Southern Seas - Act 17 - Winter 57 AD

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31 Mar
Southern Seas - Act 17 - Winter 57 AD
33d day of Winter, 57 AD
Winter has proven to be fairly clear and the weather this day is no different. It is a mild, slightly chilly morning when you all set out to towards Mount Keep. Claudia is with you, but TOBIAS has elected to stay behind.
The trip takes you past the Athenum and you can see Apsuna's flock flying to the east. Flying lazy circles and cawing to each other, you get the sense that they are not alarmed.
Towards late morning, you come across what appears to be the remains of a monument perched on a mound. The mound itself is obviously man-made, with blocks of stone visible under the grass and dirt that has collected around and on it. There appears to be some sort of hollow on the east side, but it would take digging and clearing to see what it is all about. The monument itself is weatherworn, if there were inscriptions on the remaining base, they have been obscured by wind and weather. There is no obvious clue as to what was on the base, that could also be buried by dirt.
Claudia shrugs her shoulders when asked about this. "We only know it as Lonely Hill... I've heard folks talk about it as a way to tell what direction you're going, but that's all..."
Continuing on, by midday, you've reached the foothills of the Oreterra Mountains and here, you find good fortune. The remains of a road are clear to you, running west to your left (as you face the mountains) and to the northeast to your right. By your guess, this road might even run to the Keep. There are no signposts and the road itself is overgrown, but still fairly easy to follow through the low grassy/scrub hills that roll along the mountains.
The sun is in your eyes, quickly racing to the horizon when you spy what appears to be ruins on a hill, maybe another 10 minutes to the west. You can see what appears to have been a main tower and some structures, but you'll have to get closer to get a clearer view of it.
16 Mar
What do you do?
16 Mar
ATACIUS: "Well, that would be Mount Keep I guess, or what's left of it. And, with no better accommodations in the neighborhood, it looks like a suitable place to stay the night." says the littleling trying to remain cheerful and wondering if he should have stayed home. He sighs as he realizes he haven't called a place 'home' in a long time.
16 Mar
TAKASHI: "All right. But let's move in slowly, in case the keep has other residents already."
16 Mar
CALLIN: "Agreed. Being the only place around here to lay your head, Odds are if anyone is around they are there. ATACIUS...perhaps we should ensure there are not any of those early warning traps you saw at the Farm as we approach. "
16 Mar
GRAIAN: "Maybe they went back to the other place and we can have a peaceful night," with perhaps more than a hint of sarcasm in his voice. He will keep a sharp eye out for anything unusual as they approach the Keep.
17 Mar
ATACIUS unhorses and hands the reins of his pony to CALLIN. "GRAIAN, can I borrow your staff?" He will then walk ahead and begin tapping the ground here and there, as he goes. "Ride in a single line behind me."
17 Mar
ATACIUS and GRAIAN, please roll me a d6 and tell me what you get.
17 Mar
ATACIUS rolled 1d6 for a total of 2
17 Mar
GRAIAN rolled 1d6 for a total of 6
17 Mar
CALLIN will take hold of ATACIUS' pony and do his best to ride his horse, control the pony and not fall ( turning CALLIN himself into an ass ;) )
17 Mar
TAKASHI will watch as the littleing takes point, curious to see if he falls in a ditch, and if so, wonders to himself if he will disappear?
17 Mar
As you get closer, ATACIUS, you spy what you think is a banner flying among the ruins of the keep's buildings, which from your position, would be closest to you. You catch the sight of what seems to be the color red on the mostly black cloth, but it is hard to make out exactly what it is. You also realize that you all are probably sticking out like a sore thumb approaching the keep, but it's too late to come unnoticed now.
17 Mar
ATACIUS: "Well, well, looks like the place has already been claimed. But no surprise there, right?" he comments over his shoulder. "I say there's a red eye on that black banner. Anyone wants to bet?"
17 Mar
TAKASHI: "So much for our element of surprise."
20 Mar
CALLIN: "Seems like making our presense known is a common trend..."
21 Mar
Slowly you approach the silent keep, the cracked edges of its walls showing the age and disrepair that the structure has fallen into. The squat tower in left center has some of it's top missing, it is hard to know where the rubble fell. It looks like there are three mostly-intact buildings to the right (north), but it is hard to tell what shape they are in.
The flag definitely has a red symbol on it, it looks like perhaps a hand or fist. It flutters in the breeze, handing off of a small turret that is adjacent to one of the keep buildings that is built next to the wall.
The gate to the keep is open and the structure that once was over the gate has fallen into rubble. You will have to climb over the rubble to enter the keep proper, unless you want to scale the wall.
It is quiet. No birds calling, no sounds from the keep. Just the whispers of the wind.
I'm going to put you approximately 240' (60 yards) away from the 'gate'.
21 Mar
TAKASHI: "Right now, we have a choice. We don't know if anyone is there, although the banner seems to imply that someone or something is in residence. If there is someone there, then either they haven't seen us yet, or they have and they are waiting. Either way, we can go forward and investigate, or pull back. What say you all?"
21 Mar
CALLIN: "That is the same symbol the Orc's and wildmen had when we encountered them during our travels. It might bear investigation...However they seemed quite capabile so we must be prepared should we continue."
22 Mar
ATACIUS: "I didn't leave the comfort of the manor to ride all the way over here and be deterred by a flag."
22 Mar
TAKASHI winks at ATACIUS and his warrior spirit.
TAKASHI: "With you at my knee, I shall have no fear, ATACIUS!"
23 Mar
GRAIAN smiles at Takashi's words, "Indeed we should investigate further and at least find out what is here."
23 Mar
CALLIN Nods at his companions. "Agreed." readying his Hammer and Shield. "Let's go investigate!"
23 Mar
ATACIUS: "Should we split and go around the place on both sides and meet before going in? Just to see what's there, maybe there's another entry."
27 Mar
TAKASHI: "I think if we scout out the keep's other sides, that we should stay together. I'd hate for half of us to face a threat while the other half was on the other side."
27 Mar
ATACIUS: "Alright, but let's stay at more than bow shot distance from the walls."
27 Mar
TAKASHI: "ATACIUS, if we are too noisy and you wish to scout ahead a bit, let us know."
27 Mar
The front gate of the Keep beckons. The gate is has fallen into rubble, but there is a way for a couple of people to clamber through at a time, if they scrabble over rock and debris.
