The Dark Ages - Southern Seas - Act 10 - Appleton/Athenum - Fall 16, 56AD

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29 Jan
The Dark Ages - Southern Seas - Act 10 - Appleton/Athenum - Fall 16, 56AD
The day dawns to another clear morning, but the heat has become summer-like in its oppressiveness, creeping late into the night and returning early in the morning. It is muggy as well, and by the time you all are gathered to go, sweat is dripping off your brows.
None of this seems to have affected Sir Flinigan, who appears to have gained an extra spring in his walk. His demeanor is clear and hopeful. He shows the experience of an old campaigner, having food and drink tucked away, along with odds and ends of camping and exploring gear. His plate armor is cleaned and polished and his sword appears sharp.
He hands two silver daggers to whoever wishes them and ensures that all of you have some sort of light source. He has seven torches available for those that want to carry them.
Ensuring that everyone is ready to go, he mounts his horse and salutes the rising sun to the east. "Today, Light willing, we will finally free my angel! I come for you, my love! You will not suffer anymore!"
29 Jan
(If there are any final activities you wish to do, then please go ahead, otherwise next post is on the road!)
29 Jan
TAKASHI is ready and willing!
TAKASHI: "Let us be on our way... Sir Flinigan's bride awaits her release!"
29 Jan
TOBIAS seems excited to go, but uncertain of himself. He wears his pack poorly, and it's apparent he's not used to travelling.
TOBIAS will wait to see if any of the guests take the silver daggers first. If there is one or more left he will exchange out his normal ones.
29 Jan
ATACIUS will reach for Sir Flinigan's silver daggers, keeping one and handling one to TOBIAS. "Here kid, looks like you know how to use one of these." he says, and gives him a pat in the arm, trying to boost his confidence.
29 Jan
TOBIAS smiles uncertainly at ATACIUS, but accepts the dagger from him and seems a bit more relaxed as he sheathes it at his waist.
30 Jan
GRAIAN checks he has everything and mounts his horse, calling out to Callin, "Callin, I hope the Light favours you, I think we will need it in the depth of the ruins."
2 Feb
CALLIN smiles and GRAIAN: "Of course, the Light favors all of us that stand against the darkness. Those pure of heart and noble in cause. We shall smite all that stands in the way of the Light this day!"
30 Jan
Sir Flinigan takes you all to the northwest, along a dirt path that is largely overgrown, but still visible as compared to the vegetation and land surrounding it. The going is slow, the cow is still at it's usual speed of slow. The day is hot and the heat oppressive, but there are a few clouds gathering on the horizon. Sir Flinigan sees them and says "Looks like rain will be upon us."
Along the way, Sir Flinigan is mostly silent, although cheerful. He seems to be focusing himself, and at times, you can see his lips moving as if he is either praying or talking to himself.
The sun is touching the horizon in its descent and you spy some trees and surrounding broken walls in the distance. There appear to be several birds flying lazy circles above it. Sir Flinigan pulls his horse up short and points to the ruins. "That... is the Athenum. It's a large group of buildings, as the Mages built both libraries and dwellings here. During the Schism, there were several mage battles fought over these lands, but no one survived as far as I know. To the north about a half day's travel is another abandoned set of dwellings."
He looks at GRAIAN. "This Summer, I had a chance to meet some of your kind there. They were seeking knowledge of the Athenum, but Apsuna and the bandits were giving them trouble. I believe some adventurers fell in with them, but I haven't seen them in many ten days. I recently swung by, and I believe the place is still inhabited, but by whom, I do not know, save they were stealthy, sneaky and not the usual bandits." He frowns.
"So... we will come and rest again, this day's journey in the heat has worn me out. Apsuna will be here, but she will appreciate your gift and leave us be, I have no doubt. Tomorrow at dawn, we can enter the underground and find Christine." He sighs. "I would go this very minute, but I can barely lift the reigns, much less a sword. I would be of no use and I have no doubt she'll be alive. I have lived 15 years and I want to go now, but I know that it would not serve us well." He sighs and wipes his eyes. "Age crushes youth as well as dreams, so one learns to live with it."
1 Feb
TOBIAS appears to be more than relieved to be stopping at last. He's sweating so much that he seems to be melting, and the effort of carrying his pack all day seems to have left him totally drained. He practically collapses to the ground.
1 Feb
GRAIAN replying to Sir Flinigan, "So do you think my kinfolk have been lost, along with their adventurering friends, or driven away by Apsuna and the bandits?"
1 Feb
"I don't know." Flinigan answers. "They seem despondent when I spoke to them, the leader had talked about returning, but there was a lot of anger in the group and I did not press the question. Several had been lost to the birds."
1 Feb
TAKASHI: "Interesting. Apsuna was surprised when we did not strike out at her immediately - I guess fewer and fewer folk are willing to attempt to talk before resorting to violence."
2 Feb
As you approach the ruins closer, birds take flight above the ruins and swirl in circles, coming closer to you. There are several human shaped blackbirds among them. Then.. a larger bird, almost twice their size takes flight with a CAW and a swirl of dirt and dust that you can see. It takes flight.
"Apsuna rises..." Sir Flinigan comments. He reins in his horse and dismounts, taking the reins and patting the horse, soothing it. "I would do the same, my friends, the horses don't often like the sight of such creatures and tend to bolt."
The cow moo's in an unconcerned manner, not aware of its fate to soon be decided.
As the birds come overhead, the horses do indeed buck and grow fearful, forcing you all to dismount and take hold of them.
"Halooo, Apsuna!" Sir Flinigan calls. "I have come... with friends and a meal! Come, have a talk with us!"
In response, Apsuna cocks her head at Sir Flinigan and circles once above him. She lets out several caws and croaks and the smaller birds all turn and wing back directly towards the ruins, where they alight on the walls and stones, watching with more quiet croaks and caws. Apsuna lands in front of Flinigan and his horse snorts in fright.
"Well met to you, man of Flinigan and apples. It never seems to understand I won't eat it out of respect to you" Apsuna croaks and her beak opens wide for a moment. Sir Flinigan laughs and nods. "Indeed, great bird of the sky. Well met indeed. I am glad to see your feathers are full and the winds carrying you onwards."
Apsuna seems to nod and then tilts her head to take in all of you.
"Ah, the humans and elf and little one from the trees near your large nest. Wind and Sky have been kind that I see you again. And for you to have found one of the few other humans who I find full of courtesy, that I find very interesting. Perhaps Wind and Sky move in ways to bring you together. Well met to you all." she croaks.
"And to you, who I do not know, but you travel in the company of those I know and call friend, I greet you. I am Apsuna." she croaks to Tobias.
2 Feb
TOBIAS, who has been watching on in wonder, and with admiration for Sir Flinigan, bows his head low to Apsuna. "I am... that is, my name is Tobias, m'lord. I'm honored..."
"I am surprised to see you here as the sun hides behind the west mountains in its journey, Flinigan." she turns to Sir Flinigan. "What brings you here... and with a feed animal, no less?"
Sir Flinigan points to you all. "My friend, that is their story to tell, but our story is intermixed. To tell it though, we would sit and rest near your nest, if you permit it."
Apsuna bows her head again. "You are well-come, Flinigan. You may rest and sleep here and feed so that your bodies remain strong. And tell of your stories to me. I would like that very much."
With that, she moves back a bit, flaps her wings which raise dust in your faces, croaks and flies a short distance close to the ruins and lands. The other birds rise up into the sky and descend into the ruins proper, leaving some space for you all to move closer to the ruins.
2 Feb
TOBIAS waits to see if Sir Flinigan will take the lead and head down, as proof that it is safe to continue, before he goes any further.
2 Feb
CALLIN will move forward leading both his hores and the cow toward the ruins. When the rest of the party arrives he will announce the intentions of the cow to Apsuna.
"Apsuna, we would like to offer you this cow as a meal from one group of friends to another. We are thankful for the bond which we have and would like to extend what hospitality we can"
2 Feb
TAKASHI: "Indeed. We thank you for your hospitality and invitation to your nest."
2 Feb
GRAIAN leads his horse to the ruins and takes stock of the remains, imagining what this must have been like in previous times, feeling the knowledge that must have been here. "Apsuna, thank you for letting us stay and spend some time searching for truth from the past."
3 Feb
Apsuna tilts her head at the cow. "I thank you for the gift, the giving honors the giver more than the gift itself."
Her beak drops open in laughter. "A fine feed animal, a bit bigger than we normally feast on, this one will keep us fed for days. If you would be so kind as to take it beyond the ruins and cut its throat, we can then take our meal."
She tilts her head at GRAIAN. "So said the others of your kind, although they did not take kindly to our home here. Unfortunately, elf, the leaves you will find here are torn, dirty and lost to the wind, the earth and the sun. And have made fine nesting material! The others did not seem to find what they were looking for."
"That is because what they are looking for is hidden in plain sight." replies Sir Flinigan.
"One such as he..." Flinigan nods to GRAIAN "can find the hidden door and open it to the treasures within."
Apsuna eyes Sir Flinigan for a moment. "Indeed, human, that is something that my grandsire spoke of in bits, but he did not reveal any secrets to me. He spoke of the humans with power who lived here long ago, then made war on each other. When this place was rent like a nest in the storm, the humans left and my grandsire and mater made their nest here. For none would approach."
"Indeed my old friend, and when you found me lying here those many years ago, I could barely remember aught but the pain of losing my angel." Sir Flinigan heaves a sigh.
"So you go to free her?" Apsuna asks.
"Yes, with the help of these fine adventurers and my fine ward here, Tobias." Sir Flinigan looks at each of you with hope lighting up his worn face. His grand moustache curls above the smile touching his lips.
"Then it is good that Wind and Sky has blown in such ways to bring us together." Apsuna says. "Come, make your rest here, we will eat once the deed is done, we will talk and sleep and we will await the sun to return to us across the sky."
3 Feb
ATACIUS will guide the cow beyond the ruins...
3 Feb
The smaller and human sized birds watch you very. intently. and let out a loud racious CAW when the cow is harvested. They wait until you leave before flying down very quickly and surrounding it.
3 Feb
GRAIAN looks at Apsuna "Yes I think a good rest is in order, we have much ahead of us, however, may I take a walk around first?"
3 Feb
"Of course, elf!" Apsuna croaks. "You are well-come and a friend. Mind the nests and any eggs, but please have a look around."
3 Feb
CALLIN will tie his horse and pray to the Light for guidance on this journey. That the Light may shine bright to show us the way, and warm our hearts on our travels, that it may protect our party from the darkness, and any abominations that dwell inside that darkness.
3 Feb
TOBIAS will sit quietly, hoping to hear more tales of wizards and magic.
3 Feb
GRAIAN: "Thank you, of course I will be especially careful to avooid the nests and eggs." As he ties up his horse, "Sir Flinigan, you can remember were the entrance to the lower level is, can you tell me, I would like to look around a little?"
4 Feb
"It was in the main building, or what is left of it. There was a wall that seemed to have a strange section to it. I was drawn there by my angel, but I never really saw what I entered... or left. I just know it's there." he replies. "Please don't go in yourself, my friend... the guardians of that place are merciless and unless you are skilled enough, I fear they would be the death of you."
3 Feb
TAKASHI: "So, Apsuna, it sounds as if you are your kin have been here for quite some time. Are there other flocks like yours, or is your flock the last of its kind? As a land bound walker, I can only imagine the joy of being able to fly. To soar through the sky on the wind, gazing down upon the land for miles around. It must be quite a feeling."
4 Feb
"Ah, my friend, I wish I knew of my brothers and sisters who look like me, but since the lands tumbled and the skies darkened many of your years ago, I have seen only my own flock here. We were always few in number, those of us of my size and the ability to make the speech and fly as high as we can. I hope before my days are done to meet up with one who I can sire with, but I have many days to go and we shall see what Wind and Sky provide. These littler ones, they are related, or of eggs that did not produce ones like me, and they make quite a few children on their own." She sounds very much like any proud mother or grandmother at that point.
"To fly... to be one with the Sky and Wind, it is a thing that can only be felt and experienced, not described. I have spoken to those who swim in the vast waters, those who can make speech, and they talk of similar in their travels beneath the waves. To be one with one's surrounding, at its mercy and yet hand in hand with it to see its beauty. The sky stretches far beyond, with little but clouds and the edge of the lands to be seen, but such beauty in that." She ruffles her feathers in obvious pleasure at the thought of flying.
"There are other flying creatures that I have seen, the dragons, the eagles, the rocs... and other things that I do not understand, but they take to the air too. I leave them be, except for the eagles and rocs, we have made speech. And the dragons, although I have spoken to one, I feared for my life, for those creatures are of tricks and lies and danger at every word."
4 Feb
TOBIAS listens intently, fascinated by both the story and the storyteller. He gets a particularly faraway look in his eye while Apsuna is speaking about flight.
4 Feb
TAKASHI: "If ever we encounter others like you, I will spread the word of your flock, if you desire. You have a noble and thriving flock, and should be very proud to be their matron. From where I come, we have a saying that goes something like, 'The children are a true portrait of the parents'.
6 Feb
Tobias winces a bit...
Their reflection paints you well, truly."
4 Feb
Apsuna dips her head. "Again, your courtesy is refreshing, human. Would that more of your kind show such courtesy in life. But, an egg hatches the flight, so I give it to Wind and Sky to decide where we all will land."
