrow their garb so as to look like guards?"
26 May
ATACIUS: "Takashi, Callin and Graian could pass as guards while Marceau and myself as prisoners."
27 May
Graian looks at the bound guards "May work, worth a try" he proceeds to relieve the smaller of the guards of his garb and attempts to look like he belongs.... an interesting concept for an Elf. "I will stay at the back and in the shadows as much as I can".
27 May
Marceau nods. "Good, that may just work. Graian, ye can wear one of the helmets that are probably in the storeroom. And try not to inhale through your nose too much. Those rags they were wearing are ... "
"Now, when we leave this level, we will be in the main hall of the guards' barracks. It will be busy. We will need to cross the hall to the outside door. If we need to go to the Captain's office, we'll need to move to the right, then through a door. If the Captain is there, we may need to subdue him, quickly. As I don't know what the hour is of the day."
"Thoughts, me friends?"
27 May
ATACIUS: "Is there usually a guard at the Captain's room? We need to move around with confidence. Don't let anyone stop us. Once at the Captain's tell the guard, if any, to bugger off. That the Cap wants to interrogate the prisoners."
"Once inside, we come down hard and fast on him. He can't raise the alarm."
27 May
TAKASHI: "Alright then, let's get this rolling!"
27 May
CALLIN: "Ready when the rest of you are"
27 May
You make your way down the hall and around a corner to a larger room, where it appears the jailer slept and maintained his office. It's a mess with garbage, bits of food and debris, a pig (yes, a real pig) tied to a support column. There are two doors. Marceau points to one of them. "That is the storage locker for the jailer. The other leads up to the barracks main hall."
27 May
TAKASHI: "Let's check the storage locker for our equipment first, and hope that it is all there!"
27 May
ATACIUS: "It'll probably be locked. Check the keys we took from the guards. We can't wear our stuff or we'll blow our disguise. Let's just take it in sacks or whatever we find."
27 May
CALLIN: Will move to the door and check to see if it is locked. If it is then he will go through the keys to try and open the door
28 May
It is not locked.
28 May
CALLIN will open the door to the store room and look inside. Hopefully finding our gear!
27 May
GRAIAN: Moves to the other door to listen for signs of activity
28 May
There are the sounds you would expect to hear from what sounds like a barracks hall.
29 May
"OK, don't be too long, nothing unusual, but lots of activity, the sooner we get out of here the better", Graian tells the rest of the party
29 May
ATACIUS: "Grab your gear in sacks and let's go."
Atacius will grab a dagger or knife, if any, and hide up his sleeve.
29 May
TAKASHI will grab his axe, then make sure the rest of his gear is gathered and then exit.
29 May
Well, you open the storeroom and... well... it's rather gross. There are some barrels and crates that have foul odors, stains and liquids seeping from them. Various pieces of equipment and gear are scattered about. Your packs and gear are there... except... Takashi's splint armor, battleaxe; Callin's Hammer, Warhammer and Chainmail; Graian's spellbook. Those items are missing from what is in the storeroom.
Marceau grabs two available daggers, rusted looking but serviceable. "Does everyone have everything?" he asks.
29 May
TAKASHI: "My axe and armor aren't here, and without them I am not much of a fighter. Can we retrieve them?"
29 May
CALLIN: Sighs relief as his picks up his necklace of "the Light". "Do not worry my friend. All will be well. You are a good sole, and it is what is in your Heart that makes you a fighter, not the wood and steel at your side. Perhaps the Captain thought our equipment to be to his liking. Shall we attempt to retrieve it?"
29 May
"Well my spellbook is missing, without that I am a little limited in what I can do, guess we have to search some more" Graian says with distate as he gathers the rest of his belongings
30 May
ATACIUS will follow Marceau and get a dagger.
1 Jun
Marceau nods. "Well, since ye have things ye need, we'll pay the Cappin' a visit. Are ye all ready? Who's the prisoners and who's the smelly gents?"
1 Jun
ATACIUS: "You and me will play the prisoners. Not that we haven't been there before. Ha!"
1 Jun
Before leaving, TAKASHI will arm himself with a club.
1 Jun
CALLIN also ensures a Club is in hand. "Let's go gather what is rightfully ours!"
3 Jun
Graian picks up his staff,
3 Jun
Marceau nods and watches as Callin, Graian and Takashi don the clothing of the jailers. They smell very bad, and look worse, but to everyone's eye, they look reasonably similar, as long as no one looks too closely.
When the door is opened, there are a short set of stairs leading up to the main barracks hall. The time of day appears to be morning, given the food that is being served - and I can only imagine the reaction that you would have to it after having been in the dungeon for some number of days. You're pretty sure you can hear Marceau's stomach growling.