The front/south and west wall, although weatherworn and in disrepair, still look intact. You would have to circle the Keep to see the east and north walls.
CALLIN, you and TAKASHI smell smoke. ATACIUS, to your trained thief's eye, it looks like there are plenty of places to hide and spy.
27 Mar
CALLIN will look at TAKASHI and ATACIUS and point to his nose and point in the general direction he smells the smoke. He will also scan the area to see if he can see trails of smoke in the air, such as camp fires and if so, how many, and their general location.
27 Mar
TAKASHI nods at CALLIN's gesture.
27 Mar
ATACIUS: "I don't think I can sneak in there. Too many places we can be watched from."
6 Apr
(Hearing that you want to walk around the walls, I'll take that approach.)
The smoke smell is coming from the area of the Keep inside the walls, but you don't see any trails or anything specific. Just the smell of smoke.
A quick, quiet and tense trip around the walls reveals that there are buildings inside the wall at the SE, E and NE sides of the keep. The windows are empty and open, but you don't see anything specific. Just the one banner. cotinuing counter-clockwise, you get to the NW corner, the tower in the rough middle of the keep is in bad shape. Continuing south along the west wall, you come back to the keep's entrance.
While there are places that ATACIUS could clamber up and get into, the wall is intact enough that entry from the ground is only possible at the keep's entrance. The older builders knew their craft well.
27 Mar
TAKASHI: "Looks as if the entrance is the only way in. ATACIUS, do you want to scout in front of us, or should CALLIN and I take point and approach the entrance?"
27 Mar
CALLIN: "If these are the same group that left traps at the village, then it might be best for ATACIUS to at least check the entrance before we step through. I'm afraid our eyes are better trained for dealing with swords, clubs and arrows, not tripwires and gears."
27 Mar
ATACIUS: "Being the only entrance to this place, I'd have it trapped too." he says as he moves forward carefully to the crumbled entrance and atentive at those places he noticed earlier.
28 Mar
It is not trapped.
Peering over the top, you can see that the entry causeway slopes up and to the right, around and behind the central tower. Rubble from the tower lies in the causeway, although it is not nearly as blocked as the rubble from the gate structure blocking the entrance.
What you know/can see of the keep from your current vantage point and perimeter walk:
(Although this picture shows the gate structure intact, in-game it is what is lying around the entrane. To the NE from the gate is the tower whose top has collapsed. Once you get in more, I'll reveal more.)
28 Mar
ATACIUS will inch his way forward through the causeway, trying not to disturb the rubble, in an attempt to take a peek into the inner courtyard.
28 Mar
Carefully and lightly, you make your way around the rubble. It looks overgrown with moss and grass, looking like this happened awhile ago. However, you do see places in the ground that appear to have been disturbed. Animals? Something else? Hard to say.
Your path along the causeway curves to the east around the tower and you can see it probably opens up into the Keep courtyward.
It's at this point that several (two? three?) hand axes come whizzing by your head to smack into the rubble and walls around you. Apparently, the current inhabitants of this keep don't want you poking around!
31 Mar
ATACIUS has moved ahead of the group by about 30 to 40 feet, and the rest of you (TAKASHI, CALLIN, GRAIAN and Claudia) lose sight of him for a moment, only to hear the sounds of something smacking off the rocks in the direction he went - and whatever sounds a littleling makes when he's just had axes whiz by his head!
What will you do?
Takashi - TAKASHI will advance with his bow drawn on the left side, trying to use the wall of the keep as cover. He'll signal to Claudia to do the same on the right side (trying to give her more cover than himself).
Atacius - Will dive head first behind the nearest cover he sees as he yells "Help!" (can he catch a glimpse where the attackes are or if the axes are metal or not?) They had surprise, so you did not see your attackers. The axes clanked like metal when they hit/bounced off the walls/rubble around you.
Callin - will rush foward to protect ATACIUS bringing his large shield in front of him. Not moving recklessly, but moving quickly to his friends aid and to help provide cover for the little one.
Graian - will follow Claudia, and will be prepared to cast stinking cloud
Claudia - Claudia comes up on the right and her eyes go wide at watching ATACIUS hiding and the three hand axes lying on the ground. She holds her bow steady, but it's easy to see that she is scared.
PCs / Monsters: Michael S (chgowiz) rolled 1d6 for a total of 5 / Michael S (chgowiz) rolled 1d6 for a total of 5 - simultaneous.
ATACIUS dives head first behind the nearest cover he sees as he yells "Help!" Safe behind some rubble, he peers out and sees that the axes have metal blades and black wood handles. Cruel in appearance, it's hard to tell if they belong to Bestials or bandits.
TAKASHI clambers over the rubble and makes it to where ATACIUS is on the left side of the causeway. CALLIN follows TAKASHI and throws his shield up over the rubble to provide additional cover. Claudia and GRAIAN advance up the right side of the causeway, falling a bit behind TAKASHI and ATACIUS's position because the rubble is more difficult on the right side (closest to the tower looming above).
You hear the sounds of movement from inside the courtyard of the Keep, but neither TAKASHI, CALLIN nor ATACIUS see the source of the axes. The builders of this keep made the entrance from the causeway into the courtyard a chokepoint - where the angles don't let attackers see much until they expose themselves in the entrance.
(ATACIUS, CALLIN and TAKASHI are at the red X, the rest are 20' behind them and coming up on their right (from their POV). What you see is what is shown.)
31 Mar
Takashi - TAKASHI will work his way up to the corner of the courtyard entrance, and carefully try and locate the attackers, motioning to CLAUDIA to hold back until he spots them.
Atacius - Will take a peek from behind the new cover, and look up the tower to see if he can spot the attackers.
Callin - Will stay low, allowing his large shield to provide cover, and slowly start to press forward, hoping to give everyone a good angle to see their attackers, as well as keep them safe.
Graian - will move up hugging the tower wall
Claudia - Claudia will move up opposite ATACIUS and wait for TAKASHI to give her direction.
PCs: Michael S (chgowiz) rolled 1d6 for a total of 3
DM: Michael S (chgowiz) rolled 1d6 for a total of 1
TAKASHI works his way up to the corner of the courtyard entrance, and carefully tries and locate the attackers, motioning to CLAUDIA to hold back until he spots them. Claudia and Graian move forward. Graian is hugging the tower wall. Claudia holds up short of the opening at TAKASHI's motion. ATACIUS peeks from behind CALLIN's shield and looks up at the tower to see if he can spot the attackers. He does not see anything from the tower. CALLIN stays low, allowing his large shield to provide cover, and slowly starts to press forward, and is now directly behind TAKASHI again.