4 Feb
GRAIAN: As you walk around the ruins, it becomes clear that there was one large central building, roughly rectangular, with perhaps a half dozen smaller building surrounding it. Corners, small sections of walls, pieces here and there that show columns or bits of support. The main building's corners are still partially standing and look unique, being angled so there's not a 90deg angle, but 45, diagonal wall, then 45. Inside this building, there is one wall that seems to be larger than the rest of the ruins, and has an area that seems odd, in the waning light.
5 Feb
GRAIAN looks at the wall, clearly this is the way in, the question is what lies behind it? As he stands there looking at it he has an urge to enter, starting to take a step forward he stops and turns. Who knows what is beyond the wall, he cannot even look inside by himself. He heads back to the others.
4 Feb
Sir Flinigan lets out a huge yawn as he listens to Apsuna speak. "My apologies my friends, but I must sleep now, so that I can be ready for the morrow." he says. "Please feel free to stay up, but be ready, tomorrow will bring challenges like none you've ever seen before."
He pulls out a well-used bedroll, folds some extra blankets into a pillow, manages to find a space where the ruins keep the rain (which is still falling) from dripping on him and is quickly asleep.
5 Feb
TOBIAS appears to take Sir Flinigan's lead, laying out his bedroll and lying prone on it, but he suddenly props himself up with one arm, brushes back some of his hair and speaks: "Master TAKASHI? Have you been to Ramathia? I've read so much about it..."
5 Feb
GRAIAN seeing the other are starting to settle down for the night bids them goodnight and prepares his bed, wondering if he should prepare new spells.
5 Feb
TAKASHI: "No, I have not, TOBIAS. I am newly arrived to this area from East, and so you very likely know much more of Ramathia and these lands than I. Perhaps you could tell me what you have read about it as we drift off to sleep? We did a bit of research in Skalfier a few days ago, and so I know only the very basics of Ramathia."
5 Feb
As TOBIAS tells what he knows of Ramathia, it's clear that he's only been able to gather basic knowledge of the island from whatever books he could find, plus a handfull of tall tales and stories. What becomes very obvious though, is that he very much wants to go there someday. Eventually, even in his excitement about what tomorrow will bring, he will wind down and nod off.
5 Feb
TAKASHI grins as TOBIAS nods off, one eye watching the lad succumb to sleep.
TAKASHI says to himself, "There is much to learn of you, and within you, I think. We will see what tomorrow brings."
5 Feb
Fall 17, 56AD
The winds come gently with the dawn, bringing the smell of wet and heat. The clouds are very close now, and you can make out the faint fog of rain under them. Sir Flinigan is silent as he breaks his fast, contemplating the sky quietly as if gathering his strength. Aside from the noises you make, all is quiet, as if in anticipation of the coming day's adventure.
After a bit, Flinigan goes through the practiced motions of donning his field plate, tightening the straps and checking/rechecking the fit. He slides his sword out, checks it over with a veteran's eye and slides it back into it's scabbard. He checks the side dagger to make sure it is in place, then he turns to face you all.
"My friends, I will ask you one last time if you are sure of this." Sir Flinigan says. "You owe no allegiance to me, save the kindness that us of the civilized races should feel to one another in these times. The way beneath will be perilous and I will do all I can to protect you, but in the dark, all are at war with what lies underneath. You have given this old man more hope than I have felt since I left these foul ruins fifteen years ago, but I must beg you to reconsider."
He takes a deep breath. "If you do feel valorous and are set of mind and heart to enter, then I ask only this... should I fall, please take Tobias under your protection. I have seen the same light and spirit in him that I saw in Christine twenty years ago. My weapons, my armor, those you may have to help, if you find them of value. This sword, I inherited it from a fellow soldier who swore that it was enchanted. It may be so, as my strikes always seemed to be true, but I never faced fell creatures... well.. at least not until ... " he falters.
"In anyrate, if I should fall, I beg you take my body to the Marshall to be given a soldier's burial as befitting one who has shed for the Duchy. He will understand. My written will is kept at the Keep by guard of the Purser."
Sir Flinigan stands and begins to gather his few things. "Shall we prepare then?"
He walks towards the main building with the walk of someone who is prepared to do battle. He moves towards a large section of the wall, that is oddly shaped, as if it is flat, but yet as if by an odd trick of the light, it seems to have a different shape.
5 Feb
TAKASHI: "Today is as good a day to face down evil as any other. If I die, then I die doing what is right!"
5 Feb
TOBIAS is clearly nervous this morning, and nearly chokes on his breakfast when he hears TAKASHI say the word "die." It takes him several tries to light his lantern.
5 Feb
CALLIN: "There is nothing to reconsider Sir Flinigan. As a follower of the Light, I have a duty to rip away the darkness and let the Light shine. I see that Light shine brightly through you Sir. You are a good man, and I see no better way to start this day than standing at your side." CALLIN walks forward and places his hand upon Sir Flinigan's Shoulder. "Sir Flinigan, may the Light be with you this day, may it guide your sword true, and lead your broken Heart to the path of healing. Today we cast the Light into the darkness and banish that which has wronged you."
5 Feb
Sir Flinigan bows his head in respect to your spoken blessing. When you finish, he raises his head and smiles. "A finer blessing I have never received on the field of battle... and I have seen quite a few blessings before battles, my friend. May the Light guide us all in the darkness."
5 Feb
GRAIAN: "There is much at stake in this venture Sir Flinigan, there is no backing out. Besides if we don't go today, we will have to go tomorrow." Checking he has everything, he heads to the wall. "So we are all ready to enter?" he asks
5 Feb
TOBIAS gulps, and gives a little nod.
5 Feb
TAKASHI nods in agreement.
5 Feb
ATACIUS, who's been strangely quiet these last couple of days, seem to regain his cheerful demeanor on the face of this new endeavor.
"Let's hope Apsuna and her gang don't fancy a snack with our horses while we're down there!", he chuckles as he feeds a half eaten apple to his horse.
With that, he makes sure his shortsword ad daggers slide swiftly fron their scabbard, and his sling bullets and makeshift granades are at hand.
"C'mon kid, don't pay atention to the Easterner, everything is going to be alright.", he says giving a reassuring pat to TOBIAS. "If you get lost, don't yell, we'll look for you.", he adds with a wink.
8 Feb
TOBIAS smiles a little in spite of himself. It fades quickly though, as he double-checks to see if the items he's placed in the large pockets of his coat are still there, patting them with his hands. Reassured that he's remembered everything, he straps on his backpack and takes up the lantern.
7 Feb
Sir Flinigan turns to GRAIAN, looking a bit confused at seeing him stand in front of the wall, then comprehension dawns.
"So that's how she was able to enter... you know where the door is, don't you, GRAIAN? Because that is exactly where it is." He points to what looks like to the rest of you is an wall that seems to have survived a bit better than the rest in this ruined building, and it seems to catch the light in odd ways. To ATACIUS's eye, it definitely is out of the ordinary, but it's hard to understand *why*.
8 Feb
GRAIAN: "Indeed, it is obvious, at least to some of us. Well we are as ready as we ever will be, onward." with that he traces the outline of the symbol in the wall.
8 Feb
GRAIAN and TOBIAS both see a spiderweb of arcane energy grow from the symbol to the outer edges of the door which glow bright, then dim as the physical shape of the door appears, then opens inwards to a set of rich marble stairs going down into the darkness.
To ATACIUS, as GRAIAN traces the symbol, he realizes that this door is mage-locked in some strange way and now the odd light and effect makes sense, he would never be able to see the door exactly.
To CALLIN and TAKASHI, it seems as if GRAIAN traced something on the surface of the door and then a door suddenly appeared and opened.
Sir Flinigan nods approvingly at GRAIAN. "Well done. Now... light your torches and prepare yourselves. We must go quickly. I pray to the Light that my nightmares over the years are correct in the path I must take."
He lights a torch himself and draws his sword. He then steps into the doorway and goes down the stairs.
8 Feb
TAKASHI: "I will stand at your side, Sir Flinigan, and together we can try and take the brunt of the attack. Who shall follow in the second rank?"
8 Feb
TOBIAS will check to see that his hooded lantern is still lit, then he will step up behind Sir Flinigan and TAKASHI. Looking up to his guardian, he says "Don't worry Sir Flinigan, we will find her."
8 Feb
GRAIAN joins TOBIAS in the second row.
9 Feb
CALLIN: "I will take the rear and cover our backs" CALLIN says as he checks his armor and gear.
9 Feb
Turn 1
10 feet, 20 feet west, down a set of marbled stairs, which look untouched by time or wear in the flickering torchlight and dim daylight. The stairs end at a small landing with an archway to the west, which Sir Flinigan strides through cautiously, but purposefully.
You find yourselves in a half-circle room with the straight wall to the west, opposite you. You have come into the room in the middle of the arc on the eastern-most point, with the arc starting to the north and ending at the south. (If it is hard visualizing this, cut a circle in half from 12 oclock to 6 oclock. You came in at 3oclock.)
There is a door to the southeast (4 oclock), a door in the southwestern corner (on the straight wall) and an archway to the northeast (2 oclock), but these are on the very edge of your light sources, so you can see no further.
In the flickering torchlight and dim lanternlight, this appears to be some sort of entry hall. There are unlit lanterns and ember jars in the corners and hanging from the ceiling, which is about 10 feet above you. The walls, ceiling and floor are a rich marble. In the walls are small niches with perhaps statuettes or figures in them.
Sir Flinigan turns to the door in the southeast and points to it. "That's the way."
9 Feb
TOBIAS stops at one of the niches and slowly raises his lantern to illuminate one of the things that may be a statuette or figure.
9 Feb
The statuettes are of strange figures, sexless and not human, posing in obscene postures.
9 Feb
CALLIN comes in last and sees the atrocities on the walls.... "By the Light, the Darkness has indeed intrenched itself in this place! A purge will be needed once the innocent are safe" CALLIN will then keep an eye on the other door and stay with the group as they head toward the southeast door.
9 Feb
TOBIAS (speaking softly, visibly disturbed by the statue): Father CALLIN... Will your magic of the Light be strong enough to free Lady Christine?
9 Feb
CALLIN: "Ah TOBIAS, the Light is not is much more than is Faith! Faith in Man, Faith in what is pure in heart and noble in deed. It is what makes us what and who we are. It feeds from love, happyness and life." CALLIN pauses then looks at TOBIAS with a smile on his face. "So the question young TOBIAS isn't if my magic is strong enough....the more important question is this: Is the Love in your heart strong enough? I have answered that question for myself, now you must answer it for yourself as well"
9 Feb
TOBIAS looks thoughtful for a moment, then takes a deep breath and nods.
10 Feb
ATACIUS will follow at the edge of the light source, watchin the group's back by peering into the shadows with his darkvision.
Are the floor or the statuettes dusty?
10 Feb
No. They appear perfectly clean and unaged.
9 Feb
GRAIAN does not spend much time with the statues, they are not something he wants to think about. He examines the SE door, "Sir Flinigan, remember anything about this door? Atacius I don't see anything, do you?"
9 Feb
"Not specifically." Sir Flinigan answers. "Aside from the one at the top. You must understand, when I first entered, I was in a rush and a rage, and I believe Christine was guiding me in some way. In leaving, she was doing much the same.. or rather, she pushed me away. " He stops, choking up at the memories.
"Anyway, I remember fighting creatures at some point, but mostly the nightmares, which I think are my memories, are of the darkness and of leaving and hearing her scream..."
He grips his sword resolutely and you can hear his knucles crack.
"I don't recall anything aside that the doors open. I'm sorry, my friends."
The door itself appears to be of painted wood, and seems to have a simple latch on it for opening and closing, although the latch and hinges look very well crafted. It appears to swing towards the room you are in now.
10 Feb
ATACIUS, his atention brought to the front by GRAIAN, will move forward and examine the door. Is the knob dusty or polished? Are the latch and hinges rusty or oiled? Does it has a keyhole? After that he'll motion everyone to be silent and will listen at the door.
10 Feb
The knob is polished, looking like today was the day it was first installed. The hinges are oiled and in mint condition. There is no keyhole, merely a latch to open it with.
Assuming you're doing the normal/ordinary listening, you hear nothing.
10 Feb
I ment to use Hear Noise.
10 Feb
(OOC: Between the Hear Noise and Find Traps, that will take two turns.)
10 Feb
You hear TOBIAS's stomach growling, probably due to his nerves, and Sir Flinigan's knuckles cracking again, probably due to his impatience, but you don't hear anything else.
10 Feb
ATACIUS: "This is strange for an abandoned place..." he mutters. He'll carefully look for anything out of the ordinary o amiss about the door and frame (Find Traps).
10 Feb
Nothing appears out of the ordinary about the door or frame.
Sir Flinigan watches, but TAKASHI sees a flash of impatience on his face.
10 Feb
ATACIUS steps back from the door. "Well, couldn't find anything wrong with it, but I still find it strange." he says falling back in formation.
10 Feb
TAKASHI: "Let's follow Sir Flinnigan, as he knows where he is going for now. We can explore later, when our mission is completed successfully. This certainly is a strange place, and it makes my blood run a bit cold..."
10 Feb
Turn 3
Sir Flinigan reaches for the door in a deliberate manner and lifts the latch...
... and the door opens into a dark room. He and TAKASHI step through the door and you all enter behind them.
You are in an oddly shaped room, which can be best described as a bell shaped, but the top is flat instead of rounded. The bell would be tilted with the top facing NE (2 oclock) and the bottom facing SW (8 oclock). There is a door opposite you (you came in at the NW side at the top of the "bell" shape (roughly 11oclock), so the door is on the SE side (roughly 4 oclock). There is an archway at the bottom of "the bell" (SW) leading into darkness.
