Southern Seas - Act 22 - The Island of Ramathia

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20 Mar
Southern Seas - Act 22 - The Island of Ramathia
45th Day of Summer, 57 AD
The boats are ready and supplies loaded, but the early morning launch is delayed with a squall that rolls in suddenly from behind the island and over the ships. Several of the younger sailors cluck their tongues and talk superstitiously about omens and bad starts. The winds whip around the masts and everyone takes shelter in the hold or under canvases to wait out the storm. Soon enough, by midday, the storm has blown past and preparations continue.
The boats are launched and those going ashore clamber down nets to the smaller boats which bob and sway in the waves. The sailors grab oars at the edge and wait. The Captains salute the boats and those within and the launches set off!
As you get closer to the island, you hear the raucous call of birds and animals within the thick forest. The sandy beaches gleam a bright white in the Sun. The waters themselves are a clear blue and you can catch glimpses of fish, snakes and even crustaceans crawling around. The oars dip into the waters and pull the boats closer and closer. The landing point is at a place where the city ruins themselves are not visible, but as the waves rise and fall, you can see glimpses of the spires of the towers beyond the dense canopy.
With a sliding crunch, the boats land! Shaiman waits for the oars to be drawn in and holds out a hand to Eraiel, who gingerly rises and steps out of the boat. His feet settle into the sand and he looks around, a curious and somber look on his face. He whispers something in a dialect of Elven that GRAIAN, you cannot understand.
"We have returned and may the secrets we find bring us closer to our lost Home!" Shaiman booms out loud. Eraiel looks at Shaiman with a hollow glance, but quickly goes back to his usual meditative mein.
With a "huzzah!", the sailors and elves leap from the boats and begin unloading supplies. Soon enough, the launches are empty and the sailors set to return to the ships to retrieve more supplies. Shaiman and other elves begin to organize raising the tents, marking out a camp and sending out details to collect wood and seek out fresh water. All are cautioned to not chop down trees or disturb the nature too much before the mages and druids have had a chance to understand their surroundings.
20 Mar
What would you like to do?
20 Mar
ATACIUS: "Ah, feels good being on solid ground!" he says as he takes a deep breath and walks around the sandy beach, though he may inadvertently wander into the trees to explore...
20 Mar
"Can we go take a look, GRAIAN?", BELLESH asks eagerly.
20 Mar
TAKASHI looks around what he can see of the immediate surroundings, and smile's at BELLESH's enthusiasm.
TAKASHI: "It would probably be wise to scout out the area around our campsite a bit, to make sure we haven't inadvertantly landed next to something's lair. Finding fresh water should be a priority as well."
20 Mar
CALLIN: "I agree TAKASHI we should don our armor now that we are no longer possible anchors, and patrol the area around the campsite." with that CALLIN will say a quick prayer to the LIGHT for our safe landing, and pray for an easy patrol. Then he will suit up in his armor, and full gear for patrol.
21 Mar
Shaiman is more than happy to let you poke about a bit, although he cautions against going too far alone in the woods. "We don't know who or what is here... and we don't want to lose you right away!" he warns. "If you find some fresh water, that would be very helpful! Unless one of you can perform a small miracle in providing clean water."
He looks pointedly at CALLIN with that last remark.
After donning your armor, the sands and dark forest await!
What direction will you go? What will you do? Tell me how you'd do your patrol.
21 Mar
TAKASHI will suggest we patrol from 0 to 180 degrees (right to left - assuming we have 180 degrees of arc in front of the capsite) 100 yards in. We'll look for game trails, water, and anything unusual.
22 Mar
CALLIN: "With proper prayer to the LIGHT I can indeed ensure we have water should we find none. And if we do find a water supply, the LIGHT can burn away that which might taint it. After a quick patrol, I would be happy to ensure we have food and water. "
GRAIAN proposes that the the sweep has the fighters and men at arms arc, with the magic users spaced behind to provide support. Looking at Callin, "Perhaps you should also be in support, I know your have great fighting prowess, but the power of the Light maybe more useful."
22 Mar
Claudia seems to be adjusting back to land legs much faster than the rest of you and she fairly leaps into position at GRAIAN's suggestion. She has a very eager look on her face and her eyes are taking in the new view, darting around to look at glimpses of strange birds and small creatures in the trees. She looks expectantly at TAKASHI and ATACIUS.
22 Mar
CALLIN: "I will go wherever I am needed. I will stay in support, and surge forward if needed."
23 Mar
TAKASHI: "Do you realize, Claudia, that you are one of the first people from the mainland who have set foot on Ramathia in quite some time? Let's be careful and make sure that we all live to tell the tale on our return! And what a story it will be..."
26 Mar
ATACIUS: "Let's go, let's get moving! We've got some hours of light yet." says the littleling eager to see what is going on in this island. "I'm going to scout a bit ahead alright?" he adds before he starts walking towards the woods.
27 Mar
Claudia seems thunderstruck once she thinks hard about TAKASHI's words, her mouth forming an O and her eyes widening to about as wide. As ATACIUS brushes past her in excitement, she recovers and happily follows in his footsteps!