(CALLIN, I'm going to rule that you have 50% cover (AC+4) and ATACIUS has 75% (AC+7) cover BUT that means your action is being a shield, no attacks or spells while you are holding the shield that way for the littleling. If you move anymore, say to in front of the entrance, that cover % will drop.)
TAKASHI, as you peer around the corner carefully (I'll say you have 50% cover, which translates to AC+4), another hand axe comes whistling to your left as you peer at the rubble filled courtyard in front of the buildings. It actually comes pretty close, THWACKING with a metallic clank on the wall that you're peering around!
You're pretty sure that the attacker threw it from your left, within the courtyard, perhaps just outside of your careful look. You didn't see anything to the right, but it seems to be a raised area with more rubble from the fallen tower, so it is not a clear visual. You catch glimpses of "something" is moving to the left, but they clearly have the opening under watch and are staying under cover.
There are vague sounds of some sort of communication or signaling coming from the courtyard! GRAIAN @Chris and ATACIUS @Gabriel Perez Gallardi, please roll me 4d6 and tell me what you get. Your target is equal/under your INT.
31 Mar
ATACIUS rolled 4, 1, 4, 2 on 4d6 for a total of 11 > 9
31 Mar
GRAIAN rolled 6, 3, 1, 5 on 4d6 for a total of 15 < 17 :)
GRAIAN, you realize that the vague sounds are in Orcish. You're not sure what they're saying, but you do recognize the basic sounds.
31 Mar
Takashi - TAKASHI will motion for Claudia to remain calm, illustrating this by drawing in a deep breath and smiling at her. He then nods at CALLIN and ATACIUS, and will turn the corner with CALLIN in front and try to get off a shot at any orc he sees, using CALLIN and his shield for cover.
Atacius - Will climb the wall behind him, lay flat once on top and crawl forward until he has sight of the courtyard (draw the intended move on the pic). "If you can wait 'till I climb up there, I can be your spotter!"
Callin - "TAKASHI, I can provide better cover with my shield so you might get an angle on our attackers....What do you think?" CALLIN will nod at TAKASHI and slowly start making his way along the left side using his shield for cover allowing TAKASHI a better angle at our attackers.
Graian - Mouths "Orcs" to the others, places his hand on Claudia's shoulder to give encouragement and will cautiously continue to move along the wall readying Stinking Cloud and looking for signs of movement.
Claudia - Claudia will stay low behind the entryway and wait for TAKASHI to tell her what to do. You can see she is struggling to control her fear, but so far seems to be hanging in there.
ATACIUS - I see what you're doing. You'll have some cover, but not much being the spotter. Let's call it 25% cover (AC +2).
TAKASHI and CALLIN - t I'll allow is for you to take two shots, without moving, but you only get the +1 AC of CALLIN's shield. You would stay in the entranceway. "But Michael" CALLIN will say "I have a magical shield already! Shouldn't that give more?" Nope... that's why he gets the +1, *while you're moving or trying to do two shots in this manner* is because it's magical. (Not saying it's a +1 shield, but that it's magical abilities is providing the effect of a shield to TAKASHI).
TAKASHI will take the two quick shots, then likely drop the bow and draw sword and shield to close into melee the next turn if the odds look ok.
OK, so it is written! I will figure this out in a bit and be back with an update. For now, let's see who goes first..
PCs: Michael S (chgowiz) rolled 1d6 for a total of 1
DM; Michael S (chgowiz) rolled 1d6 for a total of 4
TAKASHI, you can see Claudia is struggling to control her fear, but so far seems to be hanging in there. TAKASHI will motion for Claudia to remain calm, illustrating this by drawing in a deep breath and smiling at her. She smiles and grips her bow tightly, her breathing becoming less of a pant.
GRAIAN mouths "Orcs" to the others, places his hand on Claudia's shoulder to give encouragement. She nods back to him, but remains where she is, and thus GRAIAN remains behind her, ready to cast his spell once he can see a target.
ATACIUS begins to climb the wall behind him. "If you can wait 'till I climb up there, I can be your spotter!" he says.
Callin says "TAKASHI, I can provide better cover with my shield so you might get an angle on our attackers....What do you think?" TAKASHI and CALLIN nod to each other in agreement. CALLIN slowly starts making his way along the left side using his shield for cover allowing TAKASHI a better angle at our attackers. TAKASHI stands with CALLIN in front and try to get off a shot at any orc he sees, using CALLIN and his shield for cover.
As soon as TAKASHI and CALLIN adjust their position into the entranceway proper, handaxes come flying at them. ATACIUS, now flat on top of the wall and crawling forward, sees FIVE ORCS stand and toss their axes! One *SPANGS* off the shield right as TAKASHI stands to fire! Three others either hit the shield or go smacking off the cover that the entranceway provides. One goes sailing over the orcs heads, obviously someone fumbled...
TAKASHI fires of a snap shot at the Orcs that has stood up. It smacks into the rubble in front of them. THREE MORE ORCS stand. They are in a line in the rubble which provides them cover (25% +2 AC). TAKASHI is able to fire off another shot, but it too misses the orcs.
ATACIUS doesn't see any other orcs in that part of the courtyard where they're standing. The Orcs prepare large and nasty looking polearms in what looks like a well disciplined battle-line.
31 Mar
Did I see any fires in the courtyard near the orcs? Con I estimate the distance to the orc line?
31 Mar
Yes, there are a couple of smouldering areas where they had fires once lit. You figure no more than 60' between the entrance and the orc line.
The rubble looks like it was piled up a bit, perhaps coming from the ruined buildings behind the orcs.
31 Mar
What's the floor of the courtyard made of? Earth? Cobblestones?
31 Mar
Both. There is packed earth, some areas have cobblestones or flat rocks.