The room itself appears to be a simple hallway, just oddly shaped. The door in the SE side is similar to the one you just came through.
Sir Flinigan points to the SW. "Through there. We'll be close to the stairs leading down... to where she is. Or was."
10 Feb
GRAIAN walks to the SE door and listens
10 Feb
Sir Flinigan watches GRAIAN go to the southeast, while he points to the southwest, and a slightly impatient, slightly bemused look flickers across his face.
You don't hear anything.
10 Feb
GRAIAN, noticing Sir Flinigan's impatient look "As I am behind you I would rather be somewhat certain there is nothing nasty behind me, even with the protection of the Light," nodding to Callin in acknowledgement."I am ready, lead the way."
11 Feb
Sir Flinigan nods. "Which is why I said nothing, good elf. It seems that the guardians don't wish to be disturbed, as long as we don't enter their spaces, they should leave us alone. I hope."
11 Feb
GRAIAN sighs "I hope so too," mostly to himself
11 Feb
CALLIN continues to cover the rear guard, keeping an eye on what comes behind us, and doors which we are not entering.
11 Feb
ATACIUS will do the same at the edge of light.
11 Feb
TAKASHI: "Forgive us, Sir Flinigan, but it is in our nature to be curious. The doom of cats and adventurers alike!"
11 Feb
"Of course, my friends. Forgive me... I... " Sir Flinigan blanches. "Ever since walking into this place.... I am not sure but... I think I hear her screaming."
11 Feb
TOBIAS steps forward and reaches up to put a hand on Sir Flinigan's shoulder, with a look of hopefulness on his face, seemingly trying to will the knight back to his old, strong self.
11 Feb
You proceed through the southwest archway. The passageway, made of the same marble as you've already encountered, continues southwest for about ten feet, then turns to the right slightly to continue due west. You see ahead, in the dim torchlight, two doors opposite each other to the north and south, maybe thirty feet ahead. Beyond, you can't see.
Sir Flinigan points ahead. "Just a bit more and we reach ... " he furrows his brow. "... I'm not sure, but I know that I can open door... " and you see the hand bearing the torch start to move as his finger begins to mindlessly trace some symbol in mid-air. He blinks and then nods. "Ahead, my friends."
10 feet, 20 feet, 30 feet and you reach a blank wall to the west and the aforementioned doors to the north and south. The doors appear identical to the same ones you've already encountered.
11 Feb
CALLIN: "May the Light guide you Sir Flinigan. May no demon, or their ilk invade your thoughts or corrupt your mind." CALLIN chants softly upon seeing the strange reaction of Sir Flinigan. And at the same time readys his defenses and keeps his wits that much sharper.
12 Feb
GRAIAN after watching Sir Flinigan asks him "You were tracing a symbol, it is not one I recognize, where did you learn that?"
12 Feb
Sir Flinigan had sheathed his sword and was reaching out towards the wall to the west with an outstretched index finger when you ask your question. Startled, he drops his hand and turns to you, a blank look replaced by confusion.
"I... ahhh.... what symbol?" he asks, puzzled.
12 Feb
"Like this," TOBIAS says, tracing the symbol in the air as best as he can remember it. "You just did it!"
12 Feb
Sir Flinigan looks at TOBIAS with puzzlement, then turns back towards the wall. "She's... there. I can feel her. Oh Christine!"
His face goes blank again and he reaches out his index finger to touch the wall.
12 Feb
TOBIAS watches closely.
12 Feb
GRAIAN watches intently and tries to memorize the movement
12 Feb
TAKAHASHI readies his axe and shield.
TAKAHASHI: "I don't like where this is heading... Too much damnable magic!"
12 Feb
CALLIN nods at TAKASHI "I agree, the darkness is indeed coming." readying his shield and Hammer.
12 Feb
ATACIUS reaches into his pouch for bullet for his sling.
12 Feb
Sir Flinigan touches the wall and traces a symbol on the surface of the wall. There is an odd, purple/black glow that seems to emanate from where he touches. He pulls back and for a brief moment, the entire wall glows that same color: an odd, almost obscene *WRONG* color that hurts your eyes. Then it is gone... but so is the wall. In the flickering torchlight, there is a short passageway beyond where the wall was, and then stairs descending into darkness.
Sir Flinigan blinks a few times, shakes his head, takes a deep breath and then turns to you.
"Prepare yourselves, my friends, because we enter into the belly of the beast. Down these stairs lies the Hell that I've spoken of, and my angel. Stay strong, stay together and we will prevail, by the Light!" he says forcefully.
He then turns and descends down the stairs. 10 feet, 20 feet... the air seems to change. Grow colder, perhaps, or is it warmer? Did it thicken? Does it smell dead, musty, or spicy? It's hard to tell.
Behind you, the wall seems to flash as it comes into existence again.
The stairs curve slightly and then you are on an open staircase leading down into some sort of circular chamber. The last steps are individual blocks, some floating in midair, the final one resting on the floor. You must step on each block individually to make it to the bottom.
The steps and walls of the chamber of a marble that is now colored almost black. As Sir Flinigan's feet touch the floor of the chamber, two pots of some substance that lie behind you on either side of the open stairs burst into a cold blue flame, illuminating the chamber. It's large, and opposite you, the wall curves inward towards you. Almost as if you were looking at a disc that had a part cut out. There is a black door to the west.
Upon closer look, the walls are etched with strange, eldritch symbols, gold seems to have been laid into the etchings. For everyone except GRAIAN and TOBIAS, looking at these symbols for more than a glance makes your head hurt, the symbols seem obscene, maddening, *WRONG*.
For orientation's sake the stairs come down at the twelve oclock position and end in the middle(ish) of the room. The "notch" is centered at the 6oclock position. The door is at the 9oclock position.
12 Feb
CALLIN: WIll investigate behind the open stairs to make sure nothing is lurking behind the pots, or anything else back there.
12 Feb
The rear of the stairs seem to float in midair as well, but the blocks are taller, reflecting the height the stairs started when you first entered the room (and that this chamber is tall). There is nothing there, aside from the jars.
13 Feb
GRAIAN takes an interest in the eldritch symbols on the walls.
13 Feb
These are also the same sort of symbols that you've seen elsewhere. You know them to be Chaos symbols, but you cannot read them. They *hurt* your eyes and mind to look at if you study them.
13 Feb
GRAIAN turns away from the wall "Chaos is everywhere, I cannot understand these, but they do not give me a good feeling. Let us move on."
14 Feb
TOBIAS: Master Graian, wasn't it the wizards what built this place, to be a library? Why is it so... painful, to look at?
15 Feb
GRAIAN: "Ah Tobias you have much to learn, not all magic is the same, There is very dark magic, the writings of such cause those who are not of the same ilk to feel pain when looking at it, much the same as they feel when they look at our writings. Yes the wizards built this place to be a library and center of knowledge, but it seems there were practitioners of the dark amonst them. From the brief readings at the Guild it seems Shalesh was at least dabbling in this type of magic."
14 Feb
ATACIUS will carefully approach the door and inspect it for anything amiss.
14 Feb
ATACIUS, you see nothing unusual about the door. It's a darker wood and unpainted. The wood is nearly black, and polished to a sheen. The hinges are a finer metal, high quality, as is the latch.
16 Feb
Turn 5 begins
(Those of you with torches, they are guttering and very low. They will go dark on Turn 7.)
Sir Flinigan grips his sword and reaches for the door. "Let us move. I hear her now.. so clearly... she knows I'm here!"
He opens the door and peers out into what looks to be a hallway. He tentatively steps out into it and looks around.
You see a curving hallway. The way it is constructed and shaped, it seems to undulate and twist. It runs north/south from the door you've opened into it, but it then curves gradually to the northwest and southwest. In the dim, flickering torchlight, you can see a set of stairs leading downward in the northwest leg of the passageway, very close to you. In the southwestern leg, you think there are stairs leading up.
Sir Flinigan looks both ways and frowns. He spends a moment pacing a bit back and forth from northwest leg to southwest leg of the passage and finally sighs.
"My nightmare has grown real, my friends, as I cannot remember which way to go. These damnable passages twist as much in my mind as they do here. Do any of you have a preference?"
16 Feb
CALLIN: "From what I know, Darkness and evil seems to rise from the depths. I would thing heading down (the northwest leg) would lead us toward the vilest of the darkness"
16 Feb
TAKASHI: "Agreed. If we decend and nothing looks familiar, we can retrace our steps back to this junction and head up the other stairway."
16 Feb
GRAIAN nodded in agreement, "Down is a good place to start, I would rather not be heading down into the depth later in this journey, much better to get that part over with."
16 Feb
ATACIUS nods in agreement. He'll go last, on the edge of torchlight, looking every few steps over his shoulder into the darkness, just in case anyone's following.
16 Feb
10 ft, 20 ft, you reach the stairs and descend about 10 ft.
10 ft, 20 ft, 30 ft, 40 ft, the hallway has gently curved to the WNW and ends in another black door, similar to the one you walked through in the first room.
The torches spit and sizzle as they get close to the end of their life.
"I'm coming, my angel, I'm coming." Sir Flinigan whispers to the still, thick air.
17 Feb
CALLIN will prepare another torch. He will also keep an eye out for anything useable for a torch along the way to keep supplies up. CALLIN is now also second to last, letting ATACIUS take the rear as his vision in the darkness is better.
17 Feb
(An OOC note - will you actually light the torch on Turn 7 or now? (I'm keeping track on a handy tracker, which is why I asked. No problem either way. :> )
17 Feb
(OOC I guess it depends, If it will last until Turn 7 then CALLIN will let it burn down in TURN 6. If it will go out, then CALLIN will Light it now. :D )
17 Feb
(OOC: A torch lasts 6 turns and you lit it at the start of Turn 1. So you can light it in Turn 7.)
17 Feb
Turn 6
Hearing no objections, Sir Flinigan reaches for the door and opens it...
He steps into the chamber beyond the door, once you move in behind him, you find yourself in an oddly shaped room. The best description for its shape is a "Vesica Piscis" (aka. American football shape). The "points" of the chamber would be to the Northeast and Southwest. You have entered on the east side of the NE corner.
The room itself is very long, with the torchlight only showing about about 30 to 40 feet of the room before the light is too dim. What you can see is some sort of workshop or study, with desks, tables, benches and cabinets. The walls are the same dark marble.
Along the wall opposite you, roughly 20 to 30 feet down, is an alcove with some sort of pedestal and perhaps a statue or some sort of odd looking figure standing on it. It's hard to tell from where you are at.
The only sound is Sir Flinigan's harsh breathing as he looks around, an almost desperate look on his face.
18 Feb
TAKASHI: "What do you make of that statue, Sir Flinigan? Does this oddly shaped room stir any memories or remembrances?"
18 Feb
Sir Flinigan peers around. "It's hard to tell, my friend, the nightmare is always of twisting tunnels and dark figures reaching out, and when I came here first, I had my sights set on one thing only, finding Christine."
He moves forward cautiously, torch upraised until the alcove is clearly in the light. The black marble pedestal holds a human-sized glass jar, filled with a liquid... and a body. The body appears to be of a male orc.
Flinigan's movement forward has revealed a bit more of the chamber that was in darkness, more tables, benches. One the ones that Sir Flinigan is next to, there appear to be jars, vials and small wood boxes, along with papers, scrolls and books.
There appears to be another alcove to the left of Sir Flinigan, along the same wall. There may be something inside it too.
18 Feb
TOBIAS twitches as the papers and books come into view. He looks quickly up to the rest of the party, then turns back towards that desk, locked in on them. He begins to edge closer to the pages...
18 Feb
GRAIAN moves towards the table by Sir Flinigan "Be careful Tobias, there is a lot of Dark magic around and you do not want to be reading the wrong type of scrolls." He looks over the contents of the desk in an attemtp to identify what is there.
18 Feb
TOBIAS shoots a defiant look up at GRAIAN and holds his ground by the table, but quickly goes back to looking at the objects on the desk, pushing his hair back from his face to better watch GRAIAN go over them.
18 Feb
Many of the books and scrolls are written in the foul language that you've seen on the walls and secret door. Some, however, especially the handwritten notes, appear to be written in Human common language. The vials, jars and boxes appear to perhaps be various substances and liquids. Perhaps spell components, perhaps just experiments. It would require a thorough study and cataloging to determine.
18 Feb
TAKASHI: "This appears to be a foul workshop for things best left to the imagination and not said aloud. Why would someone preserve an orc and keep it here?"
TAKASHI will move towards the second alcove to see what strange horror it might hold.
18 Feb
In Tasakhi's torchlight, the southwestern third of the oddly shaped room is revealed. There is a wide set of stairs in the southwest corner of the "Vesica Piscis" shaped room, these stairs go up to an elevated alcove that leads out of the room to the west. Similar to the half of the room that Sir Flinigan revealed, this part of the room also has benches, tables and cupboards, with arcane writings and containers on them.
In this alcove is a similar black marble pedestal, with a glass jar filled with liquid and a short, stocky, bearded figure. For all of you, this is the first time you have seen a fabled dwarf, albeit one that appears to be dead.
19 Feb
ATACIUS will move near TAKASHI and whisper: "Do you think the Lady Christine is also in one of those?"
He´ll continue past him and get close to the dwarf. Is the glass jar dusty or clean?
19 Feb
Like all the other surfaces in the Athenum, so far, it is perfectly clean, as if you were here the first day it opened.
TAKASHI: "I hope not, ATACIUS. I hope not..."