Upon reaching the edge of the trees, a couple of birds let out raucous shrieks and flutter off. Once in the woods, even at ten feet, the thickness of the canopy is apparent, and the denseness of the underbrush quickly makes viewing the camp and beachside difficult. The ocean swell is muffled and even your words seem to crawl slowly through thick silence.
Ten minutes or so... it's hard to tell... into the woods and it's becoming difficult to maintain a straight line. As well, you notice that you are stepping through areas that seem rough terrain - rocky, but with pockets of dirt where the trees have pushed aside the stones and buried their roots.
It feels wild, old and quiet - almost brooding.
Do you wish to continue?
27 Mar
ATACIUS: "We better turn and try to keep the sound of the sea to our right..." says the littleling as he scans his surroundings. "That way we start getting nearer the city..." After that he pauses a bit to get used to the sounds, or its absence, to the aromas in the air...
28 Mar
"Yeah, that sounds good, let's turn so we're not too far out in this," BELLESH agrees, "It's getting hard to walk... I've read that you can break your legs by walking out in places like this."
28 Mar
CALLIN: " yes let's keep the sounds of the sea close. With such dark and tricky footing, we should proceed with caution."
29 Mar
GRAIAN thinking how much nicer the sea is nods in agreement, "I don't like the feeling of this place and we do seem to have wandered quite far from camp. I would rather not spend out first night on the island in this gloomy place."
29 Mar
TAKASHI: "The thickness of the vegetation is impressive. It looks as if nature has taken over here, and has been in charge for quite some time. I agree, let's not get lost!"
30 Mar
The going is slow - very slow. For ATACIUS, even, with the thick underbrush and rocky terrain, the going is slow, although he can nimbly jump from rocky outcrop to outcrop, the vines, bushes, dead limbs and vines make that an slow effort.
For the rest, it is much more difficult, requiring hacking and cutting to get through much of the forest. The screeches, cries and chirps of the brightly colored birds is briefly interrupted as you pass trees and nesting areas, but they quickly regain their chorus as you pass. The sounds of the ocean breaking on the beach are a low counterpoint to the natural song.
The feel of the forest doesn't diminish as you travel. Some trees look positively ancient, heavy gnarled thick trunks covered in mosses and vines. Small creatures and reptiles, many of which you've never seen before, quickly dart away as you approach, but you can spot them peeking at you from branches and holes within the trees.
It is early evening when ATACIUS, quite literally, stumbles into a rocky wall, which is clearly constructed, not natural. The stones are worn, displaced, moss covered, but they are there. He sees what appears to be a tall shape of some sort of structure in the trees beyond.
30 Mar
TAKASHI: "Our first structure! ATACIUS, can you make anything out beyond the wall?"
2 Apr
ATACIUS: (Do we see the top of the wall?) "Let's see! Does anyone has a rope?" I will tie the rope around my waist and give the end to TAKASHI. "Just in case." I say with a wink and start carefully (testing the handholds and footholds, try to avoid the slippery moss, etc) climbing the wall in a somewhat diagonal route. Every 10' I will hammer an iron spike (got hammer and 6 spikes) into the wall, not perpendicular but angled. Thay way if I slip they will serve as a pivotal point.
2 Apr
It's only about halfling height, so no need to climb it. You can see it quite clearly, although it is very much covered in vegetation.
It's hard to see beyond, the specifics of the structure, aside that it seems tall.
2 Apr
"Why don't we go see if it's a library!" Bellesh exclaims.
2 Apr
TAKASHI: Looks at the angle of the sun in the sky to try to gauge how much more light there is left in the day. "Do you think we have enough time to briefly explore, or would our time better be served hacking out a path from here directly to the beach, marking a clear path back to here for tomorrow morning?"
2 Apr
You would guess less than 4 hours remain of sunlight to be able to see to get back. It is hard to say how long it will take you to hack through to the beach, less than it took to get to where you are at, for sure..
2 Apr
CALLIN: "Perhaps making a path back to camp would be best as we can spend more time to explore during the Light of day."
2 Apr
GRAIAN: "Yes, while it is exciting to find a new place, it has been around for a long time, it will still be there tomorrow."
3 Apr
ATACIUS: "We can follow the wall towards the beach and then mark the place we come out so we can find it tomorrow."
4 Apr
CALLIN: "Can we fit? It seems quite overgrown, plus are we sure the wall goes to the beach? Perhaps as it is already getting dark we should simply retrace the path we have already taken. It may be the easiest path in the coming darkness."
4 Apr
So I've heard a couple of ideas - go straight towards the beach/sound of ocean (south), backtrack the path you came. Which one is it gentlemen?
4 Apr
I suggest heading from our current location striaght to the shore, hacking a path to make it easy to return here tomorrow.
4 Apr
Straight to the shore is fine with me, but Bellesh will be disappointed. :)
4 Apr
GRAIAN will be happy!