3 Apr
Takashi - "8 orcs, well disciplined. GRAIAN, anything up your sleeve?" TAKASHI will take two more shots with his bow, working with CALLIN. He looks towards Claudia, and says, "Two quick shots if you have them, then back in cover!". To CALLIN, "Hold for now!" Same as before, both you and CALLIN have +1 AC. Also, she can have only 1 shot. The shield protects CALLIN + 1 person. 3 missile phases, 2 movement phases. So you're behind CALLIN. Missile phase 1, you shoot. Movement phase 1, you stay put. Missile phase 2, you shoot, Movement Phase 2, you move out, Claudia moves in. Missile Phase 3, she shoots. Unless GRAIAN wants to drop a different spell...
Atacius - Hearing what Graian said he will ready his sling, but wait for the spell effects before acting.
Callin - "Continue forward, or hold and fire?" Callin asks of TAKASHI. CALLIN will follow TAKASHIs answer. Sweat beading on the mans forhead he focuses on deflecting any and all attacks coming at the group.
Graian - "If you can keep them occupied for a moment I can cast" Graian will cast Sleep . In that case Graian will cast trusty sleep, it will not get all of thenm but should help to even the odds - 50' range 30' diameter (teach me to check which book I am looking at!) @ChrisHa! Were you looking at 5e? ;) Roll me 2d8 and tell me what you get, for your HP sleep results. Graian rolled 4, 5 on 2d8 for a total of 9
Claudia -
So just to be clear:
Missile/Spell Phase 1: Takashi shoots arrow.
Movement Phase 1: Takashi moves away, makes room for Graian, Graian moves behind CallinTheShield.
Missile/Spell Phase 2: Graian casts Sleep.
Movement/Spell Phase 2: Graian can move and make way for Takashi or Claudia to fire
Missile/Spell Phase 3: Atacius slings. Takashi/Claudia shoots.
PCs: Michael S (chgowiz) rolled 1d6 for a total of 3
DM: Michael S (chgowiz) rolled 1d6 for a total of 1
"Continue forward, or hold and fire?" Callin asks of TAKASHI. Sweat beading on the man's forehead he focuses on deflecting any and all attacks coming at the group.
"8 orcs, well disciplined. GRAIAN, anything up your sleeve?" TAKASHI asks.
"If you can keep them occupied for a moment I can cast!" GRAIAN responds. TAKASHI fires off a snap shot at one of the lined up orcs in the rubble. Since they are standing, it is an easier shot! He hits an Orc (rolled 1d20 for a total of 19) but the wound is slight (rolled 1d6 for a total of 1) and it stays in line, disciplined even though there's an arrow in its calf.
One of the Orcs roars a command, which ATACIUS and GRAIAN understand it's saying "HOLD THE LINE! LET THEM ADVANCE AND THEN SLAUGHTER THE SCUM!"
TAKASHI moves away from CALLIN, allowing GRAIAN to move in.
Once behind CALLIN's shield, GRAIAN weaves his spell out of the Lexius energy that he channels, whispering the spell in that harsh language that makes non-casters so uncomfortable. ALL of the Orcs suddenly slump down, their polearms rattling as they fall out of limp hands and clatter on the ground.
GRAIAN moves away and Claudia moves in, but there is nothing for her to shoot at, so she stays her hand.
ATACIUS, from your vantage point, you hear movement near the base of the tower, within the rubble (in the black area). You cannot see what it was, from your angle.
4 Apr
Takashi - TAKASHI nods at Callin's suggestion. "I'll go - you stay with Claudia in case there are others.". He looks at Claudia and says, "Guard my flank, just in case!" With that, TAKASHI will sprint behind the orc's defense works, aiming to get in cover.
Atacius - "Listen!" he says to the ones below him in hushed tones. "There's something moving over there!" he adds as he points to the base of the tower. He will then crawl and climb down into the shadows. Which shadows? You are opposite where the darkness is. What route did you want to take? (See picture) -- DM: Got it! Thanks!
Callin - whispers to the group "We should move forward and bind up the Orcs before they wake. We can use their own cover while we work. What do you think?" CALLIN nods at TAKASHI's response and positions his shield toward where ATACIUS pointed, attempting to protect the group for any retaliation.
Graian - will listen to see if he can understand more about the noise at the base of the tower. (@Chris roll me a d6 please and tell me what you get).Graian rolled 1d6 for a total of 2
Claudia -
PCs: Michael S (chgowiz) rolled 1d6 for a total of 6
DM: Michael S (chgowiz) rolled 1d6 for a total of 3
"Listen!" ATACIUS says to the ones below him in hushed tones. "There's something moving over there!" he adds as he points to the base of the tower.
Callin whispers "We should move forward and bind up the Orcs before they wake. We can use their own cover while we work. What do you think?"
TAKASHI nods at Callin's suggestion. "I'll go - you stay with Claudia in case there are others.". He looks at Claudia and says, "Guard my flank, just in case!"
GRAIAN strains his ears to hear what ATACIUS is hearing. It might be something moving, but he hears no language or anything else.
ATACIUS crawls and climbs down into the shadows beyond the entryway, closest to the large building on the north side of the Keep. TAKASHI sprints out into the open. behind the orc's defense works, aiming to get in cover. CALLIN positions his shield toward where ATACIUS pointed, attempting to protect the group for any retaliation. But none seems to come.
TAKASHI, the Orcs are indeed asleep, their wicked looking polearms discarded, and nasty sabers at their sides. Their leather and chain armor is well made, as you would expect from Orcs. A crude symbol adorns the chest pieces. It looks like a fist with the paint allowed to drip to look like blood. The Keep buildings to your left, front and right all appear in ruins. There might be parts of the first and second stories that are intact, but time and neglect has not been kind to them. The fires that the Orcs had been using are smouldering and there are two discarded buckets between the two fires.
5 Apr
The whole of the Keep is visible to TAKASHI and ATACIUS. You cannot see into the buildings or towers very well, so that entrance on the main tower at the 5:00 position is visible, but you can't see inside due to rubble and condition of the tower. Same with the buildings, as I described earlier, and it's tough to see much into them unless you enter them.
Takashi - TAKASHI looks down at the 8 beastials, and in them he sees the destroyers of all that was good in his life so many years ago. He draws Flinnigan's revenge and severs the orcs' connection to this mortal realm with thrusts into each orc's head. (TAKASHI to himself) "I do what the priest can not do, but must be done. I am that blade in the hand of the chirurgeon that cuts deep, and removes the fester from the wound."