18 Feb
GRAIAN picks up the handwritten notes "These should help us understand what was going here, perhaps after we have find what we came for we can spend more time investigating this room"
19 Feb
Reaching over his shoulder to open the flap of his backpack, TOBIAS will take a book (if he sees one written in common) and places it in his pack with the other hand. He nods at GRAIAN. "We could learn SO MUCH from all this stuff! But we don't have time right now, we've gotta find Lady Christine. I hope we can come back later!" Then, noticing the dwarf on the other side of the room, his eyes go wide. "What is THAT?"
19 Feb
CALLIN will go to each jar and recite a prayer for those that are captured within. Adding "When we leave this place, we will give you proper burials...But for now we must try and save those whom still may have breath."
19 Feb
Sir Flinigan leaves his inspection of the orc and looks to see what TAKASHI has discovered. His eyes widen and he loses the look of anguish for one of wonder and surprise.
"That, my dear boy, is something that none of us have seen living, and some say they may not even exist anymore. That... is a dwarf. Formerly the slaves of the Dark Ones along with the humans and littlelings, it is said that they were the final piece in the puzzle to defeating those demonic overlords. They became nomads, if I remember correctly, wandering the lands and mountains, but none have seem them for generations. I know them only by drawings and paintings, and books."
19 Feb
CALLIN "It is truely a site to see. Although i would wish for better cirumstances in which to finally meet a dwarf.....We shall give them the last rights they deserve, but I think we must work to save your beloved" CALLIN places his hand on Sir Flinigan's shoulder. "Shall we continue?"
19 Feb
Sir Flinigan nods brusquely to CALLIN. "Well said, indeed, my friend. Whatever foul reasons that these mages had for having these poor creatures so, it can wait till we have saved my angel."
He looks around. "Are you all ready? We will need to light more torches and then continue. I hear her..."
19 Feb
Turn 8
After resting for a few minutes and lighting new torches, Sir Flinigan leads you all up the stairs in the SW corner of the workshop. At the top of the stairs is a passageway leading west and gently curving to the northwest. Immediately to your right at the top of the stairs is a small alcove with some sort of unusual shrine. In the center of the shrine is a small pyramid, about a foot wide and tall and what appears to be a spinning small ball floating above the pyramid. To each side of the pyramid are incense burners, which are empty.
Sir Flinigan gives the shrine barely a glance and points down the hallway. "This way... I can hear her so clearly!"
19 Feb
GRAIAN points to the shrine and asks Callin "Does that mean anything to you?"
22 Feb
CALLIN studies the shrine for a bit. "It is no work of the Light, this I can attest too. From the looks of it, I would say it is an Old God, one that has long left their people to fend for themselves. Hence the beauty of the Light, it shines for all who wish to take it in."
22 Feb
TOBIAS looks up at Sir Flinigan, "Where? I don't hear anything!"
22 Feb
Sir Flinigan looks to TOBIAS and points down the west hallway. "There! I hear her crying..."
22 Feb
TOBIAS raises his lantern higher, hoping to cast more light down the hallway, and peers in that direction with a skeptical expression on his face.
22 Feb
CALLIN steps up to TAKASHI, ATACIUS and GRAIAN and whispers quickly "I have fears that Sir Flinigan's mind is increasingly not his own. We should be on guard and prepared for a trap. Lets not scare the boy for now, but keep our wits about us."
22 Feb
TAKASHI: "He has waited a very long time for this, and that can do things to anyone. Let us hope his resolve can stand one more battle and see this to its end."
22 Feb
GRAIAN: "I hope he is prepared for what he will find, it may not be what he is expecting. He seems to be followng something though."
23 Feb
10 feet, 20 feet, 30 feet, 40 feet, the passage curves slightly to the northwest and then ends in a T intersection, with the legs curving to the south and north.
Sir Flinigan stands stock still, barely moving and then...
... you hear it. Faintly.
It is very quiet, and it sounds so full of anguish.
It is coming from the north.
It sounds like a woman's voice.
Tears start flowing freely down Sir Flinigan's face and he turns to you. "She is there, in the chamber to the north. You should know that the guardians are not easily dealt with. My sword and shield will protect me. And... if my lore is correct, Deacon CALLIN, your blessing of us for combat will help as well. But once that blessing is done, you will need to kill them with magic or other means. And these things... they feed on you. Do not let them touch you!"
23 Feb
TOBIAS nervously pulls out the silver dagger, gripping it tightly. Brushing back the hair from his face to look up at Sir Flinigan, he gives a quick nod.
23 Feb
ATACIUS also draws his silver dagger and pulls out an oil grenade from his satchel.
(OOC: Who's carrying a torch?)
23 Feb
GRAIAN looks around at the group, wishing he had something more to aid the fight. With a dart in one hand a staff in the other he was as ready as he ever would be.
23 Feb
TAKASHI looks to CALLIN. "If you have the ability to aid our strikes on these foes, perhaps now would be the time to ask for the assistance. Once we go through this door, things may get confusing very quickly. I have no special weapons to rely on - just my axe. Let us see how the brightly the light can shine down below."
25 Feb
CALLIN nods to the group. "Gather around my friends. Let the Light shine upon you inside and out. Let it guide your thoughts and actions, purpose and deed. May it protect you from the darkness and all vile creatures that crawl out from it. May the Light shatter that Darkness and expose these creatures so they may be banished by blade and bow. May our shields and armor stand strong, my our souls be true" CALLIN casts bless upon the party before we head through the door.
25 Feb
Once CALLIN finishes his blessing, Sir Flinigan straightens up and pulls his sword from the scabbard, smiling brightly. It is as if years are melting off him and he seems to exude a warrior's energy not felt before from.
"Forward friends!" he proclaims and turns to move towards the north.
END OF TURN. TURN 9 BEGINS. WE WILL BE IN COMBAT ROUNDS, so after the initial description of the next turn, I'll bring out the round template and we can go from there.
25 Feb
Turn 9 (Combat - Round 1)
Sir Flinigan charges down the northern hallway that curves a bit to the northwest. A short sixty foot run has him (and you) entering into a circular chamber. There are two exits, one in the 8oclock postion (the one you are descending) and a set of stairs opposite you in the 2oclock position leading up. The ceiling is dome-shaped and roughly 20 feet above the floor. The walls are the same black marble and there are similar symbols etched into this wall similar to the room you entered in.
The room is lit by a sickly pale light emanating from a globe of energy in the center of the room. Inside that globe is a woman, middle aged, thin and pale. She is sobbing and her face is twisted in anguish, her hands clutching at her chest. The sobs are heart-rending, dripping of despair.
Around the globe are what seem to be three wispy areas, almost looking like animated shadows of twisted smoke. They are very hard to make out, even as close to the globe as they are.
Sir Flinigan doesn't pause but dashes down the stairs, yelling "I AM HERE, MY ANGEL! THESE CREATURES SHALL TROUBLE YOU NO MORE!"
The woman in the center looks at him and sobs "Oh my love! You shouldn't have come! They will eat you too!"
"NEVER!" Sir Flinigan responds "WE WILL FREE YOU!"
The wisps of shadowy smoke react to Sir Flinigan's charge, in preparing themselves for combat. He seems to have distracted them enough that they are not aware of you or simply are focused on him.
28 Feb
29 Feb
Round 2:
You are on the stairs (I will let you decide if you want to be at the middle or bottom of stairs, since the round 1 dash is a bit fuzzy). Sir Flinigan is within charging range of the creatures. The distance from the stairs to the globe (and creatures) is roughly 30 feet. There are three creatures, wispy shadows of smoke, gathered around the globe at the 5, 8 and 10 oclock positions. They seem focused on Sir Flinigan, having not noticed you yet.
(CALLIN's Bless is active, will last through Round 6)
Takashi - At the bottom of the stairs with Sir Flinigan, he will charge alongside him and attack the same wisp that he does, hoping to return this abomination to the netherworld.
Atacius - will light his oil grenade on the nearest torch and throw it to the Creature at the 5 o'clock position.
Callin - will rush forward drawing out his Holy Symbol and Turn the Undead creatures away.
Graian - will throw three darts at the creature at 8 o'clock
Tobias - will rare back the silver dagger and throw it as hard as he can at the wispy smoke creature at the 8 o'clock position.
Sir Flinigan - is charging the creature at the 10 oclock position, yelling for you both to protect his flank and back by holding back the creatures at the 8 and 5 oclock positions.
PCs: Derek 'Doc' Daniels rolled 1d6 for a total of 4
Monsters: Michael S (chgowiz) rolled 1d6 for a total of 1
PCs have initiative.
1st missile/spell phase:
CALLIN rushes forward, drawing out his Holy Symbol and attempts to turn the undead away. - Although he is fervent in his faith, these old undead guardians have been around too long, and are too anchored in their Chaos and evil to be swayed. The one at the 8oclock seems to now be interested in CALLIN.
"Foolish humannnnn.... weeeee will eat you jusssssst as we eat herrrrr..." it's sibilant whisper can be heard by everyone.
GRAIAN tosses a dart at one of the wisps, while Tobias throws his silver dagger at the same one. Both dart and dagger sail by the creature. They hit the globe of energy and are deflected off with a spark of ethereal energy.
ATACIUS lights his oil grenade. (and will be able to throw at the 3rd missile/spell phase.)
1st movement phase:
SIR FLINIGAN and TAKASHI charge the shadowy wisp at the 10 oclock position. That same shadowy wisp charges at them and they will be in melee.
The shadowy wisp at the 8oclock, closest to the stairs, charges into melee with TOBIAS and GRAIAN, they being of the second rank.
The shadowy wisp at the 5oclock position holds its movement.
2nd missile/spell phase:
GRAIAN quickly throws the second dart at the shadowy wisp now approaching him and TOBIAS, but the dart flies over the wisp.
2nd movement phase:
Movement complete, no action
3rd missile/spell phase:
ATACIUS tosses his now-lit oil grenade at the third shadowy wisp, and GRAIAN throws his third dart at the wisp who threatens them. The pot of oil goes to right of the thing and past it, exploding on the floor and creating a bright fire.
Melee phase:
SIR FLINIGAN and TAKASHI enter into a deadly melee with the first shadow. TAKASHI's momentum and zeal carry him forth and although the shadow twists and wavers, his sword flashes true and he can see that he's having an effect on it! The shadow seems "rent" after his flurry of attacks on it. It, however, concentrates on the slower Sir Flinigan, who successfully manages to avoid it touching him. His sword flashes true and also seems to "rend" the creature, and it seems to be almost fully dissipated, but still active!
The second shadow looms before GRAIAN and TOBIAS and reaches out. "Youuuuu are younnnnnnng... and willlllll feeeed ussssssss much lifffffffffffffffe" it says as it grasps at TOBIAS. The two seem to dance as TOBIAS tries to avoid it, but the shadow's icy-cold tendrils seem to form an arm and hand which claw at TOBIAS's chest. (3 points of damage to TOBIAS). Even worse is the strength that is drained from TOBIAS, weakening him. (1 pt deducted from STR).
29 Feb
TOBIAS cries out in fear and pain.
The third shadow looks at CALLIN. "Youuuuu will be miiiiiiiiiiine, weak priesssssssssssssst. I do not know yourrrrrrrr god, but it isssssssssss weak....."
29 Feb
CALLIN: "The LIGHT does not fear the Darkness abomination! Nor do I fear you! You might be strong in the darkness, but LIGHT always casts away the shadows!" Yells back at the creature with a hatred not ever seen on the young man.
29 Feb
"Yesssssss....." the shadow hisses. "Give meeeeeee your lifffffffffffffffffe and passionnnnnnnnnnnnnn... your angerrrrrrrrr suitsssssssssss me....."
29 Feb
2 Mar
Round 3:
(Tobias 1/4hp) (current/max hp)
The fight with the creatures who've kept Sir Flinigan's wife captive has begun! SIR FLINIGAN and TAKASHI have charged into a deadly melee with one of the shadows, a flurry of attacks leaving the shadow nearly destroyed. The second shadow has focused on TOBIAS, who is standing next to GRAIAN, and it has seriously injured him with a cold, draining touch that freezes the body and soul. The third shadow has called out a challenge to CALLIN.
(Bless is active through Round 6)
"TAKASHI! GO HELP YOUR FRIEND!" Sir Flinigan bellows. "I will see to this one's destruction and keep it from following you!"
Takashi - TAKASHI will advance to CALLIN's side and engage the apparition, not wanting to see his friend face this monstrosity alone. He hopes that his axe swings will remain true and send these spirits back to their rest.
Atacius - will try to backstab with his silver dagger the shadow fighting with CALLIN. will hold the silver dagger in his mouth and climb over the right edge of the stairs, then hanging by his chubby fingers move past the shadow fighting GRAIAN and TOBIAS, and climb back behind it. Then attempt to backstab it.
1 Mar
@Gabriel Perez Gallardi- My question is this... you'd have to move past GRAIAN and TOBIAS and the shadow in melee, on the stairs.
See here for @Joseph Schnurr's Roll20 setup he created for us for this battle. (Thank you!) - this gives you an idea of the situation after Round 2.
Your options are that you can move in some interesting way (jump/climb over the edge of the stairs?) to backstab/attack the 5:00 shadow, or engage the 8:00 shadow that is threatening Tobias/Graian. If you try to move past the 8:00 shadow on the stairs, you'll be pulled into that melee, the stairs are not wide enough for you to sneak by.
I'm open to questions and options! But where you are at now doesn't allow for just a straight move. Let me know your thoughts?
1 Mar
OK, now with Joseph map it´s clearer. I´m changing my action. See above please.
1 Mar
Just a could use the roll20 thing I setup to drop the minis down to show the layout. if that is easier than paint....