5 Apr
CALLIN is fine hacking his way to the shore as well.
5 Apr
The going is just as slow and it seems as if either you had made your way further inland than you had though, or the land curves, but it takes a bit longer than you had expected to get back to the beach. You reach the beach to find that sun is setting behind you, the tall volcano jutting up and a few wispy clouds clinging to it's open crater at the top. The other clouds beyond glow a pink/orange.
The trip back takes enough time that the sun fully sets and the stars come out, their shine giving you a small bit of light. When you look at the ocean, as the waves come in, some of them seem to glow a faint blue-green! It looks natural, but different from what you may have seen in the past.
You see the glow of fires from the camp and hear the elves singing and chattering. They are all pleased to see you return!
"What ho!" Shaiman calls out from his seat in the sand near a fire. "We thought you might have traveled to the city itself to set yourselvse up as returning Kings and Queens!" he says in a jesting voice, laced with a bit of concern. "I trust your walk was pleasant?"
Space is made for you and warm breads and bowls of fruit and cooked food are handed to eat of you.
"We've found some fruit trees and roots that our Southern Coast cousins might appreciate!" he explains. "We'd always heard of them as rustic food, but they are plentiful and easy to collect."
"So... tell me what you have found?"
5 Apr
TAKASHI: "The jungle's growth is quite impressive, and proved hard to make your way through, even for the nimblest of our group (looks at ATACIUS). I think we could have easily beome lost, had we not kept ourselves close enough to the shore to still hears the waves break upon the sand. We did find a standing structure surrounded by a low stone wall, but instead of rushing in and taking a chance at finding something, we opted to take the more cautious approach and cleared a trail from that location back here so that tomorrow we can return and investigate it with more time, and perhaps more eyes."
5 Apr
BELLESH listens as he digs into the food that was offered.
5 Apr
ATACIUS eats his food is silence, his mood clearly less enthusiast than usual, looking from time to time into the darkness towards the thick vegetagion.
6 Apr
Shaiman nods at TAKASHI's observations.
"We, too, found the forest much thicker and wild than we had supposed. When records were written, much of this area was more rocky than forested. The fact that this much mature growth has occurred in the fifty-odd years since the Doom fell is impressive. We've found bits and pieces of old structures as well, but nothing intact like you describe."
He goes on to talk about the continued transport of supplies from the two surviving ships and enthusiastically supports you all going back to the structure on the next day. He smiles at BELLESH's enthusiasm over the meal and signals more to be brought to the young man when he's finished.
6 Apr
CALLIN will spend the rest of the evening praying and then creating water, or purifying water, if a water source was found, before he rests for the night.
5 Jun
46th Day of Summer
With a yawn, Claudia says "I'm sooo sleepy..." and retires to wherever her bedroll and TAKASHI's tent is. The elves around you begin to disperse, with a few standing watch, and soon the camp sleeps.
Morning dawns and the camp awakens with the light touching the horizon. Shaiman is up immediately and begins organizing other groups to continue the exploration. He asks that you go back to the structure you found and see what lies within. He details four elves to accompany you, one a mage (Flanyr) and three sailors (Horan, Nandes and Tiole).
9 Apr
What will you do?
9 Apr
After pouring over his book of spells closely and having a quick breakfast, BELLESH looks eager to go! "Are we heading back to where we were yesterday?" he calls to the others.
10 Apr
CALLIN will begin the morning with his prayers, eat a quick breakfast, then gear up to head to the wall.
10 Apr
The elves have managed to find a small stream with fresh water, so your spell was not needed - for yesterday or today.
10 Apr
ATACIUS munches his breakfast in silence. "Guys, since we found that structure I've had the eerie feeling that we're being watched..." he says at last.
10 Apr
TAKASHI considers ATACIUS' words, as he sharpens the already razor-sharp blade, remembering from whom it came and what he has dedicated it's use towards.
TAKASHI: "Then let's not keep them waiting, shall we? That would be very rude of us as visitors to this island."
10 Apr
BELLESH stands and straps on his backpack, but keeps looking back out at the dark forest, frowning.
12 Apr
GRAIAN watches Bellesh and responds to Atacius' comment "I would be surprised if we are not being watched, the questions is what by?" He stands up and gets ready for the trek.
13 Apr
CALLIN "We are always being watched, by the LIGHT, by the darkness, by the birds in the sky, and the animals on the ground. Being watched should not detur us from our mission, let us go introduce ourselves"
13 Apr
Will you go back by the route you took during the day, or in the evening?
13 Apr
I think the plan was to go back via the beach to the path we hacked, then enter back into the forest at that point.
13 Apr
Yes go back through the shorter path we created to allow more time to explore.
16 Apr
16 Apr
The trip back down the beach is peaceful, although there is a hint of a squall to the north, close to city of Ramathia itself.
You travel about the distance you thought you had come, but there is no sign of your path that you made in the trees. A solid line of trees and brush is all you see.
You ALL have the feeling you're being watched, however you would feel that.
What will you do?