Atacius - Will ready his sling to shoot at anyone coming out of the base of the tower. (Does it counts as a backstab if I'm not seen? The spirit of the rule is that it is a melee attack. However, a rear attack always negates shield/dex bonuses to AC and a +2 to hit. Flank attacks negate shield and dex bonsues to AC.. - OK!)
Callin - will start to move toward the tower entrance keeping the shield as a barrier to those coming from the tower. Hoping that GRAIAN and CLAUDIA will follow. CALLIN will do his best to also keep close to the ledge at the base of the tower to provide even more cover lifting his sheild higher to protect from possible attacks from above ( if that makes sense )
Graian - will move around the tower wall, keeping close to Callin (@Chris Which wall? Are you moving towards the door, or just moving into the entryway and staying next to CALLIN?) @Michael S (chgowiz)moving towards the tower entrance keeping close to the wall
Claudia - changes weapons to TAKASHI's battle-axe, readying it, but also sticking close to CALLIN. (CALLIN, in melee, the shield would not protect Claudia, just yourself. I counted it towards the missile discharge and your specific position in the entranceway. AD&D is still a bit too abstract to track using the shield like that between two people in melee! :D )
PCs: Michael S (chgowiz) rolled 1d6 for a total of 6
DM: Michael S (chgowiz) rolled 1d6 for a total of 1
TAKASHI looks down at the 8 beastials, and in them he sees the destroyers of all that was good in his life so many years ago. He draws Flinnigan's revenge and severs the orcs' connection to this mortal realm with thrusts into each orc's head. (TAKASHI to himself) "I do what the priest can not do, but must be done. I am that blade in the hand of the chirurgeon that cuts deep, and removes the fester from the wound."
As he's doing that, CALLIN moves toward the tower entrance keeping the shield as a barrier to those coming from the tower. He keeps close to the ledge at the base of the tower to provide even more cover lifting his sheild higher to protect from possible attacks from above. Claudia changes weapons to TAKASHI's battle-axe, readying it, but also sticking close to CALLIN. GRAIAN moves around the tower wall, staying behind CALLIN, which is the closest available position.
For the three of you, once you get close to the tower entrance, you see that an Orc has taken up a defensive position the doorway, his polearm on the ground and his sword up and ready. He roars out in Orcish, which GRAIAN understands as "Hurry!" and behind him is the sounds of someone scrabbling over rocks and debris. The orc engages with Claudia, swinging at her wildy and jamming his weapon into the loose rock door frame! She screams in fear and anger and strikes out with the Battle Axe, swinging at the Orc who is now dodging her swings and scrabbling for his polearm on the ground. (CALLIN, since you were focused on protection, I'm ruling you can engage in melee next round. ATACIUS, you had no clear shot at them until the one revealed himself, and then melee was engaged.)
As the round ends, you hear the sounds of a horn being blown from the tower. The long wail echoes in the Keep... and soon enough, it will echo through the foothills!
6 Apr
Takashi - (I'm ruling you killed 3 out of the 8. If you want to abandon that and go to assist the others, that's fine. Otherwise, you'll kill 3 more this round.) TAKASHI will continue his grim task. "Almost done, brother. 5 more to go!"
Atacius - Will drop his sling and unsheath his short sword. He'll move to where TAKASHI is. "I got this, go to CALLIN and CLAUDIA!"
Callin - "TAKASHI, hurry up and bind the Orcs, we don't want to be flanked, but we need your blade!" CALLIN will ready his War Hammer and attempt to smash the Orc attempting to reach his polearm.
Graian - will cast stinking cloud into the doorway of the tower, beyond the Orc so as to not catch Claudia and Callin, to hinder any that come to help the Orc.
Claudia -
PCs: Michael S (chgowiz) rolled 1d6 for a total of 6
DM: Michael S (chgowiz) rolled 1d6 for a total of 3
As the horn notes begin to echo out of the Keep, CALLIN calls out "TAKASHI, hurry up and bind the Orcs, we don't want to be flanked, but we need your blade!"
Again, GRAIAN weaves his spell from the connection to Lexius that he feels in his mind. The flat intonations and toss of spell components at the Orc and tendrils of a strange, green mist rise from the ground. The Orc, bent over to pick up its polearm, grunts in surprise at the mist. It coughs and gags, but manages to stumble backwards out of the cloud and up the stairs in the tower! (It made its save!)
Meantime, TAKASHI continues his grim task of killing the ensorcelled Orcs out in the courtyard. "Almost done, brother. 5 more to go!"
ATACIUS drops his sling and unsheathes his short sword. He'll move to where TAKASHI is. "I got this, go to CALLIN and CLAUDIA!"
CALLIN, who was not yet engaged with the Orc in melee, is unable to take advantage of the retreating Orc, but Claudia can! She swings several times with her Battleaxe and scores a hit as the Orc retreats! It snarls at her as the axe opens a wound on the Orc's back. However, she can't move forward, blocked by the cloud!
The horn continues to be blown! The retreating Orc calls out "We are cut off! The scum have a cursed magic user and they have blocked the door! Give me your sword!" (GRAIAN, you understand this, the rest just hear the Orc spitting out harsh words in their tongue.)
6 Apr
(The map hasn't changed, only positions of ATACIUS, so I'll leave it in Round 7.)
Takashi - Will nod at ATACIUS, then advance towards the tower. While advancing, he will draw sword and ready his shield for melee with the enemy.
Atacius - Will complete TAKASHI's work. He's not pleased but it has to be done.
Callin - WIll continue to help Claudio dispatch any orc remaining that is visible while keeping his shield available to deflect incoming attacks.
Graian - will tell the others what he heard "There is at least one more in the tower, and the one that just went in now has a sword," and pulls out three darts in case an opportunity presents itself.
Claudia -
No orcs remain visible in the doorway, but GRAIAN's stinking cloud spell is there and the wisps continue to curl and twist, the noxious green tendrils waiting for someone to enter. "There is at least one more in the tower, and the one that just went in now has a sword," GRAIAN says and he pulls out three darts in case an opportunity presents itself.
TAKASHI advance towards the tower. While advancing, he will draw sword and ready his shield for melee with the enemy. Claudia gladly gives way to him, but TAKASHI can see a bit of confidence taking hold, after her first strike at an enemy. CALLIN keeps his shield raised and available to deflect incoming attacks.