More importantly, there appears to be about 20 or so assorted individuals scattered about, eating, talking, doing things that military/security folks do in their barracks. For sake of argument, we'll say you come up in the south-east corner of the hall, on the east wall. The main doors appear to be to in the middle of the south wall. There are three doors on the west wall. There is a huge fireplace in the north wall. There are about 5 tables set in various areas in the middle of the hall. It's rectangular, maybe 30 to 40 feet wide (east/west) and 60 to 80 feet long (north/south).
Marcea nods to the north-west corner. "There's our destination." he whispers. There doesn't appear to be anyone near that door.
What will you do?
5 Jun
CALLIN will march towards the door guiding Marceau with him. He will look to TAKASHI and give his best guard impersonation "Get da door will ya" CALLIN feels as dirty on the Inside as he looks on the outside for using such horrible grammer!
3 Jun
TAKASHI will make his way northwards along the eastern wall, and then head West along the northern wall towards the door in the northwest. He will stride confidently, acting as if he belongs here and keeping his eyes focused on his goal - the door in the northwest corner.
4 Jun
ATACIUS will play his role as a prisoner and move along.
4 Jun
GRAIAN will walk behind Atacius and keep him in line.
(For those of you familiar with the Main hall of the Palace of Kings in Skyrim, the layout of the guards' barracks Main Hall will look awfully familiar, complete with you coming up in the SE corner as was the stairs leading down to the "Bloodworks" and the Captain's quarters being the same room as the "War Room").
8 Jun
It's possible that it is just the morning mood, or that nobody wants to associate themselves with the ripe smell that is coming from the 3 of you who are marching the other 3 (remember that Oliphas is part of this...) but you make it up the eastern wall and along the northern wall without anyone saying anything to you.
You are now at the Captain's door. Nobody is guarding the door. What will you do?
8 Jun
TAKASHI will approach the door and attempt to open it, acting as if he has been summoned by the captain.
8 Jun
CALLIN stands behind holding Marceau, waiting for the door to be opened.
8 Jun
GRAIAN holds Atacius for the sake of appearances "Time for some fun.... just remember it is me that has hold of you and not the Guard", he murmurs to Atacius
9 Jun
"Ha! Don't worry, you won't be on the pointy end of the dagger." ATACIUS whispers back.
9 Jun
TAKASHI opens the door and strides on it, acting out the role of a jailer bringing prisoners to the Captain. The room is small and very cluttered. It looks as if someone has been storing crates, barrels and sacks here, and haphazardly going through them. Several are open, but others seemed stacked almost in haste.
Many empty bottles of wine or liquor lie across the floor. Several rolls of silk are shoved into a corner, but their bright colors catch your eye from the sun that shines in through a window high up in the room.
Heaped on what appears to be a desk is Takashi's splint armor and battleaxe; Callin's Hammer, Warhammer and Chainmail; and Graian's spellbook.
Marceau takes a look around the room and then motions for one of you to shut the door.
He whistles slowly. "Every man, elf and littleling has their price. It seems the Captain's is to have a taste of the good life, aye?"
9 Jun
TAKASHI smiles as he sees his items prominently placed on a desk. "At least the Captain has good tastes", he grunts. Looking at the window above, he adds, "and that might be our way out of this place! Atacius, think you could take a look out that window and let us know if it is a viable escape route?"
10 Jun
The window is easily within Atacius's ability to climb up and look at. It appears to look straight at a wall walk, probably one of the main walls of the castle/keep.
9 Jun
GRAIAN closes the door and moves to gather his spellbook, looking through it to make sure none of his work has been tampered with.
10 Jun
ATACIUS: "Let's get our stuff in sacks and leave the place."
He'll give a quick search on the Captain's desk to see if he finds something hidden (i.e. double bottom drawer) or locked.
10 Jun
TAKASHI: "We could try to go out the window, but that might look more suspicious and be louder than just walking out the front door. What do all of you think?"
10 Jun
ATACIUS: "Marceau, where do they usually take prisoners from the keep to?"
10 Jun
CALLIN: "Would it be suspicious if we walked out of the Captain's Office Lugging a bunch of extra gear? Perhaps we sent ATACIUS and Marceau out the window with our gear and we exit out as standard guards out the front door?"
10 Jun
TAKASHI: "But what about the noise of the window breaking?"
10 Jun
CALLIN: "That would be a problem. How do you suggest we hide our armor? Slip them in bags and attempt to walk out with them? Or should we arm ourselves with our gear, do our best to blend in with it and make a break for it?