16 Apr
GRAIAN: "I thought we had made a sufficient path that we would easily see it, but it seems that is not the case. We may have misjudged how far away we came out from the camp last night but I am sure we are in the right area. I also do not like this feeling I have of being watched, it is quite unnerving." He looks around at the others. "If the path disappears this quickly we may continuelly have trouble as we travel. I do have chalk, we can attempt to mark our way as we go."
16 Apr
CALLIN: "It seems as if this island is intent on keeping us out. We should keep our wits about us. GRAIAN, do you know of any magic that could erase a trail so quickly? And if so is there any way to ...." CALLIN Fumbles for the words. "...Feel it?"
17 Apr
BELLESH pulls his hood back from his bald head and scans along the treeline back and forth intensely, arms raised and hands poised to cast a spell at any moment. "I know there's someone watching us, but why can't we see them?"
18 Apr
ATACIUS: "Maybe we should ask permission to the new owners of the island..." wonders aloud the littleling.
20 Apr
TAKASHI? Care to weigh in? GRAIAN, want to answer CALLIN's question?
23 Apr
TAKASHI: "How is it possible that the path we carved out of the jungle is now gone? ATACIUS, do you think you could track our path from yesterday?"
23 Apr
ATACIUS: "I can try. I don't think our tracks on the beach are gone too, right? That would be insane!" He will scout ahead and try to find out trail back to where we exited the jungle.
23 Apr
ATACIUS, a ranger would have made this so much easier, but after some time, you find a few heel prints that match boots that some of you are wearing. There is no sign of the path you create, although you do find an occasional branch on the ground that looks like it had been hacked by a sword. The vegetation itself has grown back, with the thick brush and vines appearing as solid as when you went through them the first time.
What will you do?
23 Apr
ATACIUS will take one of those hacked branches and hammer it into the sand to mark the place. "I've never heard of vegetation grow back so quickly! Is there any kind of sorcery here?" he asks looking at GRAIAN and BELLESH.
23 Apr
"It could be..." BELLESH says thoughtfully, "I've read stories about wizards what what make the plants grow. But if it's not, that means the plants are doing it themselves..." BELLESH looks slightly sick at the thought.
23 Apr
TAKASHI: "Well, let's see if we can find our way back to the structure by looking for hacked branches and other vegetation."
24 Apr
ATACIUS will stand at the edge of the jungle, before going in, and raise his arms as he speaks: "Island of Ramathia! We come in peace and mean no harm. We plead your forgiveness for the damage caused and ask for safe passage through your jungles!"
24 Apr
CALLIN will kneel and pray while ATACIUS makes his plead. "May the LIGHT shine upon us as we venture into this mystical jungle, may we be guided back to our point quickly and safely. And may the Jungle know that we come as friend and not foe" Then he will rise, and proceed to enter the jungle while they make their way back to the wall.
24 Apr
As ATACIUS lowers his arms and CALLIN rises, four figures cautiously step forward to reveal themselves from the thick brush and trees. They are dressed, or colored, in such cunning camouflage that it takes you all by surprise!
Although camouflaged, the things they are wearing appear to be hand-made. The spears they are hefting at you, and the bows on their backs appear handmade as well, but you spot metal axes, swords and daggers strapped to their midriffs.
One speaks slowly, with some words that you don't understand. "You are (strange word) here this place. Come with us, the (strange word) to have (strane word) you."
He then looks at you all expectantly.
24 Apr
TAKASHI: "I suggest we follow them and assume that they are, if not friendly, at least not outwardly hostile. We only get one chance at a first impression, so let's try and make it a good one."
24 Apr
ATACIUS turns at his friends, his eyes big in surprise, his face a mixture of surprise and elation at the effect of his words. He then walks towards the figures showing them he has nothing in his hands.
24 Apr
CALLIN will put his hammer away and sling his shield to his back and step forward and bow. "I am CALLIN of the LIGHT and I will come with you willingly"
24 Apr
BELLESH, also surprised, takes a few steps forward and stands ready to follow behind the others, no longer on the verge of casting a spell but still alert.
25 Apr
GRAIAN a little taken aback pauses, looking around him not noticing anything else he follows the others.
25 Apr
The man speaking nods slowly as you all disarm and move forward. He puts out a hand towards the others and they raise their spears, although watching you cautiously. Two are men, two are women. They are all wearing the camouflage and little other clothing, though they have charms and small tokens in their long hair and around their necks, arms and legs.
The spokesman grunts and two of them take a position behind you and he and a woman to the front. They brush hands briefly and look at each other and she nods to him in an affirmative manner.
He motions to you to follow him and sets off.
Immediately, you can see that keeping up with them will be a problem. They bob and weave quickly through the brush, in a rapid dance. As you all push and struggle, you get the impression that the ones behind you are amused, but they are not laughing out loud. If any of you pull out swords or knives to cut your way through, the spokesperson will stop and emphatically motion for you to put the weapon away, a hard frown on his face. He waits for you to comply with the request.