Meanwhile, ATACIUS completes TAKASHI's work. He's not pleased but it has to be done. Swift cuts along the two remaining orcs' throats and all of the ones in the courtyard are now dead.
The horn continues to blow from within, echoing across the Keep and now outside, off the foothills nearest the Keep. The sounds of a chant, spoken in Orcish, can be heard. "Moloch, we come to you and give our lives to you. Moloch, you of the Eye and Fist will guide us to victory. Moloch, we are but flesh and blood and bones but made whole by you. Moloch, we will never break, bend or yield to the lower ones. Moloch, we stand ready to die for you!" GRAIAN can hear these words over the horn.
10 Apr
The most recent map is in Round 7, but there is little else to show. You can see into the tower. Rubble has fallen inside of it as well as outside. There is a stair that starts to your right and winds up along the wall. You cannot see the Orcs from your position, but you are prevented from moving within by the stinking cloud (unless you want to test the saving throw!)
Takashi - Listend to ATACIUS, and nods. "Beware the top, my friend." (to Claudia), "Well done, Claudia! Keep calm and stay centered. Be ready for a counter attack." What will you do now? TAKASHI will stay ready at the doorway in case an orc tries to wade through the cloud of noxious fumes.
Atacius - He rushes to his comrades. "TAKASHI it's done. I can climb the tower with a rope and secure it so you can go up." Is that what you intend on doing? (Yes, climb and secure a rope so Takashi can climb too)
Callin - "Good to have you at our side again TAKASHI, CLAUDIA has done well in your stead! I don't wish to explore that nasty cloud, how should we proceed?" CALLIN asks while looking up the tower looking for possible attackers from windows/arrow slits.
Graian - "I think there are only a couple left, I only hear one chanting in the tower, assume another is blowing the horn, however, more will be coming." What will you do?
Claudia - nods in a shaky, but grim manner. " thank you, Master. What do we do now?"
PCs: Michael S (chgowiz) rolled 1d6 for a total of 1
DM: Michael S (chgowiz) rolled 1d6 for a total of 6
"Good to have you at our side again TAKASHI, CLAUDIA has done well in your stead! I don't wish to explore that nasty cloud, how should we proceed?" CALLIN asks while looking up the tower looking for possible attackers from windows/arrow slits.
"Well done, Claudia! Keep calm and stay centered. Be ready for a counter attack." TAKASHI says. He stays ready at the doorway in case an orc tries to wade through the cloud of noxious fumes.
Claudia nods in a shaky, but grim manner. " thank you, Master. What do we do now?" She stands ready next to TAKASHI, mimicking his readiness.
"I think there are only a couple left, I only hear one chanting in the tower, assume another is blowing the horn, however, more will be coming." GRAIAN warns.
ATACIUS rushes to his comrades. "TAKASHI it's done. I can climb the tower with a rope and secure it so you can go up."
TAKASHI listens and nods to ATACIUS. "Beware the top, my friend."
ATACIUS scrambles up the side of the tower, the broken and old stones sticking out make it easy for the nimble thief to get to a point where he can peek in.
ATACIUS, you are roughly where the the second floor of the tower used to be. Anything above this floor has fallen away. There are pieces of the second story floor still attached to the sides of the tower, but the majority of it has fallen to the first floor. You can see an Orc blowing his horn, just where the stairs come to the second floor. Another Orc is right behind him, with his sword. He's muttering a prayer that you catch only words from: "Moloch..." "die..." "blood..." You start to attach the rope to what seems to be a sturdy piece of the wall. (@Gabriel Perez Gallardi please roll a d6).
10 Apr
ATACIUS  rolled 1d6 for a total of 3
Something about what ATACIUS is doing alerts the Orc blowing the horn to his presence.
"They are coming over the wall!" he grunts, pointing to the littleling. "We are surrounded! You know what we must do."
They look at each and nod. The Orc holding the sword strikes out, slashing the throat of the horn blower. It slumps to its knees, dropping the horn. The horn rolls down the stairs, making a hollow tink-tink-tink sound.
The Orc then glares at you. "Moloch curse you, soulless one. You will not imprison and enslave the free. God will embrace me in death and I will feast on your bones in Heaven!" It then plunges the sword directly into it's chest. It groans in pain, and then slumps over.
10 Apr
ATACIUS leans over the ruined battlements and shouts "They've killed themselves! It's over!" He then carefully approaches the dead Orc.
10 Apr
To do that, you'll have to roll over the ruined chunk of the wall and come down into the interior. Let's see what the dice have to say about this... if you want to do it. Your thief/spidey sense might be tingling that this wall is secure, but you're starting to wonder now just how secure it is...
10 Apr
Hmmm... guess I'll just shout without the leaning over. :)
10 Apr
It's not the leaning over. It's the crossing over the top of the ruined wall, and climbing down the other side to check the Orcs. You didn't see how unstable the wall was from the outside, but you can see it from looking inside. It's enough that you'd be leery of it, unless your life depended on getting away...
10 Apr
I'll just climb down then.
10 Apr
Just as you get to the bottom, the piece of wall that you had been at, and attached the rope to, goes crashing down on the inside. The rope end near TAKASHI goes flying up and disappears into the tower. A cloud of dust and small rocks comes rushing out of the tower as well as rising through the open top, with a loud rumble. Bits of stone continue to rain down for a minutes after.
Claudia looks at ATACIUS with her mouth open wide. "Did that... just... did you...?"
10 Apr
"Yeah... well, you know, that's how littlelings deal with these orcs." he says dusting of his clothes. "Or I was just lucky!" he adds with a broad smile.
10 Apr
Claudia looks at TAKASHI and CALLIN, her face clearly asks the question "Is he kidding me or not?". Then she sobers up and gulps. "Did you mean it... they .... took their lives? Why?"
10 Apr
TAKASHI: "To avoid giving us any further information about their force, no doubt. They are dedicated to a cause, that much is assured."
10 Apr
TAKASHI: "While I would love to spend more time here, I think it would be best for us to be on our way now, and quickly. If any others are around, they are surely heading this way after hearing the call."
10 Apr
ATACIUS: "It will be dark soon and there's nowhere to spend the night but this place."
11 Apr
Indeed, ATACIUS is correct. The bottom of the sun is touching the horizon. The plaintive horn call still seems to echo and roll through the footfills to your northwest, north and northeast.