11 Jun
ATACIUS:"Nobody here wears that kind of armor, so it'll be hard to blen in. We put it in sacks and if anyone asks, tell'em to bugger off, we're under Captain's orders and keep moving."
11 Jun
MARCEAU answers: "Either back down to the lovely dwellings below, or outside to be executed. I'm not sure I've seen anyone freed, although it is possible, I suppose. We've made it this far with the sacks we have already. But I'm only a guide to get you out of here, if you decide the window, then out the window we go. If you want to keep up the charade till we are safely elsewhere, then that's fine as well. If we go out the front door, turn to the left and follow the edge of the building."
11 Jun
TAKASHI: "Lets just bag it up and be on our way out the front door. I'm tempted to fire this whole room to prevent these ill gotten gains from enriching the Captain, but perhaps we will have a chance to deal with him and Greenweeve in the future."
11 Jun
CALLIN: "Perhaps a fire isn't a bad thing....set it small, and as it grows we might be able to slip out in the confusion!"
11 Jun
GRAIAN: "I like the idea of a fire, it will cause some distraction and provides some pain for the Captain".
12 Jun
MARCEAU: So, what's the plan, gentlemen... I don't want to be here when the Captain arrives, if ye get me drift...
12 Jun
ATACIUS: "Let's keep the charade going. Get a rope so it'll look we're going to be hanged?"
12 Jun
MARCEAU: Executions are big entertainment here. I'm sure that would attract attention.
12 Jun
ATACIUS: "Humans and their barbaric amusements. Well then, no rope, we'll be a rare case of being set free. Let's get going. Oliphas, got that fire ready?"
12 Jun
TAKASHI (after gathering his equipment) will try and pile the flamable objects around the Captain's desk (did ATACIUS find anything hidden?), to provide a nice pile of tinder.
15 Jun
(GM NOTE: Did you ask him? :) )
14 Jun
GRAIAN "OK. everyone have their stuff, time to leave!"
15 Jun
CALLIN Gathers his gear and gets ready to head out.
15 Jun
As Atacius hops down from the window and looks at something on the desk, Graian, Takashi and Oliphas pile up packing, papers and other flammable-looking items around the table and Oliphas gets the fire started.
Marceau peeks out the door and motions you all when it looks clear enough to leave. The five of you, with sacks and items hidden as much as possible head out down the west wall towards to the southern doors and freedom... except that right as you reach the door, one of the guards coming in looks at you all.
"Good morn! And where ye be takin' these lot 'o thugs, Jack?"
15 Jun
CALLIN: "Cap'n Says these BOYOS know somefin about a hideout for some O' Delmote's. Sent us to to find it and report back. Issue is it's a maze o tunnles so we need these BOYOS to get through it"
17 Jun
"Aha! Dat would be a good turn... and if ye can lose these sorry louts in those mazes when ye find what ye're lookin' for, all the better, aye?" the guard chuckles and leers.
Just as he's about to say something else, a cry is heard behind you. "FIRE!" someone shouts. The guard curses and runs past you, allowing you to exit.
"Now, to the left and steplively!" Marceau whispers as you exit.
17 Jun
CALLIN moves to the left quickly exiting during the surprise!
18 Jun
ATACIUS follows keeping his head down to hide his smile.
19 Jun
TAKASHI grins and mutters under his breath, "I wonder what could cause all the commotion?"
18 Jun
GRAIAN follows,, checking there are no inquisitive eyes watching them depart.
18 Jun
The Skalfier Keep is a similar style to most of the keeps built by the King's Forces in the century or two previous to the Doom. The guards barracks is in the upper right of this picture. Marceau takes you to the corner that is the SE corner of the building. There are a couple of trees there, funny enough, and you see him grab a pack that was very expertly hidden among the branches, out of sight to all but the trained eye. He rifles through it, grabs a cloak and a belt with a wicked looking dagger, which he quickly dons. With a satisfied nod, he finally smiles.
"Right, then, ye should ditch the prisoner garb and become "yeselves" and pray that luck is still with us. We probably won't get out of the keep as prisoners, or ye might... but with the hububb ye've caused, the guards may be less likely to care. We have ta go down into the main causeway and out the gate... and pray to your Light and whatever gods you might believe in that luck is with us."
18 Jun
CALLIN quickly discards the guard clothes to don his regular attire from the pack slung over his back. "Fret not Marceau, the Light is always with us. Even in the darkest of hours, it shines bright. When in doubt only look inside yourself to find it burning bright" CALLIN smiles as he thinks about what he just said.
18 Jun
GRAIAN removes the guards outfit, glad to be rid of the stinking rags, and gladly becomes himself "Ugh, how do they live with themselves" he says to nobody in particular.