1 Mar
And I just finished... I keep forgetting about that newfangled stuff. :P
1 Mar
Just figured it might save some time. :D we prob need to send TOBIAS the link...
1 Mar
If I'm seeing things right, it looks like I'll have to hop off the side of the stairs to get away from this thing?
1 Mar
It's much clearer. Thank you!
Callin - will march forward towards the creature who challenged him. Shield and Hammer at the ready, and when within striking range will gather his will and faith and crush the creature with his hammer!
Graian - seeing the potential damage that can be inflicted takes his staff and make the creature pay for the way it hurt Tobias
Tobias - will desperately try to get away from the shadowy creature without getting touched again. He will move away and try to hide behind something (preferrably CALLIN!)
Sir Flinigan - will stay in melee with the shadow.
PCs: Chris rolled 1d6 for a total of 2 :(
Monsters: Michael S (chgowiz) rolled 1d6 for a total of 5
1st missile/spell phase:
No missiles or spells
1st movement phase:
The 5:00 shadow charges CALLIN. The other shadows continue with their melee and do not move.
CALLIN marches towards the 5:00 shadow. TAKASHI advances over to CALLIN and they will both engage the shadow.
TOBIAS attempts a fighting withdrawal from the 8:00 shadow, which hisses at him "You can fleeeeeeeeeeee, youngling... but we willlllll find youuuuuu... and eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat youuuuuuuuuuu....." It remains in melee with GRAIAN.
ATACIUS holds the silver dagger in his mouth and climbs over the right edge of the stairs. Hanging by his chubby fingers, he attempts to move past the shadow fighting GRAIAN. Unfortunately, as he swings himself to come back up behind the shadow, he slips and falls - HARD. ATACIUS takes a point of damage. (Atacius 5/6hp)
2nd missile/spell phase:
No missiles or spells
2nd movement phase:
TOBIAS runs up behind CALLIN, hiding from the shadows.
The shadows have completed their movement.
3rd missile/spell phase:
No missiles or spells.
Melee phase:
The shadow facing CALLIN and TAKASHI hisses a laugh as it tries to dart between the weapons of the two men and touch them with it's freezing cold, draining touch, but it is not able to to! Takashi twirls and twists his axe to try and hit the wispy shadow, but is unable. CALLIN, however, full of zeal for the Light, finds his hammer landing again and again on the shadow, dealing it damage! Despite CALLIN's doughty blows, the shadow mocks him. "Weaaaaaaaaak, humannnn.... but weeeee will still feeeeeeeeed on your liiiiiiiife...."
The shadow facing GRAIAN laughs soulessly as it and GRAIAN perform a deadly dance. At a certain point, it bats GRAIAN's staff away and rakes insubstantial fingers across GRAIANs face, burning him with a freezing cold and draining him of his nimbleness! (2 hp damage to GRAIAN and loss of 1 point of DEX - Graian (5/7hp). GRAIAN finds himself unable to return the favor.
The melee between Sir Flinigan and the shadow continues in deadly earnest. Sir Flinigan's shield and sword work together as he defends himself from the touches of the creature. It is not able to touch him! Sir Flinigan seems out of breath as he defends himself, but finally, with a flash of light from his sword, Sir Flinigan lands the fatal blow and the shadow screeches in dismay as it disincorporates. "BEGONE, FOUL CREATURE!" he yells. He turns, panting, and spies GRAIAN all alone. "HOLD FAST young elf! I will come!" Sir Flinigan calls out.
3 Mar
Round 4:
Tobias (1/4hp) (current/max hp)
Atacius (5/6hp)
Graian (5/7hp)
Bless will last through Round 6.
With one of the shadows defeated by SIR FLINIGAN, the tide of the battle seems to be shifting in favor of the Party, but GRAIAN is alone and threatened by one of the shadows. CALLIN and TAKASHI are in a deadly duel with the other shadow, while ATACIUS picks himself up off the floor and decides what to do after a valiant attempt at climbing during combat.
Takashi - "Damnable shade! Leave this world nd return to the dust!" TAKASHI will hack at the shade with his axe.
Atacius - will go up the stairs and try again to backstab the shadow engaged with GRAIAN.
Callin -"The LIGHT Guides me Shade! Your darkness will fall!" And with that CALLIN slams his Hammer into the creature again!
Graian - will once again attack the shadow with his staff
Tobias - will stumble towards the globe of energy, rubbing his chest and mumbling, "so cold, so cold..." He looks up and tries to summon the strength to ask, "Do you know what this is, Lady Christina? We have to get you out of there!"
Sir Flinigan - charging the shadow threatening GRAIAN
PCs: Joseph Schnurr rolled 1d6 for a total of 5
Monsters: Michael S (chgowiz) rolled 1d6 for a total of 2
1st missile/spell phase:
No missiles/spells being cast
1st movement phase:
ATACIUS and SIR FLINIGAN both advance on the shadow threatening GRAIAN. SIR FLINIGAN seems short of breath and red in the face.
It turns to face them both, hissing "Ahhhh.... the lover of the girl. Youuuuuuur lifffffffffffffffffffe will beeeeee sweeeeeeet along with her despairrrrrrrr......" (This will give GRAIAN a bonus to attack from behind.)
TOBIAS reaches the globe of energy and speaks to the woman inside, who reacts to his question, raising her hands to her face in horror. "Oh, child... you should not be here! Run! Run for your life!"
2 Mar
TOBIAS, shaking his head, hand still on his chest: "No! We can't leave you!"
2nd missile/spell phase:
No missiles/spells being cast
2nd movement phase:
ATACIUS finishes closing in on the shadow.
3rd missile/spell phase:
No missiles/spells being cast
Melee phase:
GRAIAN and ATACIUS press their attacks against the wispy shadow while it turns its attention to the charging SIR FLINIGAN. As it and he duel for position and advantage, GRAIAN is able to catch a bit of it with his staff and feels it dissapate. ATACIUS is not able to land a telling blow, his dagger slipping through the wisps and not catching anything substantial. The shadow likewise is unsuccessful in catching SIR FLINIGAN off-guard, as he is able to fend it off with his sword and shield.
CALLIN and TAKASHI continue their melee against the other shadow. It hisses as it twists and turns, trying to catch either man off guard, but they work well together and manage to keep it at bay. With several timed blows, CALLIN feels the shadow give way more and more, it looking less intact with each blow he lands. It has no words now, hissing in anger as it tries to return the favor, but to no avail.
With another mighty shout, SIR FLINIGAN manages to land a strong series of blows against his foe and the shadow screams a weird haunting cry as it dissapates.
"ONE TO GO!" he wheezes in a loud voice. "WE WILL WIN!" He prepares to charge down to help face the remaining foe.
4 Mar
Round 5:
Tobias (1/4hp) (current/max hp)
Atacius (5/6hp)
Graian (5/7hp)
Bless will last through Round 6.
Two of the foul shadow guardians have fallen, and everyone's attention turns to the last defiant shadow, currently in melee with TAKASHI and CALLIN.
Christina, who had been about to say something to TOBIAS, suddenly looks at SIR FLINIGAN. "Beware, my love! Oh no!!!"
Takashi - hoping to attack from a more favorable position, will attempt to maneuver around the shadow so that he and CALLIN flank the undead foe. The focused warrior grips the haft of his axe and aims for the shadow, swinging with all his might.
Atacius - will look around and up to see if any other danger is creeping over us, after Christina's cry. (I'm holding initiative) (No problem @Gabriel Perez Gallardi - the way I do that is if you hold action, you can do 1 thing at the end of the round after melee - move 1/2 move, attack if in melee range, fire one missile, do another action, cast a spell, etc.)
Callin - With the Shadow realing from his blows, CALLIN finally starts to see what is going on.... He glances back to the wheezing Sir Flinigan realizing what is going on..."Solve the problem in front of you first" he mumbles to himself, then slams his hammer again into the Shadow! (Attempting to hold his breath in case the creature disappates like the previous ones)
Graian - will move over to examine the globe to see if he can understand how to free Christina.
Tobias - will whip his head around to look at Sir Flinigan, clutching the hilt of the remaining dagger at his waist.
Sir Flinigan - will charge the remaining shadow (and I need to remember to give him the +2 for it...)
PCs: Derek 'Doc' Daniels rolled 1d6 for a total of 5
Monsters: Michael S (chgowiz) rolled 1d6 for a total of 6
1st missile/spell phase:
No missiles/spells this phase.
1st movement phase:
GRAIAN takes a half move towards the globe.
The rest of the the party and the shadows are either in melee or not moving.
SIR FLINIGAN charges the remaining shadow, his breath wheezing asthmatically.
2nd missile/spell phase:
The shadow sees SIR FLINIGAN charging and rears back, the wisps of shadow and darkness seeming to grow in strength around it. "No.... " it whispers in an evil voice. "No... youuuuu willll not winnnnnnn, foooooooolish humannnnnnn. We taaaaaaasted you long agooooo... and have eatennnnnn your mate for sooooo long now.... it issssss your turnnnnnnn...."
Suddenly, SIR FLINIGAN lurches to a halt and Christina screams "Nooooooooo!".
Black-purplish-green tendrils of darkness erupt from the floor around SIR FLINIGAN's feet, similar to the wisps around the shadow. He freezes in a rictus of pain, dropping his sword and shield as the tendrils crawl up his body. A dim glow seems to emanate from the tendrils, similar to the pale, eldritch glow of Christina's sphere.
"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" he screams in pain.
4 Mar
Tobias' jaw drops in horror and disbelief. "No... Sir Flinigan..." he sobs in anguish.
The shadow shrieks triumphantly. (It will not melee this round, having exercised an ability.)
2nd movement phase:
GRAIAN reaches the globe of energy surrounding Christina. She is reaching out to SIR FLINIGAN within the globe, a look of anguish on her face. At face value, the sphere appears to be an impenetrable barrier of some form of energy, you would guess arcane and probably chaotic and negative.
3rd missile/spell phase:
No missiles or spells.
Melee phase:
With the shadow having used some infernal power to entrap SIR FLINIGAN, this leaves TAKASHI and CALLIN free to attack, as all it seems to be able to do is defend by twisting and turning to stay away from the blows of the two warriors. While it manages to dodge CALLIN's hammer blows, TAKASHI artfully maneuvers himself into position and hacks away with his axe, causing a great deal of the shadow to dissapate! It shrieks and twists.
ATACIUS will unsheath his short sword while moving close to Sir Flinigan. Is he moving? Are the tendrils moving? He is held, and seems to be frozen with his face outlined in a rictus of pain. The tendrils are moving against his body, holding him.
TOBIAS will suddenly cry out, "STOP IT!" in a high-pitched shout and rush forward, running at full speed. He collides hard against Sir Flinigan, desperately hoping that the impact will knock him free of the tendrils. The effect is immediate - TOBIAS, you are now held in the tendrils alongside SIR FLINIGAN. It's a horrible pain. It feels like your life is being sucked away, slowly, painfully. Each breath feels like needles in your skin and lungs. Each heartbeat feels like as if your heart will jump out of your body or implode inside your chest. Time seems to stop and everything else is covered by a sheen of pain and agony clouding your eyes. Deduct 1 point from your CON.
The shadow shrieks a triumphant laugh. "Soooooonnnnnn... I willll feeeeeeed on you alllllllll....."
7 Mar
Round 6:
Tobias (1/4hp) (current/max hp)
Atacius (5/6hp)
Graian (5/7hp)
Bless will last through Round 6. Ends at the end of this round.
While only one shadow is left, it has done something to leave the party in a bad way. Through some obscene power, it has encased SIR FLINIGAN in tendrils of power similar to the power that englobes Christina. TOBIAS has bravely ran and tackled SIR FLINIGAN, only to be caught in the same tendrils, which seem to be draining away his life and energy. GRAIAN has moved next to the globe surrounding Christina, while ATACIUS is looking at SIR FLINIGAN to see what he can do. CALLIN and TAKASHI are battling the last shadow in an attempt to destroy the last guardian of this dreadful place.
Takashi - "When will this damnable shade fall?!?! Die you fell beast, or die again if you must!" TAKASHI attacks ferociously, snarling as his muscles flex and his axe swings.
Atacius - will try to cirlce around the remaining shadow, engaged with Callin and Takashi, in a last attempt to backstab the creature with his shortsword.
Callin - The fire returns to Callin's eyes as he looks at the Shadow creature. "The LIGHT shines down upon thee Creature! See your darkness Shatter!" ANd with that CALLIN swings his hammer for all he is worth to smite this creature!
Graian - will attempt to attack the tendrils drainiing the energy from with his staff, aiming at the base of them
Tobias - struggles to free himself from the tendrils, groaning from the pain. He has to get Sir Flinigan out, too!
Sir Flinigan - (unable to do anything this round)
PCs:Chris rolled 1d6 for a total of 3
Monsters: Michael S (chgowiz) rolled 1d6 for a total of 2
1st missile/spell phase:
No missiles/spells this phase.
1st movement phase:
GRAIAN takes a half move to move behind CALLIN and near ATACIUS to be in position to do something against the tendrils holding SIR FLINIGAN and TOBIAS.
ATACIUS moves behind the shadow, but it seems to know he is there, so he can get an attack from the rear but not a backstab. The infernal thing seems to have eyes or awareness all around it!
No other movement happens.
2nd missile/spell phase:
No missiles/spells this phase.
2nd movement phase:
No other movement happens.
3rd missile/spell phase:
No missiles/spells this phase.
Melee phase:
TOBIAS strains against the tendrils but is unable to break free. GRAIAN gets a taste of how wicked the tendrils are as they grab his staff and fling it away from him!