25 Apr
ATACIUS will try to mimic their movements as we go. Do they make any sound as they go? Are they more silent than littlelings? He's amused by the whole thing.
26 Apr
CALLIN does his best to keep up, and honors their request to leave the jungle intact.
26 Apr
GRAIAN will keep up best he can, wishing he was anywhere but a jungle.
26 Apr
BELLESH follows awkwardly, watching ahead to see that Claudia's ok, and occasionally looking back suspiciously at the 2 following him.
26 Apr
TAKASHI does his best to try and keep pace, but he admits to himself that this is not the kind of terrain with which he is comfortable nor familiar. He stays close to Claudia as they continue to trek through the jungle.
8 May
ATACIUS, while they are not as naturally nimble as littlelings, they are far more superior to silent movement than even the sneakiest human that you have known. Against other humans, these folks would be silent and potentially deadly!
Claudia is using her natural abilities to keep up, but you can see that this is a challenge even for her. She looks at BELLESH and TAKASHI, smiling tentatively, with a look of trust especially to her Master TAKASHI.
In what seems like a very quick jaunt, you find yourselves at the wall. More of these humans rise up from behind the wall, armed with bows, spears and slings. The spokesman stops at the boundary formed by the walls and turns to you. He nods to several of the others, who come forward and offer you skins of water, which is refreshing after your jaunt.
Once you've recovered and have drunk, he intones something in a sing-song voice, and the others, who've formed two lines that create a path towards the structure, follow along.
"I (words, perhaps a name?) am the (strange word) of the (people?) who here are. We gather this place, on the (strange words), to (strange words) and see that (strange words). You are (strange word), you've come with (strange words [1]), first for many (strange word). He who (speaks?) to (strange words) will (strange words, speaks again?) with you, so that they (strange words) or no!"
He then looks at you all expectantly.
[1] GRAIAN will recognize an older human word for 'elves', as it was similar to a very archaic word for elf
8 May
CALLIN: looks slightly confused at the words. "I am CALLIN of the LIGHT, we do not understand all of what you say. We try our best to understand." CALLIN looks over to BELLESH and GRAIAN "Do either of you understand everything they are saying? I do not know this dialect"
1 May
BELLESH shakes his head. "I know the old tongue, and elfish, and I speak a little kobold, but I can't understand it all. It sounds like it might be a mix of things."
1 May
GRAIAN gathers his thoughts as he puts the sentence together, "Seems they recognize me as an Elf, I am the frst one for quite a while from what I gather. I think we are being invited to meet and speak with someone else."
1 May
"...or to be judged by someone else," BELLESH adds.
1 May
TAKASHI: "Better that we are talking than fighting. I would hate to see what they could do in this type of environment."
TAKASHI smiles and bows his head towards the speaker.
2 May
GRAIAN: "Yes indeed. While we should be cautious I think if they meant us real harm they could have easily done that before. Of course who knows what strange customs they may have, but they do not appear to be threatening us at this time. While not I do not understand it all their language feels somewhat familiar, it is old for sure, Wildman perhaps."
2 May
CALLIN nods "Perhaps you should be leading the conversation then GRAIAN. Best if the most capable handles the communication. I'd hate to offend anyone!" CALLIN then bows deeply to the escort.
3 May
The spokesman repeats the last part of what he said earlier: "He who (speaks?) to (strange words) will (strange words, speaks again?) with you, so that they (strange words) or no!" .., and looks at you all again, a bit impatiently.
3 May
TAKASHI: "GRAIAN, perhaps you are the best spokesperson for us, if you can figure out more of what they are saying than we can. Do your best, and we will look non-threatening."
3 May
CALLIN will let GRAIAN take the lead as he might understand more of what they are saying. "Please let our friend speak for us, as he is best suited to the task" and bows to the spokesman.
3 May
GRAIAN: "Well there are still many words I don't understand so feel free to let me know what you think they are saying too."
3 May
ATACIUS will take a step towards the speaker. "Yes! We all (he motions to the group) follow you (points at the guy) to speak (makes a gesture with his hand) with... whoever lives there (points at the ruins). Please lead us! (motions the guy to usher us)". He starts walking.
7 May
As ATACIUS starts walking forward, the spokesperson and others fall into a group of which you find yourselves surrounded by humans. You move beyond the walls and as you approach the structure, you can now see that it is indeed a tower of fairly old design. Square in construction rather than round. It looks to be three stories tall, roughly, and there are holes in the walls.
The man walks up to the door, which appears to be made out of wood, and looks to be recently constructed. Around the door are various skulls of animals and birds, carved figurines and other odd charms and fetishes. There looks to be a dried brown substance that has dried on the steps and the door frame. The spokesman holds up both hands, and the rest of the humans follow. He intones something in a sing-song voice, quickly and then lowers them. He opens the door and four of the humans follow him within. It is dim within, but the door is still open and waiting after they enter...
7 May
CALLIN will walk up to the door and extend his hands as well. "I CALLIN of the LIGHT come in peace and knowledge. May I strive to be a good guest to you and your own." He will then lower his hands after offerning his respects, and enter.