18 Jun
"Some of us try, but I know how much the human pheromes irritate the elvish kind." Marceau answers in perfect elven. He even has a northern coast accent.
19 Jun
GRAIAN stops and looks at Marceau "When did you learn to speak Elven so well?"
19 Jun
Marceau smiles at Graian. "One in my profession learns a great many skills."
19 Jun
ATACIUS couldn't help to chuckle at the comment. :)
19 Jun
TAKASHI will also remove the guard clothers and don his own. "Much better, if I do say so myself!"
19 Jun
ATACIUS: "Enough of the boyo thing, let's get outta here! We have some payback to plan."
19 Jun
MARCEAU nods. "Agreed... but let's do the planning once we get to the outskirts of the Keep. An associate of mine should have a horse or two."
With that, he begins walking towards a downward slope that is to the south-west of you that leads to the front gate.
There is much commotion throughout the keep and a water brigade has started from the well (which is on the west side of the keep) to the guard barracks. This has served you well, as there is only one guard at the keep's main gate and his attention is to figuring out how goes the fire fighting, so he barely gives you a glance as you exit. It is easy enough to see that Marceau is taking great pains to guide you on a path that takes you away from groups of people but appears to be heading towards the southern end of the group of buildings, away from where the caravans load.
Eventually, he reaches a hut and holds up his hand for you to wait. He enters. A few minutes pass, and he emerges from the hut, with a lovely raven-haired woman following him.
"Two horses are behind here. When you get to Skalfier, let Johann know I'll be delayed." she says. Marceau nods and looks at you all.
"Are you interested in taking a trip to Skalfier with me? I think my employers might be interested in some resourceful gentlemen... and company along the road to Skalfier is always welcome, especially now."
19 Jun
ATACIUS: "I'm in!"
19 Jun
CALLIN: "It seems the Light has brought us together. Something we should not ignore."
19 Jun
TAKASHI: "I, too, will go to Skalfier. It must be better than this nest of vipers and vermin. I wonder though, once they have discovered our escape, will they look for us in Skalfier?"
20 Jun
MARCEAU: "I've given that a bit o' thought while we were walking out. As this was related to the Captain's illegal activities, he can't raise an official alarm without some uncomfortable questions. Depending on his deal with Delmonte, there could be someone sent with questions, especially with yer dramatic.. escape, but I think that there might be some wound licking and wary looks about instead."
"Still... I wouldn't make the Keep one of yer regular stops for the short term." he chuckles. "And ... my employers would have something for him and his associates as well. Considering that he's affected them."
19 Jun
ATACIUS "Let them try, we'll be ready this time..."
20 Jun
GRAIAN: "I was heading there anyway, given recent experiences the company would be welcome. Who are yoour employers Marceau?"
21 Jun
As you all walk around the raven-haired woman's hut, Marceau nods at Graian's question.
Two hackney's (riding/pack horses) are in a small paddock behind the hut. Marceau motions you all to put your things on one of the horses and dresses the other with saddle and bags. "We'll all switch between riding and walking" he comments.
It is late morning as you leave the area of Skalfier Keep. Marceau takes you roughly parallel to the caravan track but not directly on it.
"Now, to your question, Prestigitator? Or Evoker Graian? My employers are a group of men and women in Skalfier who are concerned that the King's Legions and nobles are not able to live up to their duties. In times past, my employers have been mainly concerned with the safe commerce, as permitted by the King, but in some times and places... we've grown to more. I am speaking of the Merchants' Guild."
22 Jun
TAKASHI: "Understandable - without the free flow of goods throughout the kingdom, their livelihood would become endangered. Now, with the distances between nobles, perhaps they see an opportunity to seize more power and control for themselves."
23 Jun
CALLIN: "It sounds as if the nobles have forgoten their duty to this land. It is always good when someone is willing to step up when the time arises. The world can be a very dark place. It is our duty to shine the Light upon it. If that is the goal of the Merchants' Guild, then you have my support."
24 Jun
Marceau chuckles at Callin's words. "No offense, my friend, but the Merchants' Guild is a reflection of its members. Mercantilism and commerce typically aren't worried about their duty to land and Man, as much as they are to the pouches and purses of themselves. That being said, I believe our Marshall to be a good man, but kept in the dark. So to use your analogy, the Merchant's Guild may be the shining light to open his eyes. We'll see."
23 Jun
GRAIAN "You humans really should learn to live with each other in a less complicated way, while this is not my fight it seems we are in this together. I will support what looks to be the correction of a wrongdoing".
24 Jun
(We will close out this Act and go into Act 5 - your trip from the Keep to Skalfier!)