The shadow seems to be distracted for a moment as ATACIUS moves behind it and in what seems to be a simultaenous hit, all three stab, slash and smash the shadow at the same time.
"Nooooooooooooo..........." it wails as the last of it disincorporates.
7 Mar
As the last of the shadows disincorporates, a stillness comes across the chamber, aside from the panting of party members and TOBIAS's whimpers as the tendrils writhe around him.
Then, there is a blinding white light that flashes, blinding everyone, and the thumps of bodies hitting the floor.
very slowly...
... vision returns to all of you. The tendrils are gone. TOBIAS lies on top of a gasping and wheezing SIR FLINIGAN, who looks like he has aged ten years in a few minutes.
Behind you, where the sphere once was, lies Christine. You can see her fully now. She looks to be a middle-aged woman and appears to have once been lovely to look at. Her clothes are tatters and she looks thin and pale, almost a skeleton, but her face is one of wonderment as she touches herself and reaches out, almost disbelievingly, to see that the sphere imprisoning her is indeed gone.
Then she sees SIR FLINIGAN on the floor and cries out. "Oh my love!" She tries to get up to go to him but falls in a heap, her legs and muscles unused to moving. She starts to sob and tries to crawl to him.
TOBIAS, you and GRAIAN can see that Sir Flinigan appears to be in a bad way. Whether it was the strain of combat, or being imprisoned in the tendrils, he doesn't look good.
(I'm ruling that you dropped your torches to the ground to fight. They are still lit, giving you enough light to see what is happening right now. The room is now dark aside from the torches.)
7 Mar
CALLIN: will quickly move to Sir Flinigan to administer Healing. "TAKASHI bring Christine her to Sir Flinigan's side! I will bath them in the LIGHT!" Once at Sir Flinigan's side "Sir Flinigain, Christine is free, we are bringing her to you know. Stay with us, I am working to heal you both. You will be together in your home again soon enough. Be strong in the LIGHT, it serves you well!"
CALLIN then realizes that TOBIAS is also injured... "TOBIAS, stand strong in the LIGHT, I will be with you as quickly as I can, you are young and strong, you will make it through this!"
7 Mar
TOBIAS, who has been struggling to raise his head enough to see what's going on with the one eye that's currently not being blocked by his hair, looks over the scene and grins through his weakness and pain. He lies back on the floor looking up at the ceiling, repeating softly but happily: "It was strong enough, Father Callin... It was strong enough..."
7 Mar
Sir Flinigan opens his eyes to CALLIN's words. "Is she... alive... ?" he gasps. "Help her first... help the boy... he was.... injured...." and Sir Flinigan coughs weakly.
7 Mar
CALLIN: "She is alive. TAKASHI brings her to you now. She desires to be with you as well. I will heal you both while you are together. TOBIAS is strong and has served you well. He will survive as well. Be still and await your love, she comes to you know. The LIGHT has seen that it is so. The Darkness has been defeated this day.
7 Mar
TAKASHI will lift the frail Christine into his arms and take her to Sir Flinigan's side. "Here is the man who loves you above all others, and never lost faith that one day you would again be free to hold your hand in his."
TAKASHI will lower Christine to Sir Flinigan's side and take a step back.
7 Mar
ATACIUS will sheath his weapons and quickly go to retrieve the fallen torch to provide a better lighting for CALLIN to work.
7 Mar
CALLIN: "ATACIUS thank you much for the light! It is appreciated! How are you after the battle? You seem no worse for wear"
8 Mar
ATACIUS: "I'm alright, thanks." he replies with a broad smile, his eyes gleaming in excitement. "This has been... intense!" he adds clearly still on an adrenaline rush.
7 Mar
GRAIAN picks up the other torch, recovers his staff and moves over to the group gathered around Sir Flinigan. "We survived that one, Tobias that was surely a tough start to your adventuring career!."
7 Mar
TOBIAS' jaw drops and he goes a little pale. "C-career??"
8 Mar
"GRAIAN's right kid. You did well." he gives a TOBIAS a pat in the arm. "He has guts, huh? The way he threw at the shadow..." he shrivers at the thought.
8 Mar
TOBIAS: Well, uh... thanks, I guess. But I had to. It was killing him...
8 Mar
CALLIN: "Yes, guts indeed! Just don't pat him too hard until I have a look at him! He took quite a blow from that shadow beast."
8 Mar
As TAKASHI lifts Christine to help her, he sees her age in his arms. Her features change, her hair grows white and some falls out, her body grows even lighter and her skin wrinkles. By the time he brings her to SIR FLINIGAN, she looks to be roughly the same age as he is. Her breathing has grown weaker and more quiet. Once settled near SIR FLINIGAN, he struggles to a sitting position and cradles her in his arms. They simply hold each other, kissing each other deeply and stroking each others' face.
"My love, I never thought to see you again. I had... saved you from them. I was so foolish to be tempted by this place... I'm so sorry." she whispers to him.
"I spent... every day thinking... of you." Flinigan answers in a weak voice. "There is ... nothing to forgive. I told you I would ... come back and I have. You are free... " his voice falters. She strokes her hand across his face.
"I know... " she replies. "And yes, we both will be together now."
He smiles and lifts her into his arms, gasping from the effort. He cradles her and for a moment, the love and emotions that they share blazes forth. It is as if the years had moved back and you see them as they once were. Then, with one last kiss, he whispers "Together... " and they both breathe out.
Sir Flinigan slumps forward and Christine's face leans into his chest...
A faint glow surrounds them and CALLIN feels something happen - a movement within that place where the divine lives and grants him the power to do miracles.
8 Mar
ATACIUS smiles at the scene as tears run down his chubby cheeks. He wipe them with the back of his sleeve. *Sigh*
8 Mar
TAKASHI: "They both found their peace, and died in eachother's arms. Would that all of us be so lucky! We have done well here today, my friends - let none of you doubt it."
TAKASHI bows his head and thinks of his ancestors, those near and far, that have gone before him.
8 Mar
TOBIAS hangs his head low, weeping openly as the tears fall from his chin onto the floor.
8 Mar
CALLIN: "Sir FLINIGAN, CHRISTINE, your love for each other, is truely the purest representation of the LIGHT. It is that Love that shatters the darkness, that provides us all with Hope. Your sacrafices for one another have not gone unnoticed! You are truely the embodyment of the Light, may your soles be together for all Enternity in peace, harmony and love. May you be at rest together, and may your bond shine Light upon this place, forever casting it as a stalwart beacon of the Light, casting away the shadows of Darkness, that they may never corrupt this place." With that CALLIN will spread Holy Water around them and perform Last Rites for them as a couple.
8 Mar
As CALLIN performs his Late Rites, the rest of you see a change in him as well, a similar glow surrounds him as it surrounds the couple. Then, quite suddenly, two things happen:
You see spectral visions of both Christine and Sir Flinigan, looking as how they might have looked when they first fell in love. Her beauty is now fully visible to see, her hair seems to be wreathed in a soft white light and his face seems to shine with a warm glow. At the same time, CALLIN is lifted about a foot off the ground by some force as he faces them, but he doesn't seem to be in pain or unhappy with what is happening, his attention seems to be focused on them.
They seem to speak to him directly, but the words can be heard by all of you.
"Dear friend." Sir Flinigan speaks. "Do not mourn for us. We are reunited! The pain is gone and we are together forever now. Your faith and the steadfastness of you all to help me free my angel has made this possible. We can never repay you."
"You are truly wonderful to have helped my love." Christine speaks. "Now we will be together and it is only because of you that this is possible. Your kindness and courage have enabled us to find peace in this dark place of death. Do not weep and do not sorrow, instead rejoice!"
"My friends, you have helped me to do what I could not." Sir Flinigan says "I could not have defeated the guardians alone. You unselfishly put yourselves at risk and you have done well. And although we are passing to the beyond, do not think you have failed, for you have succeeded beyond all the hope I could possibly have had for these fifteen years."
"I cannot repay you for what you have done, but I leave you with these things." Sir Flinigan continues. "TAKASHI, you are brave and a fighter who reminds me of myself in my youth. Pick up my sword and may it serve you well. It 'tis an enchanted sword, which you might find useful in your travels. CALLIN, you are a strong priest in your faith. You shield your friends from Darkness with the Light that shines within you. Pick up my shield. May it serve you well and may the small enchantments on the shield help you."
"Dear elf, I feel in you the powers that I sought to learn from in my days of exploring my powers. " Christine says, turning to GRAIAN. "While I have no great powers to give you, there are two scrolls in a small box that I hid behind the house back in Appleton. They are of a spell that I discovered from this place. It is not a dark or chaotic spell, but it is one that I have never heard of before. Perhaps it will help you. And you..." she smiles as she turns to ATACIUS "... I know that you will enjoy the small pouch of gems in the same box. My mother had a littleling woman as a dear friend and her boys were always getting into boxes and pouches and cabinets and drawers that the shouldn't be in... looking for shiny things!"
"And finally... to you, my dear boy TOBIAS." Sir Flinigan says gently. "I know this is hard on you, with the loss you have felt in your heart already. Yes, I heard you weep at nights in your sleep. I am truly sorry that I cannot be here to guide your growth, but in the few hours we have spent with these companions, I see that they are of a kind heart and will take care of you. However, you are the closest that I have ever felt to be a son. Therefore, you are to go to Enid and tell her "The sun and the angels rise in the East to bring dawn to a good day." She will know that what you say is true and that I have bequeathed the house and its contents to you. Enid will take care of you, should you return after your adventures with your friends. May you always value the comfort and safety of a good home in a good village!"
"One warning about this place that you now find yourselves in alone." Christine says. "Know that I have opened the door that will allow you to leave, but once you do, only someone who has practices the dark chaotic magicks can re-enter. I believe that my love was able to enter this place because he had been touched by the dark guardians long ago. Once you leave, you can never return to these dark halls again... only the upper level will remain open to those of the arcane crafts. I beg of you, leave and do not come back! There is darkness here, a dark power that would consume someone who dares to open it. Do not be tempted to come back! And ware the guardians below and above, because they are fell and do not feel pity or remorse."
"And now... we must go." Sir Flinigan says. "Farewell to you both! Know that you have given light and love back to the world where only darkness and despair existed. If we all can do that, then the Doom shall not prevail!"
"Farewell!" Christine smiles at each of you and waves.
She then takes Sir Flinigan's hand in her own, stands on her tiptoes and kisses his nose. "Let us go home, my love." and the smile he gives her is one of joy and peace.
Slowly... so slowly and yet so quickly... the warm spectral light and two figures dim and dim... and then all is left is the torchlight... and the two bodies, holding each other closely.
CALLIN finds himself back on the ground again.
8 Mar
CALLIN will smile after such a warm encounter with good friends....Then he will turn to TOBAIS and begin work to heal the Lad. After that he check GRAIAN and ATACIUS. Once the whole party is healed and mended, will CALLIN go and pick up Sir Flinigan's shield. "Responsibility First, Praise after" Callin whispers to himself.
8 Mar
Go ahead and roll for the CLW, if you please.
Everyone else can have their wounds bound for 1hp.
9 Mar
After binding his wounds ATACIUS is at full hp.
8 Mar
CALLIN: Lays his hands upon TOBAIS. "May the LIGHT shine upon you, may it mend that which was broken, may it bind that which is unbound, may the LIGHT guide you always". Casting Cure Light Wounds: rolled 1d8 for a total of 5
8 Mar
TOBIAS begins breathing normally again. He says a sad "thank you" to CALLIN, then turns and silently retrieves the lantern and the silver dagger on the floor.
9 Mar
GRAIAN smiled as he watched them disappear, there was indeed great hope against this darkness when live of that strength was still around. "Thank you Christine, farewell Sir Flinigan" he says quietly. "So, we have one chance to explore more, I am not learning anything dark and chaotic! Do we proceed?"
9 Mar
ATACIUS waves back as they fade away.
9 Mar
TAKASHI looks towards GRAIAN and then at the bodies of the two fallen lovers. "I think it would be best to take these two back to their home and give them a proper burial. It would not sit well with me to leave them to molder here in the dark, even if their spirits have already ascended to what lies beyond. There is also the warning uttered to us as a part of Sir Flinigan's last words. To go against his wishes would, I feel, be unwise. However, I will leave it to the group to decide what we should do next."
With that, TAKASHI will kneel next to Christine and Sir Flinigan, and close their eyes to give the party a better reminder that they are now at peace. He will then carefully unbuckle Sir Flinigan's scabbard and don it. TAKASHI will then reach out for Sir Flinigan's sword, which was discarded to his side as he collapsed to the floor. Balancing the blade accross his two hands, he slowly brings them together and bows his head.
TAKASHI: "May this balde ever serve those like Christine and Sir Flinigan, destroying the evil and making room for the just."
With that, he rises and sheaths the sword in it scabbard and looks towards his companions to see what they wish to do next.
9 Mar
TOBIAS responds in a hollow voice, letting his hair hang down to hide most of his face. "Yes, we've got to get them out to be... buried together. It's what they would have wanted."
9 Mar
CALLIN: When finished attending to those in the party, will head toward Sir Flinigan and Christine's bodies. He will kneel and nod to TAKASHI " I agree, they need a proper burial in their home. And I think Sir Flinigan's words ring true. There is no point stiring up evil that will be locked away. Let us take that which is pure home." CALLIN pauses and adds "We should free those which have been entombed here as well. The Dwarf and the Orc." CALLIN then reaches down and shoulders Sir Flinigan's Shield. "Thank you Sir Flinigan. I will ensure this shield works to protect those with the power of the Light"
9 Mar
ATACIUS: "I'm not sure about rescuing the dwarf and orc, CALLIN. We don't know what sorcery is holding them and what guardians protect that place. We barely escaped and we had Sir Flinigan. Now without him I don't know...", the littleling wonders. "Besides, let's say we can rescue them, we won't be able to carry their bodies. I say we leave straigth back to Appleton!", a note of worry in his voice.