7 May
BELLESH follows behind the priest, smirking a bit. "Well, at least it shouldn't be too dark in there, what with Callin of the Light being there, and all..." he says softly.
On the way in, he'll peer down and try to figure out what that brown substance is on the steps and door frame.
8 May
ATACIUS: "Well, at least there are no humanoid skulls..." -he says looking at the offerings- " MAYBE they won't sacrifice us!". He nervously toys with the carved eye bone charm in his pocket.
8 May
TAKASHI glances at his surroundings, then smiles at Claudia as follows the others in he follows the others into the corridor.
TAKASHI: "Claudia, think of the stories you will be able to tell to your parents when we return. What have we found out here, that has been lost for so long?"
10 May
Claudia nods wordlessly, taking in all of the sights.
BELLESH, the brown substance seems to resemble dried blood.
CALLIN, when you do so, several of the humans look at you in amusement and say something to each other and laugh, but it seems good natured.
After entering, it takes a few moments for your eyes to adjust to the dark interior, but your nose picks out some distinct smells - a musky, slightly burnt odor, the powerful smell of leaves and trees and a musty, almost "old" smell.
Then your eyes take in the sight before you. A small brazier sits on the floor, smoking slightly and the burnt odor comes from that. There are many flowers and cut branches in here, with leaves and grasses woven to create a natural tapestry. Behind the brazier sits a human who looks incredibly old - his wrinkles have wrinkles and his limbs are thin and twisted a bit, but his eyes peer at you with a sharpness and clarity that seems to deeply look into you.
The spokesman approaches the sitting elder, squats before him and talks rapidly in a sing-song, deep voice. GRAIAN, you can pick out some words that resemble elven or ancient human tongue, but there are many words you don't understand. The gist of his words are to explain how the "watchers" kept an eye on the party from when they left the camp and came back to the tower! You also think that you hear them talk about "healing" but the context is hard to understand.
Once done, the elder nods and the spokesman steps to one side. The silence stretches on as the humans look at you.
Every so often, a coal seems to snap within the brazier and the smell thickens for a moment after.
10 May
ATACIUS: "So..." he says breaking the awkward silence. "...I am ATACIUS (puts him palm on his chest) and they are TAKASHI, CALLIN, GRAIAN, BELLESH and CLAUDIA (pointing at each of them as he says their names)" he adds sitting on the floor. He grabs a cold coal or stick (depending on the floor's material) and starts drawing the island and the continent. "We came to Ramathia (points the island) from Skalfier (points the continent) on elven ships (draws a sailboat), elven ships (he repeats pointing at GRAIAN, then the boat)."
11 May
The elder man watches ATACIUS carefully, studying his map and then looking at the Littleling up and down.
11 May
ATACIUS: "We came in three (puts up 3 fingers) ships (he draws two more sailboats) but lost one to a maelstrom here (draws a spiral next to the island and crosses out one ship)." He then digs in one of his satchels, takes out his island map and spread it on the floor.
11 May
CALLIN nods along with ATACIUS' description of our journey.
11 May
TAKASHI eyes the little one's attempt at diplomacy and cross cultural communication. So far, he is impressed.
11 May
GRAIAN watches and listens carefully, Atacius seems to be doing a good job, it is hard to see how much the islanders understand, but he has their attention and there seems little point in interrupting, but perhaps if there is confusion he will try and explain in Elven.
15 May
The elder looks over the littleling's maps, even taking them into his hands and showing them to the other humans who've gathered behind him.
He looks at ATACIUS and smiles, his wrinkles deepening, his few teeth brown and short peeking past his thin lips.
He gives the map back to ATACIUS and looks at him, with a look of patient curiosity and expectation.
15 May
ATACIUS smiles back out of courtesy, though deep inside he finds this a bit frustrating, but he's curious about the whole thing anyway. "We are around here (points into the island map where he thinks we are now) and we want to go here (do the walking motion with his fingers and points the city)." He looks at the old man. "What's in the city now? Who lives there?" He repeatedly points the city.
15 May
The elder smiles and answers in perfect Elven.
15 May
ATACIUS: "Ha, you understood the whole time!" the littleling claps his hands. "Hey, slow down... Does anyone...?" he turns to the rest of the group "Does anyone knows what's he saying?"
15 May
TAKASHI shakes his head slowly.
TAKASHI: "Sorry, but it is not a language that I am familiar with. Perhaps one of our book afficianados (looks at GRAIAN and BELLESH) understands him?"
15 May
BELLESH starts at hearing the Elven language so perfectly spoken. He knows that GRAIAN speaks the language much better than himself, as Bellesh learned it from books, and then only because he wanted to be able to read all the books he could find, including ones written by elves. But the elder seems to be using the words straight from what he saw in the textbooks perfectly. He silently thanks Sir Flinigan again for being so generous and bringing him so many books.