The fires that the orcs had in the courtyard near the keep's buildings have stopped smouldering smoke, only little puffs and small wisps can be seen now.
11 Apr
ATACIUS: "If we're staying here we need to bring in the mounts, bury the bodies and rekindle those fires. It's going to be a cold night." He will then search the dead orcs for anything useful.
11 Apr
TAKASHI: "All right. Let's get moving, then. I'd also like to move some of the defensive works to fortify the entrance a bit, if we have the time."
11 Apr
@Joseph Schnurr - were you about to do something? I'll hold off pending anything you want to do.)
11 Apr
CALLIN: "Yes let is prepare for nightfall. TAKSHI should we move the prisoners deeper into the keep? Perhaps we can use them as bartering chips should we be laid seige"
11 Apr
TAKASHI casts his eyes down towards the courtyard, avoiding the priest's gaze.
TAKASHI: "There are no prisoners, brother. You do not know these beasts... like I do. They have destroyed my world once already, and I will not allow them to do so again. You saw with your own eyes in the abandoned hamlet what they do to those they defeat, and they deserve none of your sympathy nor compassion. The gods they follow are dark, vicious, and ever thirst for more blood."
11 Apr
GRAIAN: "Indeed, Orcs are beast, there is no room for compassion where they are concerned. I will take watch, I fear that horn will bring more." He looks for the most advantages spot to watch from among the ruins.
11 Apr
Claudia remains quiet, glancing back at the tower and then over to the bodies of the Orcs in the courtyard. "Master." she says softly. "Do we have to stay here... with them?" her voice trembles a bit.
11 Apr
ATACIUS after searching the bodies will start piling rubble to bury them where they lay.
11 Apr
ATACIUS, close to where they are laying, near one of the fires, you find a small, crudely built, iron banded chest. Obviously orc-made, looking very strong, with a lock on it of Orcish design.
11 Apr
ATACIUS will check the chest seizing the last rays of sunlight.
11 Apr
This chest looks as secure as any chest you have seen before. Orc craftsmanship is reknown in weaponsmithing, but they clearly also have a mastery of blacksmithing.... and of imposing looking locks! This lock has what looks like an intricate interior. This is going to take some work to get open.
11 Apr
ATACIUS: "Hmmm... we better take it as it is and try to open it later, with better light in a more comfortable place."
11 Apr
CALLIN: Nods at TAKASHI in understanding, his eyes are sad "I understand your pain brother. But we are not Orcs...We are men, and better men than they are. My heart hurts for you my friend. Let the LIGHT guide you, let it wash away your pain. Let it cast away the darkness in your heart." Callin then steps forward and places his hand upon TAKASHI's shoulder. "Raise your eyes brother. I still stand with you. You have shown me that I must help you heal the pain in which the darkness has caused you...." CALLIN pauses "Now let us prepare for the night."
11 Apr
TAKASHI considers CALLIN's words carefully, and reflects on their meaning.
TAKASHI: "I will always try to do good by your beliefs, CALLIN, though I will often fall short. Know that when I do, it is only because I am taking a different path than you."
He looks towards Claudia, and notes her concern.
TAKASHI: "These will no longer harm us, nor those we care for. We will bury them where they lie, and then be done with it."
11 Apr
(If ATACIUS chooses to investigate the chest, I'll assume it's before you begin to deal with the orc bodies unless Gabriel wants to do it differently.)
Claudia nods and, although green around the gills, goes to help ATACIUS pile rubble over them.
Just as sun is about to fully dip below the horizon, a sound rolls from the northwest.
It rolls low through the hills but the echo is clear.
TAKASHI, you have heard this sound before. However you remember it, in your nightmares, in the memories darkest, you have heard the sounds of Orc war drums before.
Claudia looks at ATACIUS. "That's not good, is it?" she asks in a low voice.
11 Apr
ATACIUS: "Unless it's the sound of thunder, it isn't. Looks like we've disturbed the wasp's nest." answers the littleling in the same tone.
11 Apr
TAKASHI: "Are you all sure you wish to remain here in a known location? I do not like the sound of those drums."
12 Apr
CALLIN: "Indeed it sounds as if their bretheren are coming. And by the sound, a lot of them. I wonder if attempting to confront an army is the wise option."
12 Apr
The sun slips below the horizon, but the drum does not let up. The foothills echo the drums well enough that at some point, the sound seems to be all around you.
Claudia shivers and stands next to TAKASHI. "Master... what do we do if we're going to stay? Do you wish me to go to the entrance with you and help you?"
12 Apr
TAKASHI: "I think that if we stay here tonight, then we will not be able to leave tomorrow. If we make our best time now back towards Appleton, we should be relatively safe. Otherwise, we risk getting surrounded in the decaying walls and this will be our final standing place."
12 Apr
CALLIN: "Agreed, are the Orcs good at tracking? I would not wish to lead them back to Appleton....perhaps we lead them to Anthenum and let them deal with the slugs and various other creatures of that pit"
12 Apr
GRAIAN: "We should leave quickly, while I am OK, you cannot compete with the Orcs at night. As for tracking, like us depends on who is with them, We should not go directly to Appletone, I agree, but not sure about leading them to Athenum, that may put Apsuna and family at some risk. We also want to go back there.Let's leave and we can work on the details as we go, we should get as much distance between us and the Orcs as possible."
13 Apr
OK, which direction do you want to go. You have less than an hour of enough light to move by. At the end of 6 turns, you'll be at 1/2 your normal move rate to avoid any problems... and you run the risk of getting lost. There is no moon in my campaign. The starshine is enough to see about 10 feet at max around you.
13 Apr
13 Apr
ATACIUS: We take the chest with us. Also we know roughly where the sun set, so we can set our direction S-SE to reach the Appleton area. "Let's ride in a single file to hide how many we are."
14 Apr
You leave the ruined keep and set off in the SSW direction, that you can see in the waning light.
After an hour, darkness has taken over. TAKASHI and CALLIN are finding it difficult to move quickly, as they can only see about 10' ahead while moving. To see further, they have to stop, wait for their eyes to adjust and focus, then look ahead. GRAIAN and ATACIUS have no problems, but they have to move as fast as the humans (and horses) can in the dark.
The drumming stopped shortly after the sun set beyond the horizon, but the rolling echoes can be heard for a little while after. The cold wind begins to be felt on your faces and hands as the Winter night sets in.