10 Mar
CALLIN: "Indeed we might not be able to carry the load. That doesn't simply mean I can ignore my duty or calling ATACIUS. If we cannot bring them with us, I must at least perform last rights for them, allowing their souls to move on. I don't ask that you stay at my side for this. You may go before I perform them if you wish." CALLIN speaks with a determined yet understanding tone in his voice.
9 Mar
Turn 10 (continued)
As you move about the center of the room, your torch and lantern light reveal the opposite set of stairs in this circular room - roughly at the 2:00 position (you came down the stairs in the 8:00 position). The ceiling is dome-shaped and roughly 20 feet above the floor. The walls are the same black marble and there are similar symbols etched into this wall similar to the room you entered in.
The stairs rise up into the opening in the wall of room, and the stairs look as if they were carved out when the room was created. So the area under the stairs is a solid black wall. At the foot of that wall are nine square boxes made of the same stone material.
The silence is almost deafening.
10 Mar
TOBIAS has been standing silently, looking at the bodies of his guardian and Christine, letting his hair fall over his face, hiding it. In a low voice he finally speaks: "I don't care. I can't wait to get out of this awful, awful place. But maybe there are some things in that other room that can..."
Suddenly he looks up in alarm: "The village! Who will protect it now? Master GRAIAN, do you think there are magic spells and components and magic things in that other room strong enough to keep the village safe from the bandits?"
9 Mar
TAKASHI looks worryingly towards TOBIAS, and then towards GRAIAN.
10 Mar
ATACIUS: "Worry not my friend!" the littleling says regaining his cheerfulness and getting close to TOBIAS. "We were planning to get a house in Skalfier, so how about we settle in Appleton instead? It's close enough to Skalfier and it can be our base to explore the surrounding lands." he adds looking at everyone one at a time. "And we can provide protection to the village too. What you say? I can't think of a better tribute to Sir Flinigan and Lady Christina..."
"Besides, TOBIAS, trust not only in magic to protect the village." he adds looking at GRAIAN. "There's wisdom, faith, and strength, and also cunning too!" he motions to CALLIN, then TAKASHI and finally points both thumbs at himself, a mischievous grin across his face.
10 Mar
TOBIAS doesn't look entirely convinced, but says, "Well... okay..."
10 Mar
TAKASHI: "A fine idea, ATACIUS. This place does seem like a nice respite from the wilds. As TOBIAS has been designated the beneficiary of Sir Flinigan's estate, I guess the decision would ultimately reside with him."
10 Mar
GRAIAN nods slowly "Indeed Appleton would make a fine place for our home if Tobias is willing to have us around. Atacius is right, more than magic is needed to protect the village, we all bring different gifts and talents, these working together are what is needed."
10 Mar
CALLIN: "I agree as well if TOBAIS would welcome us, I feel Appleton would be a fine place to hang our helms"
10 Mar
TOBIAS nods: "Yes. I want you to live in Appleton. The village... will need you now..." he says sadly.
10 Mar
TAKASHI: "Then let us gather our fallen friends and make our way back out to the daylight. We have much to do this day still."
10 Mar
CALLIN: Nods to TAKASHI and moves to pick up SIr Flinigan. "I will carry Sir Flinigan, if you could carry Christine, TAKASHI. ATACIUS, would you be so kind as to lead the way out? GRAIAN if you would keep an eye behind us."
10 Mar
ATACIUS nods at GRAIAN'S request and proceeds to light s new torch (if needed). He'll lead the way back to the surface, torch in one hand, short sword in the other
12 Mar
GRAIAN looks through his spell components and selects a few, turning to Tobias "Here we go, we can create a couple of floating discs to carry Sir Flinigan and Christine out of this vile place."
12 Mar
TOBIAS nods and goes to stand over by Graian, trying to concentrate...
14 Mar
TURN 10 cont'd.
GRAIAN and TOBIAS, working together from their spell books, cast spells that create two flickering, oddly colored discs that float in mid-air. They float about three feet off the ground and as the two mages move about, they stay near them. It is easy to put the bodies of Sir Flinigan and Christine on them.
The torches start to dim a bit as they grow close to the end of their use.
(5 turns of the discs left)
(Torches will expire at the end of Turn 12)
With the bodies on the discs, the two stairs beckon. The stairs that you came in (8:00 position) and the stairs opposite you (2:00 position) - these same stairs have the 9 black boxes lined up next to it.
The silence in this dungeon seems to deepen, as if in anticipation...
What do you do now?
14 Mar
ATACIUS will ask for another torch to light up and lead the way out give it to TAKASHI before going to the back.
14 Mar
GRAIAN will wait a moment "Tobias, we should go in the middle, after Callin or Takashi."
14 Mar
TOBIAS walks over to stand near Graian, guiding his disc, which is carrying the body of Sir Flinigan, to float over nearby.
14 Mar
CALLIN will take rear guard. Shield and Hammer at the ready.
14 Mar
And TAKASHI will take the vanguard, leading the valiant fallen warrior and his love back to their resting place.
14 Mar
TURN 11 Cont'd
The party goes back up the stairs and through the doorway out of the circular room and back into the slightly bending hallway. Forty feet down the hallway, halfway back to the T intersection.
(4 turns of the discs left)
(Torches will expire at the end of Turn 16)
Another 40' and the party is back at the T intersection with a passageway leading further south/southwest-ish, and the passageway leading east. The party heads east. Another 20 feet and they are close to the landing with the strange shrine.
(3 turns of the discs left)
(Torches will expire at the end of Turn 16)
Ten feet to the landing with the strange shrine and another ten feet to the stairs leading into the strange workshop. Another forty feet puts you about a third of the way across the workshop. The silence is deafening and the shadows seem to creep in at you from all around. As you walk straight to the other side, strange gleams from the south-eastern long wall of the room can be seen.
(2 turns of the discs left)
(Torches will expire at the end of Turn 16)
The turn finds you passing workbenches with papers, books and other strange tools and odds and ends. The tools gleam invitingly in the torchlight and the books beckon to the mages imagination. The end of the turn finds you at the black door you had entered the room from originally on your way to rescue Christine. It is now shut.
(last turn of the discs)
(Torches will expire at the end of Turn 16)
The door is shut. What will you do?
15 Mar
ATACIUS move to the front to inspect the door. "TAKASHI, please light up another torch, I need more light." asks the littleling as he eyes the the door. "Didn't we left this one open?" he wonders aloud. He blows hot air on the handle to se any fresh fingerprints.
16 Mar
TAKASHI will light a torch and position it so that the littleling has good light for his explorations.
15 Mar
You don't see any fingerprints or obvious signs that anyone has touched this door handle. It is dust, dirty and smudge free.
15 Mar
ATACIUS will wait for the magic users to finish their abracadabra before opening the door.
15 Mar
ATACIUS will heed CALLIN's sugggestion and try to open the door.
15 Mar
The door opens quietly and smoothly. Beyond is a hallway curving to the southeast into darkness.
15 Mar
CALLIN will make sure to face away from the party to ensure nothing nasty is sneaking up behind them.
15 Mar
You don't see anything while ATACIUS checks out the door.
15 Mar
CALLIN "Perhaps we should open the door to ensure it isn't locked before we continue expending magical energies? I'm not quite sure how taxing it is....but I would hate to see wasted effort" CALLIN says as he continues his watch.
15 Mar
TOBIAS will open his spell book and prepare to cast another disc spell
15 Mar
Are you going to cast it now or next turn?
15 Mar
It look like Atacius is waiting for us, so this turn. I'll ask for anyone free to please help move the bodies.
15 Mar
(GRAIAN or TOBIAS, please deduct another 20gp - per spell cast - for spell components. I will restart the clock at the start of next turn. If you all wish to keep moving, I'll keep the narrative going.)
15 Mar
(Yes, we keep going. TAKASHI leads, then GRAIAN & TOBIAS with the discs, then CALLIN, and ATACIUS closes.)
15 Mar
(TOBIAS is going to owe GRAIAN some gold after this, for his share of the spells cast)
16 Mar
(Yep, considering he spent 40gp on the first cast and now 40gp on the second cast.)
16 Mar
GRAIAN settles next to Tobias, shares more spell components and prepares to cast another disc.
16 Mar
(last turn of the discs)
(Torches will expire at the end of Turn 16)
ATACIUS opens the door to the hallway that curves and twists to the south-east. Nothing is in the hallway that he can see. CALLIN, keeping watch behind, spies nothing.
In the dimming light, TAKASHI and CALLIN gently remove the bodies of Sir Flinigan and Christine while GRAIAN and TOBIAS cast a replacement of the floating discs. The bodies are replaced and the party is ready to go.
(Discs will last till end of Turn 21)
(Torches expire at the end of this turn)
Fifty feet down the hallway, to a set of stairs that cause the hallway to rise up. You travel ten feet to the top of the stairs. You see a doorway to the east about twenty feet ahead - the one you came through originally. The hallway curves to the south after the door, disappearing in the darkness.
(Assuming you lit another torch from TAKASHI's inventory (you are keeping track correct?) I think you've used at least 6...)
16 Mar
I think TOBIAS or GRAIAN has a lantern. We can use it if we run out of torches.
(Discs will last till end of Turn 21)
(Torches will last till end of Turn 22)
You travel twenty feet to the door. It is shut. What will you do?
16 Mar
ATACIUS will move forward to open the door and then close it after evereyone's gone through.
16 Mar
Forty feet into the entry room and at the bottom of the stairs. The wall where the hidden door was/is has a warm glow of eldritch light, similar to the glow around Sir Flinigan's and Christine's forms when their spirits spoke to you in the circular chamber. You can see the outline of the door, 20' away.
16 Mar
(Discs will last till end of Turn 21)
(Torches will last till end of Turn 22)
You are at the foot of the stairs leading up and out of this area of the Athenum. You can see the outline of the doorway in/out of this dark place, just as Christine's spirit promised. Do you continue?
16 Mar
TOBIAS: "I want to get out of here so much..."
16 Mar
CALLIN: "I think as always it is time to embrace the LIGHT. Let us give our friends a proper burial in their home"
16 Mar
TAKASHI: "Agreed. TOBIAS needs rest and time to heal, I think."
20 feet up the stairs, 20 foot walk down a short passageway to the outline, which becomes an open doorway as you approach. Going through it, you find yourself in a hallway that goes about 30' and then turns to the NE. There are two doors immediately to the left and right of you. These doors and these walls are different, you are now in the first area of the Athenum. The doors appear to be painted, and the walls, ceiling and floor are a rich marble color.
As the last of you pass through the open doorway in the wall, a whisper seems to float in your ears? mind? - the voices of both Sir Flinigan and Christine - "Thank you" which seems to float away. The doorway flashes, first the same warm ethereal glow, then it turns harsh, into a raw purple/green sheen, and then the doorway vanishes, leaving nothing but a wall behind.
17 Mar
(Discs will last till end of Turn 21)
(Torches will last till end of Turn 22)
Thirty feet down the hallway to the turn NE. The passage continues another ten feet and you reach an archway that leads into a "bell shaped" room with you coming in at what would be the larger end of the "bell". The bell's axis is NE/SW. There are doors on the NE "top" of the bell - one door in the NW wall, one door at the SW wall. Both are closed. This hallway/room is empty.
Which door will you take?
16 Mar
ATACIUS: "I think we came through that door" says the littleling pointing at the one on the NW wall.
16 Mar
CALLIN: "Lead the way ATACIUS!"
Another 20 feet towards the door... END OF TURN
(Discs will last till end of Turn 21)
(Torches will last till end of Turn 22)
Another 10 feet and you reach the door, which is closed. What will you do?
17 Mar
ATACIUS will open the door.
17 Mar
The door seems to resist for a moment, then it opens smoothly. Beyond is a half-circle room. The straight edge of the room is to the west/left. There is a closed door to your left, the south portion of the wall. You have come in at the 4:00 position on the arc. There is an archway at the 2:00 position and a closed door at the 3:00 position.
You move within the room about 30', putting you in the center. Where will you go now?
17 Mar
ATACIUS will reach for the door at the 3 o'clock position...
This time, there is an active resistance to the door opening!
GRAIAN, you and TOBIAS seem to hear a whispering. It's non-distinct and doesn't seem to be coming from any direction. Maybe it's in your heads? It doesn't seem to have any specific words, but you can hear it...
17 Mar
TOBIAS puts his hand up against his head and moans, "Oh, no..."
The door doesn't want to open, ATACIUS.
TURN 21 begins...
What will you all do?
17 Mar
Do I have to pull or push to open it? Does the handle feel colder that usual?
17 Mar
It opens outward. What is interesting is that this door wasn't here when you came in... so there is no "usual" about it...
17 Mar
Does it has a lock?
17 Mar
It doesn't seem to. At least none that you can see.
17 Mar
TAKASHI: "Do you need a hand with the door, ATACIUS?"
If so, TAKASHI will lend his strength to the effort and try and open the door with the littleling.
17 Mar
ATACIUS: "Yes! Where did this door came from!? It wasn't here earlier!" a note of distress in his voice.
17 Mar
TAKASHI: "Let's put our shoulder to the door and see if we can't encourage it to open..."