15 May
GRAIAN starts to smile as he hears the reply, "Yes my dear Atacius he understands perfectly. This is Orinu, Walker of the Seventh and the leader. He welcomes us in peace and hopes that we will stay and leave in peace too. Seems he enjoyeed your story and the maps are of great interest. We are, as we all suspected, the first visitors for a very long time. That whirlpool at the harbor entrance seems to have been around for quite awhile, I gather it was known by travellers in the past, he is sorry for the loss of our friends. He is also thankful that the loss of our ship did not waken the evil and darkness that is now in the city."
Turning to Orihu he speaks to him in Elven.
16 May
As GRAIAN speaks or Orinu, TAKASHI, you and CALLIN are subject to great scrutiny by a couple of the other humans, as they study your armor and weapons.
16 May
TAKASHI will motion towards one of the humans eyeing his armor and weapons, and invite him to look at the craftmanship. He will show them his sword and shield, if they are interested.
16 May
CALLIN will respond in like, showing his Hammers and Shield. Although at the mention of darkness in the city he turns to GRAIAN. "Can you find out more about the Darkness in the city? What they know of it?"
BELLISH, you and Claudia are subject to some looks and whispers as well, they seem curious about you two.
ATACIUS, for now, Orinu seems to have given his attention to GRAIAN, but his eyes are taking everyone in, and you get the feeling he is very aware of what is going on.
16 May
ATACIUS: "So Orinu there's an evil in the city and it is sleeping you say. What kind of evil it is? Is it a monster, like... like a dragon? I remember Apsuna mentioning them once. Or is it some sort of presence, a ghost or a spirit maybe? Do you know who serve this evil and how many are they?" the littleling throws the barrage of questions at the old man as he draws an evil looking head on the map near the city.
16 May
CALLIN: "And fighting Evil and Darkness, is something I stive to do. As a Priest of the Light, it is my duty and pleasure, to smite darkness wherever it may be!"
16 May
GRAIAN looks at Atacius as he finishes speaking, "I told Orihu that we had many questions, I think you bear testimony to my word," smiling briefly his face becomes serious again, "The evil that is here may be something different to what has been known in the past."
17 May
GRAIAN speaks to Orinu in Elven. Orinu rearranges himself as he seems to give GRAIAN's question great thought. He then speaks, but in a sing-song voice, in Elven. It lasts for some time and then he stops, looking at you all.
TAKASHI and CALLIN - at first very cautious, but soon enough, they look at your items and talk to each other in approving tones. Then, as Orinu begins his sing-song, they stop, turn and listen very carefully. Once he is done, they murmur something to themselves.
18 May
BELLESH watches Orinu, entranced as he speaks. Those that can see under BELLESH's hood will see his eyes widening from time to time in response to what Orinu is saying. Once Orinu stops and looks at us all, BELLESH finally speaks up, addressing Orinu nervously, also in Elven.
20 May
BELLESH frowns a bit as he listens to Orinu's reply, then he turns to GRAIAN and says in common, "I... don't think he answered my question. Do you think it would be safe for us to still enter the city, Graian? Since it's asleep, and we don't want to control it, anyway?"
21 May
CALLIN: when Orinu speaks, CALLIN turns like the rest and listens and does as best he can to understand. Hoping GRAIAN will jump in with translation.
21 May
GRAIAN briefly catches everyone up on the conversation, "Orinu explained that the way the world was created, essentially us and all the living creatures and plants and then the shadows, Elementals as we know them. We all learned to live in peace together, unfortnately there were those who tried to dmonate the elementals, usually nt ending well. Here was the same, there evil that is here is a great Fire Elemental that was woken by the arrival of the Dark Ones, the wizards tried to control it and failed. The enraged Fire Elemental laid the city to waste and then made its home underneath." Pausing he looks at Bellesh, "Orinu beleives we should not risk disturbing this Elemental, for if we do it may remember the rage from before and once destroy everything. He says it is not inherently evil, but angry at those that it believes are trying to control it."
22 May
BELLESH shrugs. "I asked if it would be safe for us to enter the city, since we're not wizards what are trying to control it or anything like that, but they didn't really say. They just said they're happy with their sea, the sky, and the orpo." Bellesh frowns. "What is an orpo, anyway?"
22 May
GRAIAN asks Orinu another question.
22 May
GRAIAN explains to the others, "Orinu is talking about the volcano and it seems that the wizards tried to contain the power but could not, so of course the city was destroyed. Maybe the spells backfired and caused even greater eruptions, who knows. I think we can go to the city, there is nothing for us to fear." Looking thoughtful he adds, "Well not from that."
22 May
CALLIN: "As long as we do not attempt to bother the Elements, nor impeed this creature, we should have nothing to fear. Elementals as far as I'm aware are not Evil, they think of us, as we do of insects. Small things of little consequence to us unless they try to sting or bite us. I say we explore the city, and if met with said Elemental, show it that we respect it, and it's place."
23 May
ATACIUS:"Yes, but before going into the city we need to tell the elves about these people." he says to CALLIN. "Orinu, what's the safest way to enter the city? Also, would your people guide us through the jungle in our journey?" he asks the old man.