14 Apr
TAKASHI: "Tonight will be a long and cold night, but I think it may be better to keep moving if possible. Claudia, how are you faring?"
14 Apr
Claudia looks exhausted, her teeth chattering and her battleaxe and bow forgotten behind her in favor for the thin blanket she's wrapped herself in behind you.
"Fff..f...f....fine,!" she responds.
14 Apr
TAKASHI looks to the others after hearing Claudia's reply. She is cold and he worries for her health in this weather.
TAKASHI: "What do the rest of you think? Should we make camp here and build a fire to stave off the cold? We should be able to outpace any warband on our mounts in the morning."
14 Apr
CALLIN: "Perhaps stopping to Camp would be wise. However I worry about lighting a fire. It would simply be a beacon to the Orcs. I will happly lend my blankets to Claudia and make due with my armor and cloak this night." CALLIN ponders for a moment.... "No better yet, we will call on the LIGHT to aid us. Find us a good spot for camp. The LIGHT shall provide more warmth than the largest of fires! I will need time for prayer, but we will be warm this night."
14 Apr
Yep, that'll be fine. Keeping two of you together, with one with the spell, that will work. that allows you to switch off, while they sleep snuggled up. Trust me, when it's cold and you're camping outside in primitive conditions (ie, no sleeping bag, only a heavy wool blanket and the clothes you're wearing), you learn that you have no modesty and no limitations on who you spoon with. (Boulder Outdoor Survival School - the 14 day class, if you're interested. Gave me whole new perspective on outdoor adventures. )
GRAIAN, since you will not be sleeping well through the night, you do not recover spells. (It's not easy sleeping like that). But 4 of you make it just fine through the night. CALLIN, you will be at some penalties through the day should you be in combat or need to exert yourself. You are exhausted!
The morning dawns and you see that you indeed did go southeast... or at least in a different direction than the one you came in, when you were by the foothills! The grasslands stretch across the horizon to the south, with the foothills doing the same to the north and the Oreterra Mountains behind them.
CALLIN is in a daze, Obviously exhausted, he will look to follow the groups directions. "Praise to the Light!" he mumbled as he stumbles up to his horse to prepair for the days ride.
14 Apr
So, we struggle through the night in uncomfortable cold, and the dawn breaks.
TAKASHI: "Perhaps we should go to Skalfier and warn someone. Perhaps they could send someone to the keep, if any are there that feel it is still their duty to protect these lands. And if the orcs manage to follow us, at least the city proper has walls and guards."
14 Apr
Claudia thinks hard for a moment, then looks at TAKASHI. "If so, I should go back to Appleton to warn the village and get Tobias."
14 Apr
TAKASHI: "I would not let any of us travel alone here in the wilderlands, Claudia. However, you make a good point. CALLIN, ATACIUS, and GRAIAN - how about you three head to Skalfier and contact those you think might be most helpful. The temple, the guild, others you might think of. Claudia and I will return to Appleton and warn the village, get TOBIAS, and meet you in Skalfier. If Claudia and I pass by the Atheneum, we might also warn Apsuna."
14 Apr
CALLIN: "That sounds like a wise idea."
14 Apr
ATACIUS will take the chest to Skalfier to open it and see what's in it. Maybe there's some clue or something interesting about these Orcs. Perhaps Notebana will know something useful.
14 Apr
GRAIAN: "Be careful, both for yourselves and Appleton. Might be best if you do got Athenum first, if the Orcs are tracking you that maight confuse them a little and Apsuna will be wanred, although she probabaly knows or will before they get there. Come on Callin let's find you a warm place to rest."
15 Apr
ATACIUS, your map shows (although I didn't draw it on the players map) the road that leads from the Keep to Skalfier. Although you believe you have a general idea of where you are in relation to Mount Keep, you can see that no matter where you're at if you head east, you should hit the road. You figure probably less than a day, but it all depends on how travel goes. Do you all wish to stay together to get to the road, or do you wish to split up now? Since this is new to you all, where you're at, there is a chance of getting lost. It's mainly time - takes a bit longer to head east, then south to Appleton/Skalfier, but you'll probably not get lost. But... there's no harm in getting lost! I'm just offering a couple of options - maybe you have others?
15 Apr
ATACIUS thinks it's better to stick together and head SE unitl we hit the road between Skalfier and Skalfier Keep. Then we split.
16 Apr
TAKASHI agrees.
17 Apr
34th day of Winter
ATACIUS voices his thought that "it's better to stick together and head SE unitl we hit the road between Skalfier and Skalfier Keep. Then we split." TAKASHI agrees.
17 Apr
Late in the afternoon, TAKASHI, you realize that you've seen this bit of land before - and that you're probably southwest of Appleton! The road to Skalfier lies due east and you are a short time away from Appleton itself.
17 Apr
TAKASHI wonders how far they are away from the Atheneum? He would like to warn Apsuna of what they have found, and perhaps lead anyone following them on a bit of a wild goose chase.
17 Apr
You could choose to go through Appleton to make it quicker, which would have you there and back to Appleton by nightfall. Skirting Appleton, you'd get to the Athenum by nightfall, and then back to Appleton in the dark.
17 Apr
TAKASHI considers his options thoughtfully. He is, quite frankly, exhausted from the lack of sleep and does not think it wise to press his luck in his condition, and the same goes for Claudia. He will choose to ride through Appleton and drop Claudia off there to warn the village and TOBIAS, then continue on to Athenum to warn Apsuna and her flock, and then return back to Athenum by nightfall.
TAKASHI: "Claudia, please make sure that TOBIAS is ready to leave tomorrow early in the morning. And get extra food and rest tonight yourself. You have done well on this trip, and now know what the bestials are like."
17 Apr
You can choose to go to Appleton or continue on towars the road. If you head to the road, you'll have to rest outdoors tonight soon after getting to it.
17 Apr
CALLIN is exhausted and probably not capabile of making a coherrent he will agree to whatever the rest of the group decides....
17 Apr
ATACIUS "We've been on this road several times. Is there any homestead we know of that we can spend the night? That way we don't have to go back to Appleton and spend the night in the open. If there isn't any I'm afraid the best thing is going back to Appleton."
17 Apr
There are smaller villages that you pass that would probably let you sleep in their barns for coin or chores. Assuming the sight of heavily armed adventurers at their doorstep doesn't make them afraid. ;)