17 Mar
ATACIUS or TAKASHI, please roll me a d6 and tell me what you get.
17 Mar
ATACIUS rolled 1d6 for a total of 3
17 Mar
The door seems to resist, but finally, with the two of you pulling on it, it finally opens!
17 Mar
GRAIAN stops and listens, "Tobias do you hear a whispering? I can't make it out."
17 Mar
TOBIAS looks at Graian worriedly and brushes the hair back from his face. "Yes, I hear it! Is it the shadows coming back?"
17 Mar
With the opening of the door, the gathering darkness and silence that you were starting to feel, and the whispers, they all stop, as with a resigned sigh. As if the Athenum itself has given up on keeping you here. The stairs out beckon.
The discs disappear and both bodies fall to the floor with a soft "thump."
18 Mar
(Torches will last till end of Turn 22)
The bodies of Sir Flinigan and Christine lie on the floor. The door to the stairs leading out beckons. Your torches are dimming.
17 Mar
"Could you please carry them out now?" TOBIAS asks, looking at CALLIN and TAKASHI. He's still holding his lit lantern.
17 Mar
CALLIN puts away his hammer and shield. "Yes by the Light we can return them to their home." CALLIN will then pick up Sir Flinigan and make his way slowly up the stairs.
17 Mar
ATACIUS will lead the way upstairs short sword in hand.
17 Mar
TAKASHI will pick up Christine and follow CALLIN up the stairs.
18 Mar
After one last look back and a wistful thought of the magical knowledge being left behind, TOBIAS turns towards the exit and heads up the stairs.
18 Mar
Just as the torches dim to their last embers, you reach the top of the stairs. The wall in front of you shimmers and the door leading out opens soundlessly.
It is a misty rain that falls outside, and it appears it has been raining for awhile, as the ground is soft and slightly muddy. The horse( are calmly grazing under the watching eye of some of the larger blackbirds, but appear unharmed. The remains of your campfire and camp are undisturbed.
After a few minutes, the sky darkens a bit as Apsuna flies over to mount on the wall above where the door to Athenum is. She looks at each of you and then at the bodies.
"United... but in the Sky." she observes sadly and ruffles her feathers. "I mourn the passing of my friend and his beloved. Tell me the story."
19 Mar
TAKASHI will lay Christine's body down in the damp grass, arranging her so as to look dignified and at rest next to Sir Flinigan.
TAKASHI: "That place below is... filled with evil. Sir Flinigan led us to Christine, several levels below. There, she was trapped by three shadows that fed on her life essence." TAKASH shudders at the remberence, then continues. "We lept into the fray, and were able to banish them back to where they belonged, and in doing so, somehow managed to free Christine. With that, the years quickly caught up to her, and then she and Sir Flinigan perished in eachother's arms before our very eyes. While I mourn their passing, I can only hope to pass in such a manner - in a loved one's arms and after the fullness of time."
19 Mar
ATACIUS sniffs loudly while trying to rebuild the campfire.
21 Mar
GRAIAN; "There is much evil down there, I think we can no longer go back, Christine told us once we came out that was it. I hope it is the same for wahtever is lurking there and the way is forever sealed. Unfortunately I think there is also much down there from which we could learn." Pausing a moment "However, there some areas we can still get to."
21 Mar
TOBIAS helps to prepare the camp, tears sporadically falling from his eyes as he listens to the events retold. Occasionally, he glances back at Athenum.
21 Mar
Apsuna turns one eye to each who speaks, and after everyone is done, she dips her head and opens her broad wings.
"May they walk with the stars in the Sky. Flinigan was my friend and I shall miss him, but will fly with him when I take to the Sky for the last time." she croaks.
"What will you do now, friends? Are you finished here? Did you find the leaves that you sought?"
21 Mar
GRAIAN replies to Apsuna "Alas, no we can try again but first we must see to our friend and his beloved. There is also the village to consider, with Sir Flinigan gone we must make sure it continues to be protected against the evil that is around us."
22 Mar
CALLIN "As GRAIAN says, by the LIGHT we must lay our friends down in their village so they might be at peace forever. From there it is our duty to pick up the torch and protect this land as Sir Flinigan had. I truely hope that we can continue to have conversations in the future Apsuna. These talks inspire me to know that this world isn't quite as dark as some would think. And that if we are all good to one another we can truely live together without fear."
22 Mar
Apsuna ruffles her feathers and seems to nod.
"I understand." she croaks. "Tending to one's nest, or to the nest that has been given to one is a duty that must be performed. Know that you are well come here, friends, should you need to return to seek your leaves. And smaller, younger gifts are always well come!" Apsuna's beak drops open as if in laughter.
"Wind and Sky watch over you and lift you up." she says. She hops a short distance away and flaps her wings and takes to the sky. "I shall fly and be closer to my old friend now." she croaks and her flying form quickly sails up and into the rain clouds above you.
22 Mar
TOBIAS waves sadly at Apsuna as she begins to take off, then he brushes some hair back from his face to watch her for as long as he can before she disappears.
22 Mar
TAKASHI watches her fly away, and shakes his head sadly.
TAKASHI: "Come friends, let us return to the village and bring them the news."
23 Mar
CALLIN nods and starts packing things up to go.
23 Mar
Without the cow slowing you down, the trip back down the dirt path towards Appleton is much quicker. The light is just dimming (as it is has been cloudy and drizzling all day) as you reach the village.
The villagers come out of their homes or buildings and all react with shock and grief to see the bodies of Sir Flinigan and Christine on horses. You see several folks run to Flinigan's house and Enid emerges. She does not speak, but tears track down her face.
Several villagers follow you and walk over to stand next to Enid once you've arrived at Flinigan's rotting mansion. They watch you dismount wordlessly and wait.
23 Mar
TOBIAS walks slowly up the stairs to Enid, head down. When he reaches the top, he looks up once to try to face her, but drops his head again quickly lest he begin crying himself and not be able to speak. He says, "Sir Flinigan, he... he left you a message. He said," he pauses to swallow, then forces out the rest, tears welling in his eyes, "The sun and the angels rise in the east, to... to bring dawn to... a good day." His voice has been getting lower throughout, and those last few words are barely audible.
23 Mar
Enid stiffens and her face becomes more grave. She doesn't say a word for a moment, but tears trickle out of her cheek. She takes her apron and dabs at them brusquely, then nods at TOBIAS.
"Master Tobias, please come with me." she instructs. She uncharacteristically holds out her arms and hugs you.
She nods to the rest of the party and the villagers. "Please bring them inside and lie them on his bed together."
The four men and women move to your horses, ready to help you with the bodies.
23 Mar
CALLIN will assist in carrying Sir Flinigan to bring him to his bed.
23 Mar
... and TAKASHI will gently carry Christine's body inside to the bed she has missed for such a very long time.
23 Mar
TOBIAS looks back to look at his companions lifting Sir Flinigan & Christine, then turns back and nods to Enid. He follows where she leads.
24 Mar
GRAIAN follows his companions into the house and acknowledges Enids sadness with a nod, a sombre look on his face.
25 Mar
Enid points out the master bedroom for you all to lie the bodies down in.
She takes TOBIAS to the same sitting room where but yesterday, you sat with Sir Flinigan. She opens a small box and removes a key with a leather cord. She turns and hands it to TOBIAS.
"Master Tobias, Sir Flinigan's house and belongings are now yours. If you are willing, I will continue to stay on. Sir Flinigan paid me five gold crowns every tenday, but he also gained some income from the farms around here, which I understood paid for my services. If you are willing, I will stay on with that same arrangement."
"Now... if you'll excuse me a moment..." she turns and leaves, but you can see her shoulders quiver as she walks away.
The remainder of the day passes with villagers all coming to pay respects to Sir Flinigan and to talk to you about how he died and how Christine was found. They seek out CALLIN, as he bears the symbol of the Light, for comfort and two of the villagers who seem to be spokespersons (Marcus and Verna) ask if CALLIN will lead the village in prayer in the evening at sunset.
Food is brought, simple fare like yesterday's dinner, but the mood is quite different - somber, yet there is a peace among everyone, and even a bit of happiness for the end of the suffering of both of them. From what you are told, you piece together that Sir Flinigan would daily keep watch on the Athenum, and had tried many times to figure out how to rescue Christine. He had grown melancholy over the last couple of years, fearing he would die without rescuing her. The villagers all are very moved that you all came with him and fulfilled his dearest wish.
(CALLIN - I'll leave it to you to let me know how you'd like Sir Flinigan and Christine's remains to be dealt with and what the service would be like.)
(REST - let me know what you'd like to do over the next few days here in Appleton, to set things in order or to do what you'd like to do.)
26 Mar
TOBIAS is feeling a bit overwhelmed by all this, but he's going to do his best. First, he tries to comfort Enid. He tells her that he really needs her and that not only does he want her to stay, he wants to give her more gold each tenday than she had been getting, because he's going to need her help in learning how to do the things Sir Flinigan did to help the village.
Next, he'll make sure his new friends have a place to stay, and their horses taken care of. He'll speak with Callin and the others about the last rites - Sir Flinigan wanted his body to be taken to the Marshall for a soldier's funeral, but now there is Lady Christine to consider, as well. At any rate, we'll need to plan to travel to the keep to retrieve Sir Flinigan's will.
He'll also be trying to talk to the villagers, and see what all needs to be done to make sure they are protected from the bandits. And finally, he's going to try to see if he can start writing a smaller spell book for travelling with so he can leave his big main one locked away at the manor. It's heavy!
28 Mar
ATACIUS will look for GRAIAN to go searching the box Lady Christine mentioned is hidden behind the house.
28 Mar
GRAIAN will join ATACIUS in looking for the box, he is very interested in those scrolls....
28 Mar
CALLIN will spend the day getting prepared for the Sunset Prayer. He will do his best to clean his robes, and prepare the burial area. When sunset arrives CALLIN will lead the prayer. "Welcome All, thank you for coming to bless the passing of Sir Flinigan and Christine. Though I only knew them for a short time, their love for one another, and the drive and determination has surely left it's mark upon me. I can think of no better way for people to show the true power of the LIGHT! While their loss to the community will be painful, know that they moved on together, holding one another in their arms once again! True happiness to be sure! I was with them when they passed, and I can tell you that I felt the power of the LIGHT surging through them, blessing all those around them, and showing through their actions the true path of the LIGHT. So please do as Sir Flinigan and Christine have done. Love with all your Heart. Love your Wife, your Husband, your Neighbor and Friend. Be good to all that you meet, and be sure of your Faith in the LIGHT. Lead by Example and not words! And bow your head for those who have moved on to their next adventure together! May you be eternally in each others arms Sir Flinigan and Christine!"
CALLIN will pause to let the prayer sink in across the masses.
"Now please if anyone would like to come pay respects to Sir Flinigan and Christine, please approach. And if anyone needs consoling, or to speak with me, I will be here."
28 Mar
ONCE the prayers are finished and CALLIN has spoken with all that wish to talk/pray, he will find TOBAIS.
CALLIN: "TOBAIS, how are you holding up?"
28 Mar
TOBIAS is still dressed in fine clothes, but has switched to a more somber black attire. He pulls back his hair to address Callin: "Okay, I guess... thanks, Father Callin."
28 Mar
CALLIN: CALLIN Rests his hand on TOBIAS' shoulder "You have endured so much in such a short time. You are strong TOBIAS, let no one tell you any different! Sir Flinigan saw that man you will become in your soul, and I see it too. I imagine the town will look to you in his absence. It would be best to show them the man Sir Flinigan saw in you. Have Faith in yourself!" CALLIN pauses for a moment. "Speaking of the villagers... With the passing of Sir Flinigan, I am afraid there may be a void in the their lives without guidence in the Faith. If you would so allow it, I would like to use some of the land to make a place of worship to the Light. This will allow the villagers a place to find peace, and hope. A place where they might find answers if they are lost. Would you be OK with this TOBIAS?"
28 Mar
TOBIAS turns away, thinking; he stares out at nothing, as if seeing the new place of worship in his mind's eye. Then he turns back to Callin with a nod and says, "I think that's a good idea. It'll help people what are afraid or sad now that Sir Flinigan's... gone..." He frowns a bit and continues, "Thanks for saying I'm strong, but I don't really feel it... the worst thing is, I'm not really sad for him, he's with Lady Christine... I'm sad for ME. He was the only one what was ever good to me..." He stops talking, a single tear rolling down his cheek.
28 Mar
CALLIN: "Continuing in your work and doing what must be done is strength TOBIAS. As for the only one that was ever good to you. I am sorry that is how your life has been thus far. I can say this however....You now have a friend in me, and I will do whatever I can to help you. I will do my best to be good to you TOBIAS. And I am certain the rest of my friends will be there for you as well. Let us build on the friendship you had with Sir Flinigan. Let us continue that good will to one another. ......And let us do some further good for this town. I will begin assembling makeshift pews to prepare....." CALLIN pauses for a bit then continues. "Sometimes hard work has a way of clearing the mind, and putting things at ease. Would you like to lend me a hand?"
29 Mar
TOBIAS makes a face upon hearing the words "hard work" and says, "Well... I'm still not feeling great after what that shadow thing did to me... but I could go with you to talk while you make things, if you want."
29 Mar
CALLIN smiles at TOBIAS. "Of course!" and with that, CALLIN will head off to start preparing an area of worship.
28 Mar
TAKASHI will take some time to ride around Appleton and it's local surroundings, just to get a feel for the lands surrounding it. He will greet warmly any villager that he sees, and smile broadly.