23 May
CALLIN nods in agreement with ATACIUS.
24 May
Orinu chuckles. He answers in Elven and smiles, but then his face sobers up a bit.
Orinu then speaks Elven in a sober tone. He raises a small staff and shakes it several times in your directions. The other humans clasp their hands together over their hearts and bow to you.
24 May
GRAIAN bows to Orinu and speaks a few words to him in Elven. Talking to the party he says "Orinu has granted us safe passage in these lands, we are free to explore on our own, his people do not venture into the city. He asks that we to respect both his people and the land, no destruction or burning, leaving everything as we find it. As far as the city goes it seems there are more than memories of death," pausing "Callin your gifts and faith may be of great value to us as we may be joined by the undead."
24 May
CALLIN: "THe LIGHT is always ready to shun the darkness" CALLIN says proudly.
24 May
After Orinu speaks and the other humans bow, BELLESH lets out a relieved breath and pulls back his hood, stepping forward to speak to Orinu in Elven. He ends by trying to bow as they did, with his hands over his heart.
After GRAIAN and CALLIN speak, he chimes in, "I just promised not to hurt the jungle, I like that we can go where we want! He said we can go into the city too, but it sounds dangerous... Besides the undead Graian talked about, Orinu also said something about the 'Fire' being there, and its 'children'."
24 May
ATACIUS: "GRAIAN you need to tell all this to Shaiman. Is your people ready to pay the price it will take to have your island back? If you wake up this... this fire, maybe there will be nothing for your people to go back to!"
25 May
GRAIAN nods slowly, "Yes we should indeed let the others know, but perhaps first we can find our way to the city and learn a little more first." a moment lateer he adds "Of course we do have the problem of moving through this land without damaging anything, we are not as nimble as Orinu and his people."
25 May
BELLESH: "Why don't we ask them the best way to get there, so we don't have to go through the dense jungle?"
26 May
GRAIAN looks at Belllesh for a moment then turns to Orinu and speaks to him
29 May
GRAIAN tells everyone the answer, "Looks like it is either through the forests or round by sea, given the whirlpool in the harbor that does not seem practical."
29 May
CALLIN: "I prefer my feet on the earth vs the deck of a boat over the sea, if I have an option" CALLIN agrees
5 Jun
Waiting to see what you guys want to do next? Go talk to Shaimain, or press on through the forest to the city?
31 May
CALLIN: GRAIAN mentioned we should explore the city a bit first. I trust him more than the other elves, so CALLIN is ready to go to the city.
4 Jun
TAKASHI: "GRAIAN, I worry about the elves stumbling upon the residents of the island, and what might happen in our absense. While I am as anxious to visit the city as you are, do you think this course of action is best? I will agree with whatever the party decides."
4 Jun
GRAIAN: "Takashi, wise words. You are right, the others may come wandering and that might have unforunate consequences. We should return to the camp and let them know about these people."
4 Jun
ATACIUS nods approvingly at TAKASHI and GRAIAN words.
4 Jun
CALLIN: "Alright, let's go speak with the Elves and report our findings. It may take us a bit to navigate back through the brush anyway."
4 Jun
BELLESH nods and puts his hood back over his head, and heads out the door.
Late afternoon
5 Jun
The humans call out words that seem friendly as you leave the ruined tower and the ones at the door step back to allow you to leave. All have friendly smiles on their faces.
As GRAIAN steps out, he hears Orinu whisper in Elven "May fortune favor the seekers and the foolish."
Outside, the sun and sky are much brighter and it will take a moment to adjust. Traveling back to the beach takes quite a bit longer, as long as you're acceeding to the request to not chop paths. Once on the beach, you see that the squall to the north seems to have moved to the distant west horizon and the day itself is clear and very hot.
Your journey back to camp goes by very quickly. The elves have dispersed and few remain at the camp. Eraiel is napping in his tent, while Shaiman is away, exploring. The few other elves are eager to hear of what you found in the forest!
It is a few hours and sundown before the elf returns with his exploration party. They are covered in insect bites, bits of vegetation and dirt and they look exhausted.
"This forest is thick and seems to fight us each step of the way!" he complains as he wipes off his face and drinks water from the barrel. "We found signs of inhabitation, but nothing for sure. At this rate, it will take days to get a clear path created."
He motions for the evening meal to be served and looks at you all expectantly. "So... you seem very eager judging by the looks on your faces. How did your exploration fare? Is there a clear way into the city? What did you find at your structure?"
7 Jun
GRAIAN explains to the group about the encounter and what they have learnt, finishing up with..."They are not a threat to us, but we did promise to not damage anything. It is unfortunate that the only way to the city is through the forest or by sea, which as far as I could tell meant the harbor."
7 Jun
CALLIN: "They have made peice with this jungle it seems. And they move through it with much more ease than the rest of us. I think it best to follow in their stead. We gave our word not to damage the forest and to be careful upon entering the city."
14 Jun
We'll pick this up next week in Act 23!